14. Lucky Discharge.

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Dad was being discharged today and the smile has yet to leave my lips since yesterday when we were informed.

I had taken a leave of absence from work. I had planned on using my leave of absence to go on vacation with my cousin but things didn't go as planned and I will be using it in taking care of my dad till he's fully recovered.

Instead of feeling upset or moody though, I was just feeling thankful. I mean what if my dad had died in that accident, what would have happened?

I can't even imagine it, I'm just very grateful and happy that he's still here with us; his family.

"Why are you smiling to yourself, you look creepy as hell." Praise said to me and that earned him a pinch on the arm by mom which made me smirk.

"Mooom, that stings. What was that for?!" Praise yelled.

"Are you yelling at me? After cursing at your sister?" Mom said with a raised eyebrow which dad mimicked staring at Praise.

Praise looked from one parent to the other before letting out an unreal giggle.

"How dare I? It's a pinch of love, after all." He said with his lips stretched into a fake grin.

Mom and dad looked away from him. He looked at me and I stretched my tongue out at him making him give me a snarl. I gave him a cocky smile and he glared at me.

"And you, when will you start acting like an elder sister?" Mom shook her head at me and I gave her an innocent smile moving to sit besides my dad on the bed.

"I'm happy for you, dad." I told him sincerely.

"Thanks, darling. I'm happy too." Dad replied smiling at me.

"I'm happy for you too, dad." Praise suddenly appeared by dad's other side clinging to his arm with a wide grin on his face.

"Do you remember the last thing you said to me before I left the house the night of the accident?" Dad asked Praise eyeing his injured leg and I snickered knowing where this was going.

"Huuuum, No I don't." Praise replied cluelessly.

"You told him to break a leg." I answered with a laugh.

Praise's eyes widened.

"He did break a leg." Mom laughed too.

"Oh come on, dad." Praise whined shaking dad's arm and letting out a dramatic sob.

Dad rubbed his head faking a sad face with him and mom clicks her tongue.

"When will you both start acting like matured men?" Mom eyed them.

"You act immature with your daughter too." Dad shrugged before putting more dramatics into his acting.

I moved away from them and went to sit beside mom cuddling into her side.

"I need some love too, moooom."

"You need to start acting like your age." Mom said struggling to get her arms out of my grip but I held on tight.

"I don't wanna. Give me some love." I tugged at her arm playfully.

"She's acting her age, she's still my baby." Dad replied mom.

Praised laughed still holding unto dad and I cringed.

"Dad! That doesn't sound like you're taking my side." I told him.

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