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"And how exactly do you plan to do that?" Sirius asked, a little more intrigued, "without getting yourself or myself for that matter, killed?"

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"And how exactly do you plan to do that?" Sirius asked, a little more intrigued, "without getting yourself or myself for that matter, killed?"

"I've not gotten that far yet" Valentina admitted lowering her voice, "I just need to find it and destroy it before he finds it"

Sirius rolled his eyes under his breath

" and why do you need my help?" Sirius looked at her suspiciously

"Your friends and yourself seem to sneak around the castle quite a bit, am i right?"

"you could say that" Sirius replied, unable to not brag about his mischief making

"And i figured you'd be the most likely to help me, given your family and whatnot"

Sirius jaw clenched, it looked sharp and angular.

"Don't bring my family up"

Valentina held her hands up in surrender, "Just...think about it", she said turning around to head out of the bathroom

"Karkaroff wait!"

Valentina spun around, hoping to hide her small smile of triumph

"fine, I'll help you. But not because I like you, in fact, I seriously dislike you, but I dislike my mother and voldemort more"

Valentina nodded, "meet me in the library at 12pm on Wednesday, make sure no one sees you"

With that valentina walked out into the corridor, glancing left and right to make sure James or peter hadn't come back to see where sirius had gone to, and tried to casually blend in with the stream of students flowing both ways

In valentina's free period she made her way up to the  dorm. Violetta and Cordelia were out either in lessons, the library or with other friends around the castle.

Valentina couldn't believe how easy it was to convince Sirius, she'd expected a little more resistance, she even expected a minor hex when she first told him what they needed to do, but it seemed Sirius' hate for his family and the values of the dark lord were enough to convince him alone.

But she was proud of herself, proud of how she'd manage to lie straight to the boys face without even a flicker of doubt in her eyes.

Valentina was not going to betray the Dark Lord at all.

All she needed was help from a master of mischief to help her find it.

Though she'd have to be careful. If Sirius ever caught onto her plan and decided to tell Professor Dumbledore Valentina would be as good as dead.

She had to find it for The Dark Lord, for her family. Her mother and Father were counting on her, and her brother, as good as useless. If she didn't find it, she feared what they'd do.

Cordelia walked into the room alone, a pile of textbooks in her arms, which she threw down on the armchair in the corner of the dorm.

She looked for a second at Valentina

"Come here" she said, pulling out a chair to the girls dressing table, watching valentina cross the room and sit down infront of the mirror, "Your hair needs a good brush and styling" she said disapprovingly, running her hands through Valentina's hair

"Oh, don't even get me started" Valentina shook her head, "It's been terribly luggy since arriving"

"That's the scottish weather and water for you" Cordelia sighed, "welcome to Hogwarts"

"I can't say i'm impressed" Valentina commented negatively

"I don't blame you" Cordelia smiled. It wasn't really a smile, not a proper one. It was strained and tight. Valentina had never seen Cordelia smile, then again Cordelia had never seen Valentina smile. "What you need is a good hair potion. This is the best one, though I despise using and buying it, still, it's the best current one on the market" She said pulling it out from her desk

"Sleek easy Hair potion" Valentina read, turning the bottle to look at the label, "By Fleamont Potter"

Valentina now understood what Cordelia meant about not wanting to buy it, "Potter? as in James potter?"

"unfortunately so" Cordelia sighed, "Though i guess a beauty pays a price. A couple drops of this stuff and your hair will be so sleeky and shiny you'd be able to see your reflection.

Trouble~ Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now