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Valentina sat on her bed, the vial of amortentia in her hand, tilting it back and forth and watching the pink liquid fall from one end to the other

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Valentina sat on her bed, the vial of amortentia in her hand, tilting it back and forth and watching the pink liquid fall from one end to the other.

The door burst open as cordelia and Violetta stormed through the door.

Valentina quickly hid the vial under her mattress.

"They are absolutely disgusting" Cordelia spat, sitting down on her bunk, taking her shoes off and laying on her bed

"Who" valentina asked

"Gryffindors" Violetta replied for Cordelia

Valentina rolled her eyes, "what has happened?"

"It's that bloody potter again" Cordelia seethed, "another of their stupid pranks on Avery, Mulciber, Snape and Rosier. I've got red paint on my brand new shoes!"

Valentina had to stop herself showing her lack of interest or worry.

"scourgify" Valentina muttered uninterestedly, flicking her wand making the red paint vanish from Cordelia's black painted shoes.

Cordelia didn't say thank you but Valentina could see her content on her face as she moved to the window and fixed her hair.

"Valentina, you need to come to the quidditch match this evening. The boys are playing Gryffindor and we will get our sweet revenge" Violetta said, pulling out her trunk from underneath her bed and changing into a different pair of shoes, the pair  more expensive than the previous.

"Oh yes" Cordelia agreed, "I can't wait to see their faces when they get absolutely thrashed"

The October air was cold and a frost had covered the grass spanning the hogwarts grounds and a faint mist hung over the hills.

Valentina placed her long black hair over her ears in an attempt to warm them up as she had left her hat in her dorm and wrapped her green slytherin tighter around her neck.

Valentina, Cordelia, Violetta and Severus all took a seat next to regulus.

He and Valentina smiled to each other.

Regulus looked tired and pale.

Valentina leaned over, still looking forward to the quidditch pitch, making it discrete when she whispered, "how are things at home?"

Regulus glanced to her out of the corner of his eye, "We will see when we go back for October half-term. But from the letters i've received, they've been on the move, carrying out tasks"

Valentina still remained looking forward to the stand opposite, "We shall see when we return home"

Regulus hummed in agreement.

The crowds cheered as the two teams walked out from under the stands and readied themselves.

A sea of red and green flags and scarves waved as the two teams soared into the sky

The match had kicked off and so far it had been a brutally violent one. The Slytherins showed no mercy in defending their goal posts, sending bludgers hurtling at the Gryffindor chases.

Valentina watched Rosier, Avery and mulciber make some brutal attacks making some of the students around her flinch.

But Valentina was unlike the other students around her. She showed no emotion, not cheering, not booing, just watching intently.

She could only imagine what her mother would say if she saw her acting in that way, like everyone else.

Because they weren't everyone else.

Her family was special. They are Karkaroffs.

But there was something she could not move shift her attention from.

Sirius Black flew around the pitch at speed, his lean but strong body straining against his clothes and his dark hair ruffling in the wind. Sirius was pretty, but not in the stereotypical kind. His face was pale and gaunt like but it forever held a smirk and in his eyes it held a dance. He was chiseled and his eyes were a pale blue, almost a grey.

Valentina could tell he was getting frustrated with the  Slytherins dirty play as he cursed at them when they crashed into one of the Gryffindors chasers. In anger Sirius launched a buldger flying forward, straight into the unsuspecting Avery who had hardly no time to avoid it.

A horrible crack sounded followed by Avery scream of pain as he fell off his broom and hurtled towards the floor before being caught and slowly lowered towards the ground.

Even Valentina winced at the sound of Averys bones breaking.

Sirius was issued a foul and went walking off the pitch muttering to himself in anger while the Slytherin stands laughed and cheered.

A smile pulled at the corner of Valentina's red painted lips.

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