Chapter Thirteen: Unwavered

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Sakura quietly snuck out of her room at the crack of dawn, she wasn't the one to do such a thing but today she wanted to go to the marketplace just as the shops were about to open. Besides that, she wanted to take another glimpse at the Royal Guards who would be returning to the Palace; or travelling to another village in hopes of finding who they were searching for.

She crept past her sister's door, pausing for just a moment to listen. Expecting Hinata to pop out of nowhere like she usually does, she was a little disappointed when all she heard was complete silence. She tried not to bother her too much, ever since that day she returned home with tears in her eyes, she had been on edge. Sakura was usually very nosy about any and everything, especially when it had to do with her younger sister, but she understood the quiet request to be left alone that she received.

"Stay safe." Hinata's voice came from inside, a little muffled but audible.

Mumbling under her breath, wondering how she knew she was outside, Sakura nodded to herself and quickly walked across the courtyard before the maids could appear. Slipping past the closed gates, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding the moment she was away from prying eyes.

Well, as away as she could be. She just hoped Nyoko didn't see her. That woman was awfully strict, not towards her, but it scared her nonetheless. Every time Sakura found herself in her mother's presence, Nyoko would be there sharing her findings about Hinata's rendezvous with Yuriko. Part of her was curious to know if she reported back to her mother just the same whenever she left the compound alone.

Unlike Hinata, Sakura never bothered to bring anyone along with her unless it was Ino. Speaking of the blond woman, it had been a while since they spoke. Apparently the Yamanaka Clan saw to it that they travel for a while, so Sakura had no choice but to send letters to her best friend in hopes of her receiving them.

The marketplace wasn't as active in the morning as she had thought it to be. Shopkeepers were just beginning to set up their things; turning off the lanterns they left on during the night and pulling up banners. It was nice to see how they were moving with such vigour, clearly understanding a silent decree to be prepared before everyone else was awake.

Bowing and mumbling multiple greetings as she made her way to the tavern, Sakura kept looking around in hopes to catch a glimpse of the men she was searching for. Frowning ever so slightly, she turned a corner and her hand immediately flew up to cover her hurting nose.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking at where I was going." She closed her eyes and hissed in pain.

"I wasn't either."

In front of her stood one of the Royal Guards she had spoken to; the one she was looking for specifically. Gone was his mask and other protective gear; it was replaced with a simple yukata that complimented his tan skin and blond hair greatly. Stunned into silence, she blushed and avoided his piercing gaze.

"You're that guard." She stuttered, her hands falling to her sides as she clutched the fabric of her kimono to stop herself from fiddling with her hair.

"Ah, you're the daughter of Haruno Kizashi." He smiled, "please forgive me, I forgot your name." He itched his cheek.

The cute habit of his made her blush deepen, effectively making it match the bright pink of her hair. "It's Sakura."

"Pleasure to meet you again, Sakura." He bowed. "I don't think I'm allowed to tell you my name but I suppose there's no harm to it if you keep it a secret."

"I remember your last name." She perked up.

"You do?" He stared at her amusingly, waiting for her response.

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