-How-? How the fuck did-?

He pulled his hand back, the other not even holding tight. Jisung tried to push the one, but again wasn't successful. Did his strength leave him?

He made a few more attempts, before Minho had finally lost it. The older sighed deeply, grabbing Han's arm and twisting it around, to push him down, face to the wall. The smaller winced as he hit the wall, though it wasn't too hard. The man grabbed his second arm, holding both of them back and pressing him more to the cold surface.

Jisung tried breaking out, but couldn't. Minho set his free hand on the wall to lean down. Their eyes met, the contact so tense that you could practically hear sparks crinkling.
The younger wondered when did the other get so strong, because he never used it and didn't look buff at all, his legs being an exception.

-You probably have so much to say, Jisung, let me make it more comfortable for you to talk.

The one didn't answer anything, just taking a deep breath in. In a second Minho let go, spinning him around with his left hand. Han wanted to take that chance to leave, but was once again caught. The man grabbed him by his shoulder, before pressing him down to the wall with his hand on his chest. That knocked the air out of the smaller, he took a moment to catch his breath back, his eyes closing.
The older grabbed his arms, taking advantage of the boy.

At this moment Jisung had realised that the man is actually very much stronger than him, because no matter how hard he tried to fight back, the grip stayed rock hard. He locked eyes with Minho, his stare was intense. Though he decided to push even more.

-Playing all dominant, Minho-ya?
-I'm certainly not playing right now, - his voice changed to a more cold one.
-Oh, really? I see the fear in your eyes. You're scared you'll hurt me.

In an instant, the older's hand transferred to Han's throat, chocking him, but not enough for him to loose all his air. Jisung's lips parted, a swift breath escaping from them.

-Enough pressure for you?

The other couldn't really answer anything. That made Minho tighten the grip just a bit more, his self control almost slipping.

-Min-...Minho, - the younger spoke up, - Stop it.

His tone was harsh and confident, despite his insides being twisted at the feeling of a strong hand holding his throat. He couldn't let the man know, that he goes absolutely crazy over chocking. 

-What if I don't? What will you do?

"I will- "
He forced his last words out, before giving in to the pleasure
"Min- Ah~"

This is not what Minho was expecting. Definitely not a melting Jisung, who had his head thrown back and struggling to keep his eyes open.
The man's eyes roamed down his neck, he moved the hand, letting go a little.

-Is this the Han Jisung that was being bratty a minute ago?, - Minho asked with a teasing tone.

A small smirk appeared on his face, as much as he hated the younger, he couldn't resist smiling at such a reaction to his actions. He swore he heard the one whine at the loss of pressure on his throat.

-Shut up, - he answered with a raspy voice, taking in a deep breath.
-You know, I like bottoms who act all confident and independent, until a hand is laid on them and they're already gone.
-I'm not like that.., - the other fought back.
-So you're not denying that you're a bottom?, - Minho's smirk grew bigger, as he altered between squeezing and letting go of the neck.
-Ugh..., - Han scoffed in annoyance.

It was getting hard for Jisung. In both ways that it could be understood. His legs were giving out at the dominance. The man was standing way too close, holding his throat in a specifically pleasing way and speaking with an unbearably low voice. When he finally got the courage to look at the other, he was met with another bold comment.

-Look at you, Hanji... Getting all worked up over me just touching your neck, - he leaned in closer, starting to caress the throat slightly with his thumb.
-Don't be... so full of yourself, Minho..., - the one started slowly, - I bet that your virgin ass doesn't even know how to kiss properly.

Such provocations had always worked on Minho.

-You sure about that?, - the last thing that was said, their lips almost touching.

Minho dived in to kiss the smaller male, his hand never letting go of the neck, continuing to caress and tighten his grip from time to time. Jisung melted into the touch, being thankful that the older was holding his hands up, because he would've collapsed by the time.

Turned out that Minho indeed was a good kisser, he even stole a few moans from the younger.  Their lips moved in sync, the bitter taste of alcohol present, though it didn't make the kiss any less pleasant.

At some point both of them got carried away a little, their tongues tying, tasting the blood, that they shared, from biting the lips too much. The man carefully let go of the hands and neck, before picking Han up, to place him on the window sill. He held his hips tightly, while the one was in his arms. When the boy was sat, he stood between his legs, sliding a hand on his nape to pull him closer, the other one landing on his thigh. Jisung felt a knot forming in the bottom of his stomach. The kiss had become sloppy and wet, they were hungry to get more.

But as much as they didn't want to pull away they had to. Because there was a big possibility of them being caught. Minho moved back, a thin string of saliva still lingering in between their lips. His breathing was heavy and hot. Jisung tried to continue, though he just chased after the older's lips, the one not letting him kiss again.

-We have to go, someone will see.
-You're a good kisser, Minho.
-I know, but thank you anyway, - he smiled, taking a step back, - We should do this again one day.

The man smiled and winked, as he walked away down the hall, leaving Jisung all alone and turned on.

He'll have to spend another few minutes in the bathroom to help himself out.

A/n: Whoa, finally. This turned out much longer than I planned👀 I picked out specifically this story note, so it would be a short quick one, that I could post on TikTok... but it's almost 2k words, so yeah...
I still like it though!

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