Chapter Twenty: Bets

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The following morning, Hinata had found herself walking around the Palace with no specific place in mind. The happenings of the night still echoed in her head, and she had plans to practically avoid the man responsible for her dilemma for a while until she could figure herself out.

A maid followed her diligently, not saying a word unless she was addressed. Hinata missed Yuriko at that moment; even if the woman hated to pry too often, she would at least know when Hinata had a lot on her mind. A frown replaced her indifferent look for just a second as she looked back at the woman who followed her.

"Is something the matter?" The young maid stuttered, her eyes avoiding Hinata's eyes in fear of angering her.

She reminded the Hyūga woman of her younger, shy self. Of course she had lost her stutter after years of having it as the topic of scrutiny from her clansmen. The short memory wasn't exactly pleasant.

"No." Her voice was harsher than she intended. The way the maid flinched made her close her eyes and take a breath. "I've just been thinking, I'm sorry if I've been unpleasant to be around."

"That's okay, Lady Haruno! You don't have to apologize."

"It's Hinata."

"Excuse me?" The maid blinked, her orange eyes looking dazed. A distinct feature besides her seafoam coloured hair.

"You can call me 'Hinata', I much prefer it if you do." Hinata turned around and continued walking.

"Oh! I'm Fū." She smiled nervously, her head bowed as she followed Hinata again.

"Nice to meet you, Fū."

"Likewise, Lady Hinata." There was a bounce in her step all of a sudden, as if the now warm atmosphere around Hinata allowed her to relax somewhat. Though, she did not speak up again until she realized that they've walked around the same area for the third time that morning. "Uh...Lady Hinata?"

She raised her eyebrow, beckoning the girl forward so she was walking at her side. "What is it?"

"May I propose that we go to the library if you would like a quiet place to be alone and think?" A faint blush dusted her cheeks, her eyes averted. The proposal sounded rather brash coming from her as a maid, and she didn't quite know if it would upset the woman she barely knew.

"Would you like to take a break?" Hinata looked at her.

"Of course not, Lady Hinata! It was simply a suggestion, I didn't mean to imply something so outlandish." She hiccuped.

Hinata laughed. "I did not say that, Fū, I simply asked if you'd like to take a break and join me."

"I..If that is okay." Her voice trailed off.

"Lead the way then."

Fū bowed and walked just a few paces in front of Hinata as she led the way to the library that overlooked the wisteria tree. On the way there, the Hyūga woman couldn't help but observe how everything ran. Everyone was aware of their tasks and were determined to finish it for the day. Although she wasn't one to be privy, she was curious about the blocked off paths and rooms they came across.

They walked up several stairs before they arrived at a large set of double doors. Hinata has seen rather large libraries before; her clan has one of the greatest ones across the Elemental Nations, something many coveted, but this was miles better. Rows of bookshelves were filled with scrolls and books that most likely covered countless topics and held a thousand stories. There were sections where one could sit down; whether that was by the window, on the balcony or simply at the entrance of the library.

"I take it that you're one for books, Lady Hinata." Fū watched as her eyes scanned the room with pure fascination. Of all the other Noble Women that she has had the [dis]pleasure of meeting, Hinata was very different.

日向導 - A Hyūga's GuideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora