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Valentina stood in the front hall of her new home, her bare feet on the cold tiles with her heels in her hand

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Valentina stood in the front hall of her new home, her bare feet on the cold tiles with her heels in her hand.

Caspers parents had presented them with a townhouse in london. It was similar to Grimmauld Place. Small looking from the outside, but when inside, you realised how long and winding the corridors really were. Valentina one day hoped to live in a house which was light, with lots of windows and a big garden in which she could spend her days.

Still, for now she had to settle.

Both her and Avery had spent hours at the reception, thanking people for coming and for their wedding gifts.  A few members of the press had been there and snapped pictures of the pure blood couple. Valentina was sure she'd see her face in the Daily Prophet the next day.  To hear people referring to her as Mrs Avery was strange. It would take some getting used to. She would repeat it in her head; Valentina Avery, Valentina Avery, Valentina Avery.

It didn't sound quite right but Casper was her husband now and she had to get used to it.

Her mother and father had promised to drop by tomorrow morning with the rest of her belongings.

Although her parents were hardly good parents, Valentina felt so alone in the cold house. She somewhat felt like a child who had been dropped off for the first day at nursery; apprehensive and anxious at the new change, her parents and brother far away.

"What do you think?" Casper asked, placing his hands on her shoulders affectionately, "There's not many house elves yet, but enough. We will see to getting more"

"It's nice" Valentina replied, "Though I think it needs some more decorating"

Casper shook his head, "I think there is enough"

The walls were decorated with portraits of ancient members from the Avery family and the wall paper was dark shades such as pine green and black whilst the floor titles were black and white checkered. Valentina hated it.

She dropped her heels down beside her new front door and made her way to the kitchen. She counted three house elves, each of them scuttled off as they saw her enter. Searching through all the cupboards she looked for a vase. She couldn't find any, instead she got a jug, filling it with water and placing her wedding bouquet into it, putting it on the centre of the kitchen table.

She took a few steps back, her hands on her hips, tilting her head, looking at them.

They didn't do much but they added a little bit of colour.

Casper walked up behind her placing a kiss behind her ear, his hands draped around her waist.

Valentina closed her eyes in despair. She'd forgotten for a second that tonight was her wedding night.

From the point Caspers hands wandered around her hips, to the point he was guiding her up the stairs, to the point her wedding dress was piled on the floor, to the point his hands wondered further under the covers of their new bed; valentina constantly reminded herself why she was there.

To bare Children for Avery was her purpose.

So when his kisses felt almost unbearable and when his touch made her want to wriggle away, she told herself to be strong. She had to be strong and she had to do it for herself. She had to remind herself that if she wasn't in this situation, she would be in a much much worse one.

Valentina ached to be in Sirius arms. To just feel the comfort he brought her. To just lay there together silently, skin together to know the other was there.
But as Avery's body moved above her, she reminded herself she was a married woman and she remembered her vows.

Casper was her family now and she had to act like it. Soon they'd create their own family and Valentina would then have to grow up.

Thoughts of Sirius was constantly in her mind, she wasn't too shocked about that, it was a sort of given. It wasn't those thoughts that confused her. Valentina frustrated herself. She knew what her priorities should be and what her life would entail now but she couldn't help herself from her thoughts of the Diadem.

No matter how hard she tried, no matter how strongly she attempted to block it out, her mind always wondered in moments of silence and peace to the Diadem.

Why the diadem took so much room in her mind, Valentina couldn't say, but the mere curiosity of why she couldn't destroy it seemed to get the better of her.


sorry this is short and a bit shitty. Worked has kicked my arse all weekend and I feel so ill.

Anyways, love you

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