Chapter Forty Seven: Puppet Arts

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"I hope you find that everything is to your liking." Gaara nodded as he led them to their temporary home. His eyes were trained on Naruto, however, signaling the blond to follow him back to the Palace, or possibly somewhere else they could converse alone. "I suggest that you both rest up for the next few days and we can recoup some time next week to discuss our next course of action."

Hinata smiled and bowed to him slightly, her posture straightening as her hand rested on the shōji panels for a second before she began opening the door. "We really do appreciate your hospitality." She saw Sasuke nod in agreement at her side and decided to continue. "We don't want to cause any future troubles, so the Fire Country will be indebted to you if the operation is a success."

Gaara waved at her dismissively, his mouth nothing but a thin line as his eyes crinkled ever so slightly to indicate what she assumed was an attempt at a smile. "That's quite alright, Lady Uchiha. I would like to think of it as returning a favour from the last time the Fire Country had come to my rescue. I will leave you two be."

Naruto itched his cheek as he raised his hand in a mock solute. "I will be back later, don't bother waiting for me, I just have some things to settle with Gaara." He didn't wait for a response from the two as he turned on his heel and followed the redhead.

Hinata's shoulders relaxed ever so slightly as she let out a sigh and opened the door finally. She barely took one step inside before Sasuke's hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her back slightly. She stared at his fingers and back at him, her eyebrow raised to ask a silent question. They stood that way for a few seconds, his eyes searching her own as a quiet conversation was held before he let her go and nodded. Blinking owlishly, she smiled and walked into the house.

Neji sat on a window's ledge, his head leaning back against the wall as he listened to the newcomers. "How'd it go?" He barely turned to face them, a habit he had yet to break since he lost his vision.

"Better than expected." Sasuke answered as he glanced into the kitchen where Jūgo was busy getting dinner ready.

"So?" Neji got up from where he sat.

"Suna will aid us in confronting my brother." He said so in a hushed voice as he covered the long distance between Neji and himself. He did not want Hinata hearing the contents of their conversation, they had yet to tell her about the real plan, and frankly, they weren't sure they ever would. "You will be staying here with Hinata, as agreed."

Both of them glanced at her—more so; Sasuke watched her but Neji's habit of looking in the direction of Hinata's voice was ever prevalent—who was busy aiding Jūgo despite the buff man's efforts to have her sit down and wait.

"Understood. When will you be moving into phase two?"

"Gaara suggests that we rest for a few days but I'm assuming that Naruto is taking the opportunity to fully inform him while I'm here. I..." Sasuke stopped and his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to find the right words. "It's safe to assume that around this time next week, I will be marching to the borders of the Fire Country, and the walls of the Palace to confront my brother and avenge my father."

Neji nodded in understanding, "can I also assume that you will try to spend time with Lady Hinata so she does not get suspicious?"

He shook his head, "she's perceptive, she'd know something is really up beyond the first contingency of our plans if I suddenly start such a thing especially with her knowledge about my tense relationship with my brother. We will continue as normal, nothing more, nothing less. I want to calm her nerves and make sure that she's not worrying about me or anyone for that matter." She has done so more times than he could count.

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