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The air had turned warm as spring had turned to summer and the sun beat down from the clear sky

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The air had turned warm as spring had turned to summer and the sun beat down from the clear sky.

Valentina laid her robe on the grass underneath a tree near the black lake, sitting upon it, her shirt sleeves rolled up. She closed her eyes savouring the warmth on her bare legs which were crossed together. In front of her laid a book which she had been quite intrigued about. She had spotted it in the library and hoped it would help her to understand why she had been unable to destroy the diadem.

So far she hadn't had any luck.

The things in which the book mentioned sounded nothing like the diadem. It spoke about how an object may be tough, but after strenuous work would eventually show signs of deterioration.

Valentina had gone back to the Diadem several times and just could not figure it out.

It looked just as perfect as it did the day she found it.

She closed her eyes and breathed in the air.
Towards the other side of the lake she could hear a familiar laugh. James, Remus, Peter and Sirius all lounged on the other side of the lake joking and laughing along with who seemed to be Lily and Lily's Gryffindor girl friends.

Valentina couldn't help but watch from her place.

She wondered what it would be like to ever have friends like that.

She had friends. But she didn't really have friends.

In Bulgaria she enjoyed their company and didn't think much of her relationship with the other students but thinking about it now, she imagined that she'd absolutely detest them if she were to go back.

She picked up her book again sighing, moving onto the next page.

Sirius had noticed a girl on the other side of the lake, sat under a great tree, a large book on her knees.

From the way she was sat, to the shape of her figure, to the depth of the colour of her hair, he knew it was Valentina. He drifted off from conversation, studying her from a distance.

Sirius thought she looked peaceful but lonely.

Like she was content, but deep inside there was a brewing deep longing for a connection.

She looked beautiful as she scrunched her nose, rolling her eyes in annoyance as she turned another page. But Sirius thought she always looked beautiful.

He smiled to himself witnessing her annoyance and the expressions which crept onto her face.
Valentina always had a special way of making Sirius smile or laugh without even trying to.

James placed a hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of his stare.

"You alright mate?" he asked

Sirius nodded, "I'll just be right back"

Valentina hadn't even noticed anyone had approached her until she suddenly started to feel slightly cold.
A shadow blocked the sun that was beating down onto her legs.

She looked up curiously and snapped her book shut.

Sirius smirked down at her.

"Can I sit?" he asked, already taking a seat next to her, his back also leaning on the trunk of tree

"Looks like you are already" she said, sliding her book under her robe, unwilling for Sirius to be asking questions about it

Sirius laughed and bumped her shoulder, "Is everything alright?" he asked genuinely

"Of course, why wouldn't it be" she said passingly

Sirius shrugged, picking a blade of grass and ripping it up, "You just looked fairly lonely, where's Avery? or cordelia?""

"Inside" Valentina replied

Sirius didn't know what to respond with. They sat in a silence for a few moments, though it wasn't uncomfortable.

"You didn't get any grief over easter did you?" Sirius asked worriedly, knowing far too well what life for Valentina back home can be like.

She smiled sweetly up to him with big eyes and Sirius just wanted to wrap her in his arms and kiss her until he couldn't breath.

But he couldn't.

"Sirius! I'm fine!" she laughed shaking her head, "You need to stop worrying about me"

Sirius held his hands up in surrender, "I just want to make sure my favourite person is alright, merlin forbid!"

Valentina laughed again and Sirius realised how much he'd missed her laugh

"Don't worry" she reassured, "I'm not lonely and I am perfectly fine"

Valentina knew it was a lie but couldn't admit that she was in fact feeling extremely alone.

"Good" Sirius said, lounging his arm around her shoulders casually and affectionately

He felt her body react.

"Sirius, what are you doing?"

He immediately retracted his arm, "Sorry it just felt right" he shrugged, "Habit I guess. I'm sorry I forgot people are around"

"Don't worry it's okay" she reassured, "I know how it feels when something feels natural but you have to fight it"

Sirius was glad they were on the same page. But it infuriated him.

They both wanted to be together. It was natural and fun and easy.

But they couldn't. The most they could ever be now was secret friends.

Sirius had come to understand that.

"If you'd like you can come and spend the afternoon with us" Sirius offered, hesitantly rubbing his thumb across Valentina's hand, which rested on the grass, reassuringly.

Valentina so badly wanted to have a group of friends like Sirius had but she wasn't like them. She wasn't meant to be there.

she shook her head, "That's alright. I think I may just stay here for a little bit longer then maybe pack up and have a nap" she shrugged

"That's fine"

Sirius looked slighting disappointed but he understood why not.

He was about to turn and leave when he asked, "Have you found it"

Valentina's eyes widened.

"no" she lied

Sirius couldn't know that she'd found it and not instantly destroyed it. He'd hate her for it.

"Close though" she smiled forcefully

Sirius smiled back easily, "I knew you could do it. See you around Val. Take care of yourself yeah?"

Valentina nodded in reply, "See you later Sirius"

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