Chapter 22 : Loud and Clear

Start from the beginning

His eyes were narrowed, filled with desire and lust, and a tiny grin made his face show his craving, I turned around holding a foundation sponge in my hand, with a little mix of foundation on the back of my other hand, and looked at him with arched eyebrows, "What?" I asked.

He stared at me, like I was a plate of fresh homemade muffins, his eyes scanning me from head to toe, he had a smirk on his lips making him look triumphant. As he lifted his hand to his face and wiped the corners of his mouth, he walked towards me, when he was a foot away from me, he mumbled " Can't I look at my girl!?" 

"Oh, I suppose you're right! It's just that, well, it's a bit unfamiliar to me!" I exclaimed, my voice trembling slightly with a mix of uncertainty and excitement. I shifted my gaze back to the mirror, my hands delicately gliding over my face as I began to carefully apply makeup.

In an instant, he closed the gap between us, enveloping me in his embrace as his arm encircled my waist. The sensation of his touch sent a shiver down my spine, catching me off guard. Leaning in, he pressed his lips against my shoulder, leaving a trail of kisses along my neck. Playfully, I warned him about leaving a hickey, to which he responded with a mischievous smirk. "Fear not," he whispered, "Unless you want to get my lips occupied with something else." And with that, he continued to shower the back of my neck with tender kisses, igniting a delightful sensation within me.

"Darling, I really need some time to focus on my makeup," I pleaded, my voice filled with desperation. However, he continued to pepper my face with soft kisses, his lips grazing my ear and playfully nibbling on my earlobe. The sensation sent shivers down my spine, causing a wave of goosebumps to ripple across my entire body. It was so intense that it momentarily stole my breath away, forcing me to take a deep, calming breath to regain my composure.

"Darling, perhaps it's not the right time," I whispered gently, my hand tenderly resting on his, my thumb tracing delicate circles. Our eyes met in the mirror, and I wore a determined expression, hoping that my serious gaze would sway his decision.

As our eyes locked in the reflection of the mirror, he uttered those words that never failed to ignite a spark within me, "With you, timing is always perfect." Our gazes were heavy with desire, a magnetic pull drawing us closer. At that moment, he broke the connection, inhaling my fragrance. His voice, barely above a whisper, confessed his deepest longing, "I crave you, Rose!" he said, then paused, as he inhaled the scent on the other side of my neck, and in a hushed tone, barely audible, he confessed, "I want you! you are all I desire!"

Throughout my stay under his roof, we spent most of our time engaging in conversations, watching movies and TV shows, and enjoying moments of cuddling. However, despite the intimate atmosphere, the spicy and steamy aspects of our relationship never came to the surface. It was only now, for the first time, that he made a move on me, adding a new layer of excitement to our connection.

However, it appears that he is experiencing a great deal of stress today, and when you consider the usual needs that have been building up, it does seem understandable. Nevertheless, this perspective is flawed. I am not inclined to focus on our own desires or basic physical needs. This is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion, as it is his father's funeral. Moreover, it's important to note that his father's body has not yet been laid to rest. It is currently at the morgue, undergoing an autopsy. Sam intends to wait until his father's remains are returned so that he can arrange a dignified and proper burial for him.

Sam went a little further than we should have, he slid his hands under my thin top, caressing every inch he could lay his hands on, tenderly and gently. I put down my makeup brush and swiftly turned around to face him, his gaze was fixated on my lips then my eyes for a second. "You're amazing, and I can't imagine myself not wanting and needing you," He went for my lips, devoured them and I pushed my tongue in, which he liked apparently since he went crazy, his lips were a bit rougher, the kiss got deeper and steamier. 

Sam and I ventured beyond the boundaries of what we should have done. His hands slid under my thin top, exploring every inch of my body with a tender and gentle touch. 

Startled, I set aside my makeup brush and swiftly turned to face him. His gaze was fixated on my lips, then briefly shifted to my eyes. At that moment, he confessed, "You're incredible, and I can't fathom a life without wanting and needing you." 

Without hesitation, he leaned in, capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. As our tongues intertwined, he responded eagerly, igniting a fiery passion within us both. The kiss grew more intense and filled with desire. 

His hands followed the lead of our mouths, exploring deeper with each caress, increasing in speed and intensity. My skin, ever receptive, registered the heightened sensations. 

 His fingers slithered beneath the fabric of my underwear, finding their way to my intimate parts. As he began to touch me, a conflicting desire arose within me. It wasn't because I found his touch repulsive; quite the opposite, in fact. I was consumed by a burning desire, craving him with an insatiable hunger.

 Yet, I hesitated. I didn't want him to seek solace in the wrong way, using sex as a way to cope. It would be akin to emotional binge eating, and I wanted more for him than that. I need him to have a healthy mourning, and venting this way isn't gonna let it happen.

So, I halted kissing him and whispered softly "Sam, please stop!", he wasn't responsive at Initially, but he complied upon my second plea, his face filled with bewilderment.

" I—I believe we should postpone this for another time," I attempted to erase the perplexity on his face but my efforts were in vain. "But— Why?" he asked, shaking his head, raising his eyebrows, as though, I asked for something utterly absurd, but I'd already told him, now is not the right time.

"I understand that today holds a great importance day, and I can see that you're feeling stressed," I gently expressed my concern, my voice filled with empathy. " But I don't want you to vent out through intimacy, I want you present, I NEED you to be present, all of you," I whispered softly, reaching out to touch his cheek in a tender caress. To my surprise, his eyebrows remained furrowed, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and disappointment.

His eyebrows remained furrowed, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and disappointment. Without uttering a word, he abruptly stormed out of the bathroom, walking towards his bedroom. "I can't help but feel that you don't want me as much as I want you," he muttered, his words laced with bitterness, expressing his frustration.

I trailed behind him, taking quick steps, until I reached out and firmly grasped his arm. However, my grip wasn't as strong as I had hoped, as his arm was too large to securely hold. I turned him around to face me. His eyes conveyed a mix of sadness, disappointment, and a hint of anger.

Without hesitation, I leaped onto him, wrapped my legs around his waist, and placed my arms on his shoulders. We both fell on the bed. As I was on top of him, I declared: "I desire you more than you can fathom, Lord Commander!" I tried to examine his face, which looked a bit surprised and less disappointed and had a crooked smile, expressing triumph. I took his lips by and kissed him,  hoping that this kiss wouldn't bring our unfinished business to the finish line.

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