Chapter 2: I have a story to tell-(Flashback Chapter)

Start from the beginning

Terry: So you are on your own, and have no one to have a good time with? Your father did not keep his promise?

Jackson: (crying) Yes.

(Terry: I saw him cry, and then on instinct, I reacted. I gave him a hug to comfort him, and for the next 10 minutes, he sobbed on my shoulder until he felt better.)

Jackson: Thanks. I'm better now. Anyways, my name's Jackson.

Terry: Terry. Nice to meet you. Hey, would you like to play? If you need someone to play with for the day, you can have me to help.

Jackson: You'd do that for me?

Terry: (nods)

(Terry: Jackson cried again, but this time it was tears of joy. He hugged me again, and we played on the playground the entire day until his sister, Jessie picked him up and took him home.)

Terry: Goodbye, Jackson. I hope we will see eachother again soon.

Jackson: Me too

(Terry: I would later find out that besides his family, I was actually Jackson's first friend. When I found out we went to the same school, I went to him, and we have been good friends for a long time. It was as if somehow we were siblings. Jackson did have his sister, but he and Jessie have more of a rivalry than an actual friendship. Our time as one was very strong at our younger age, but when we began middle school at my age of 11, I noticed things had begun to change about Jackson. for example, He was more depressive. I asked him what was wrong, and he told me that his mother, Amanda had passed away from Leukemia. AKA: Cancer of the blood. Apparently, they could not find a subject to help treat her in time. I tried to comfort Jackson as I always did before, but for some reason he did not let me help him this time. Jackson also started blaming me and my father for destroying his life. I was confused as to how this could have been my fault.)

Terry: Jackson please. I did not know what was going on. I do not see how this could be my fault, or my fathers. If you could have just told me about what was going on with your mother, I could have helped comfort you sooner.

Jackson: I don't need your comfort anymore, Terry. Your family destroyed mine. You have broken our friendship. You will pay the price for taking my father away. We are done. 

Terry: Jackson, please. You do not have to do this. You are better than that.

Jackson: I've had enough, Terry. I made up my mind, and my decision is final.

(Terry: I was shocked that Jackson would say that, and would end our friendship for no reason. I tried talking to him multiple times after that day, but he continuously ignored me. So eventually I decided to give him his space. Eventually his sister left his family with her boyfriend, and that made things worse. Jackson then started to pick on me for no reason. he made me a laughing stock of the school, along with his two new friends; Bryan Marks, and Franklin Isley. I would later find out that just like Jackson, Bryan and Franklin were also members of rich families. They turned school into a bad environment for me. When I was in my final year of middle school, I told my mom and dad about what was going on, and the were going to sort the problem out before my final year ends. One day, My mom and dad went into their car and went off to the school to try and work the problem out with Logan. However when they left off the driveway, I notice a puddle that was under the car, but it was not raining. It was then I knew, the car was somehow leaking break fluid, and my parents did not check. I went back inside my house, and hoped that they would be okay. But 45 minutes later, the police showed up and told me that my parents had crashed and did not make it, much to my dismay. They told me that the breaks were not functional, and somehow the airbags didn't deploy. I knew that the breaks would be a problem, but the airbags were a whole different story. Anyways, one week after the crash, my other family members came along for my parents funeral, I appreciated them coming along, however my other family members could not adopt me for a number of reasons. Either they'd rather focus on their careers, They don't have the right criteria to take care of me, or they just don't care about me in general. So with no family members to help me, I ended up at the orphanage. I did have a close relation with the matron of the place, Rey Kolfax, and she tried to comfort me as best as she could to keep my spirits up. I told her my story, and she listened to every word.)

Rey: Don't worry, Terry. I'm sure that someone will help you out. I know you miss your family, but this world will always have a place for you. No matter what people like Jackson might say to you. You will find someone who will help you out.

Terry: I hope you are correct

(Terry: But as you would expect, Due to my age at 13, It would not be easy for me to get adopted as a teenager. I bounced from foster home to foster home, but they were never truly family to me. So I never got officially adopted, because nothing stuck the same way my real parents did. )

(Flashback ends)

Mayor Goodway: Wow. I had no idea this happened to you. If I had gotten more up to date with John, I could have came into Adventure Harbor to help you out.

Terry: It is okay, Mayor. I might be 17 now, But I still want to make a life of myself. I figured that moving to a different town would be a wise choice. I do regret leaving my hometown behind, but I did not know what else I could do to escape my misery.

Rocky: Here is what confuses me though. You mentioned about the bad stuff that happened at your Middle school, but was high school any better?

Terry: I did gain a few good things along my way following my graduation, but many of the scars I gained are too deep.

Rubble: (scared) Scars?

Skye: Not those types of scars Rubble.

Ryder: Yeah, he's talking about bad memories.

Rubble: Oh. Well that a relief.

Zuma: Go ahead, Dude. What can you tell us about your high school times?

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