6. Lucky Ride.

48 17 14


It was my day off and I was not just excited that I won’t be going to work, but that I will be going to a live performance show of one of the popular singers.

Ferdinand had given me the ticket yesterday.

The ticket was expensive to get and it is limited so I really cherished it. He said he bought two and had given one to Jared thinking we would be going on a second date.

Since Jared was the one who fucked up and nothing was my fault, Ferdinand decided to give it to me anyways and told me to enjoy myself.

Praise had whined about him not getting to see one of his favorite singers while I do. He had planned on stealing my ticket but I guarded it with my life. I had to sleep with one eye open even though my door was locked.

To say the least, I didn’t have a good night sleep at all because any little noise, I would jolt out of unconsciousness thinking Praise had found a way to sneak into my room.

When I got to the location however and joined the queue, the lack of sleep was was worth it.

It was a very long journey, I took this as an opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and be a mature lady for once, be independent.

I had to take a cab even though dad assured me that our vehicle’s now good as new, I didn’t want to take any chances.

On the queue though, after witnessing the scene between the old couple, I couldn’t help but offer my ticket to the woman. I’m a sucker for old couples, I just love the concept and reality of seeing couples grow old together.

However, I wasn’t the only one who stretched out my ticket, another person did too. A faceless man, because he was wearing a cap that almost covers his eyes with a nose mask that made his jawline invisible.

Not like I was checking him out or something but I was wondering the reason why one would dress like that to watch a live performance.

What’s with the nose mask? It’s not like we are in the middle of a pandemic or something.

My eyes widened after that thought.

What if in the span of me leaving my house in the cab and reaching here, a pandemic had broken out and only the people who lives around here has heard of it and I was still ignorant?

What if I am infected already? What if a siege has been placed all around this area immediately I came in and the people in this building doesn’t even know? What if I couldn’t go back home?

The feel of the ticket being snatched away from my fingers was what brought me out of my thoughts.

It was the guy who had snatched it, he forced the tickets into the woman’s hands and walked away.

I realized they must have been discussing while I was lost in my head. The old couple thanked me again and again before their tickets were checked and they were directed into the hall.

Well, what are you still doing here, Ini?

I sighed in accomplishment and made my way out of the building. I have to walk quite a distance before I could get to the main road to hail a cab.

I got there after few minutes. This side of town is a bit quiet compared to where the live show is being held.

I was standing by the curb side waiting for a cab when a red car stopped in front of me.

The windows were tinted and I couldn’t see through, maybe the person just parked momentarily because they have to do something urgently, like replying to a text.

A LUCKY MISTAKE. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang