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Valentina, Cordelia, Violetta and Avery all walked towards Potions

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Valentina, Cordelia, Violetta and Avery all walked towards Potions.

Valentina was getting increasingly annoyed by Avery constant presence. Sure, they were betrothed but it didn't mean he had to hang around like a bad smell.

It was a relief to reach the dungeons and enter the potions classrooms.

She sighed a breath of relief as she took her seat at the back of the class, hanging her bag on the back of her hair and pulling out her belongings from it placing it onto the table.

Sirius had sauntered in with the other Gryffindor boys and took his seat next to Valentina.

"I need to talk to you as soon as possible" Valentina whispered

"Oh yeah, I had a good break. Thanks for asking Karkaroff. How was your break?" Sirius said sarcastically

"I think you fully well know how my break was Black" she rolled her eyes, pointing to the Daily Prophet rolled up in his bag.

"You're not completely head over heels with Avery?!Oh Karkaroff that has come as such a shock. who would have guess that aye?" He sung smirking

Professor Slughorn had started talking to the class making the two of them whisper over him.

Valentina shook her head in irritation,"I see you've been keeping tabs on me"

"oh please" Sirius scoffed, "Reading the prophet is hardly stalking you"

Valentina just hummed, tapping her shoe on stone floor.

She had been anxious ever since she had left Hogwarts for the October break.

"Anyway, what did you want to talk about?" Sirius asked, watching her shoes tap against the floor. He moved his leg to touch hers under the desk, their thighs touching, to stop her tapping them on the floor, "it's annoying" he explained.

"We need to meet up, and we need a plan" Valentina ignored him

Sirius looked at Valentina deeply, "why are you in such a rush to find this thing all of a sudden? what happened over the break?"

"no, no" Valentina replied slightly frantically, it was hard to detect but Sirius caught it. "I just think better now than never right? Then we can get back to our separate lives hating each other again"

Sirius laughed, "Suit yourself"

"Tomorrow at midnight? in the library?" she asked in a whisper

"Ah, tomorrow is fully booked?"

Valentina looked at him with a blank face, "you're fully booked at midnight tomorrow? really?"

"it's full moon tomorrow" Sirius explained

Valentina's face formed an oh

"How about tonight?"

"ahh, can't do that either"

"well why not?"

"well there's this girl that I have had my eye on for a while and I think tonight is-"

"You are absolutely disgusting, you know that" Valentina said pulling a face at him

"I'm just pulling your leg" Sirius smirked "Tonight is good"

"Don't let anyone see you" Valentina stressed, "Please. If anyone sees you, don't come"

Sirius waved her off, "I've got it, trust me"

Valentina laughed to herself in amusement. Trust Sirius Black.

He must be joking.

Still, she didn't have much choice.

For the rest of the potions class the pair got on with their work in silence, not discussing the matter further.
Valentina had spotted Avery a few times glancing over to her and Sirius, the look on his face indicating that he was frustrated for some reason. Perhaps he saw them talking.

Valentina sighed to herself, she knew she would have to smooth it over later on.

She looked down at her potion which was bubbling. It wasn't too bad compared to some of the other class members potions. Not near as bad as Sirius' who was just messing around with James the entire time but not near as good as Severus and Lily Evans' which looked exceptionally good. Slughorn had praised them endlessly and had awarded them each several house points.

It was Defence next and the lesson had come to a close. Sirius had ran off to find James and Valentina was packing up her things while Cordelia and Violetta waited for her.

The three girls walked down the corridor together to their next lesson.

"I'm surprised Avery isn't walking with us, he didn't wait for you. Recently he's been like a fly on shit" Cordelia laughed

"A really charming analogy delia" Valentina said sarcastically, "I love being compared to shit"

Cordelia just smiled.

"It because he's pissed" Valentina explained

"Why?" Violetta asked

"Saw Black and myself talking" Valentina shrugged

"About what?" Cordelia asked her interestedly, distrusting.

"The usual, just arguing" Valentina replied, "you know how insufferable they all are"

"tell me about it, it's typical" she seemed to be satisfied with Valentina's answer.

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