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Thank you for helping me. I don't know how to protest against him.

"Come with me. When I go back home, come with me. I'll arrange a shelter for you and a job too."

"Seriously?" Hoseok looks at him.

"Yes, you don't have anyone here. Why are you staying here? Just come with me; you'll be safe in my home." Hoseok looks at him and bursts into tears.

"You can cry; it's your right, but please turn the volume low. If someone hears this, they'll misunderstand me. Please." Hoseok covers his mouth.

"Here," Joon throws a pair of pants and a shirt to the boy. "Freshen up. Then we can eat. I'm hungry. The washroom is over there." Hobi nods his head and walks to the washroom.


"When I realized that the man's love wasn't normal, I moved out to my parents' home. Sometimes he'd come, and I'd escape to the forest.

Let's forget all that and create new memories together," Joon said, touching the boy's hand.

"Is that your violin?" Hobi asked.

"Yes, Jinni gifted it to me on my last birthday," Joon replied, handing the violin to him.

"Wow, I've always wanted to learn instruments, but..." Hobi trailed off, touching the violin strings. "Do you play?" he asked, looking at Joon.

Come... Here I will teach you... Come... He made the boy stands before the mirror... The position of a violin is typically held under the player's chin and against the left shoulder. The left hand supports the neck of the violin, while the right hand holds the bow. The player uses the chin and shoulder rest to help support the instrument and maintain proper posture while playing..... Joon whispers to the boy...

Grip the bow with your right hand, using all your fingers. Keep a relaxed but controlled grip.The violin has four strings, usually tuned to G, D, A, and E. Get familiar with the names and pitches of each string.Place the bow on the strings, starting with simple open string strokes.Experiment with the pressure and speed of the bow to produce different tones.Learn to place your fingers on the fingerboard to produce different notes.Use tapes or markers on the fingerboard to guide finger placement initial...I will teach you... They were really close... Suddenly Hoseok turn towards him...

"What?" Joon asked. "Don't you want to learn?"

"No, it's..." Hobi hesitated, looking at him. "Why are you helping me? Do you expect anything from me?"

"Yes," Joon replied.

"What?" Hobi questioned.

"You," Joon said, staring at him. "Can I get that?"

"You always get what you want," Hoseok whispered back, staring at him. Joon gently placed the violin on the table, cupped the boy's face, and softly kissed his lips.

"Do you know how beautiful you are? I fell for you from our first meeting," Joon confessed, pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss. Their lips met in a blend of urgency and tenderness. Hoseok playfully slapped Joon's shoulder when he felt out of breath.

"Trying to kill me?" he asked, catching his breath, a smile playing on his lips.

"You're so weak. How are you going to beat me?" Joon nodded his head.

"Beat?" Hoseok frowned.

"Come, I'll show you," Joon said, carrying the boy to the bed.

"Can I?" Joon asked him.

He smiled. "I want you. I feel safe with you," Hobi said in a soft voice.

"I know, that's why you came with me," Joon said, kissing him again and moving to the boy's neck. Hoseok tilted his head backward, eagerly anticipating more touches. Joon bit the skin, producing a sound that made Hoseok cover his mouth while embracing him.

"What? It's okay, baby. Let me hear your voice."

"But what if someone else hears us?"

"I don't care," Joon smiled widely, and Hoseok stared at the dimples that appeared on his cheeks. Rising from the bed, Hoseok kissed those dimples. "I love you," he whispered.

"Really? You fell for me this much, so soon?" Joon laughed. For a few minutes, they lost themselves in each other's eyes, then fell into another passionate kiss. Lust overtook them as they kissed, fighting for dominance, and Joon emerged victorious. They undressed swiftly, their lips and fingers exploring every inch of their bodies. Joon looked at Hoseok.

"Let me take you, baby," Joon whispered. Hoseok just nodded, staring at him with anticipation.


Jin stares outside; it's raining as if there's no tomorrow. He doesn't feel like sleeping; his heartbeat quickens. An unknown feeling overtakes him. He sighs. "It's nothing, Jin," he tries to console himself. The clock ticks 3 am.

Hoseok softly caresses the boy's hair as he sleeps on him. He kisses the head repeatedly, feeling happiness lying under the man's arms—safe and secure. However, he had escaped from his brother-in-law, surrendering to a man he has known for only two days. It's different; he loves him. Hoseok kisses him again. "I love you," he whispers while wiping his eyes.

Joon slowly opens his eyes. "What's the time now?" he asks.

"3:30," Hoseok says. "You didn't sleep yet. Are you okay? Feeling pain?"

"No," Joon smiles.

Joon sits up and leans on the cupboard. "First time?" he asks.

Hoseok also sits like him. "Yes. You?"

"With you."


"Yes, my friend. I mean friends with benefits. You know, this is not a big deal, baby. It's just a human need like food and water," he winks at the boy.

"I don't know," Hoseok nods. "I am naked. Where is my dress?"

"Wait, let me ask you something," Joon suddenly hovers over him. "Jung Hoseok, do you take Kim Namjoon for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"What?" Hoseok stares at him.

"Yes or no," Joon asks.

"Yes, I do," Hoseok laughs.

"Show your finger." Joon takes his ring finger and puts a ring on it. He pecks the other's lips. "Congratulations, Mrs. Kim. You got married," he laughs.

Hoseok stares at him. "What are you doing, Namjoon? It's..."

"I love you," Joon whispers to the boy. "I love you very much." He kisses him again. "We can make it official once we reach our home, okay?"

Hoseok hugs him. "Are you pranking me?" he asks. Joon can feel the tears of others.

"I am very serious, Hoseok. I decided to make you mine." He hugs the boy tight and kisses his side hair.

"I think it's a dream," Hobi whispers.

"No, baby. It's real. We are together. We will be together. You know something, if our kids ask about our marriage, I will marry your mother right after our first sex."

"Shut up," Hoseok laughs.

"Now, just sleep tight. I need to introduce you to Jin tomorrow. He is going to kill me. Let's sleep now, wifey." He lays on the bed and puts the boy on his chest. "Sleep."

"Good night," Hoseok says.

"Good night, baby."

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