Story 9.

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Jisung works in a veterinary clinic, Minho is a proud cat-dad with 3 children. The older visits the hospital quite often, not only because of the cats.

Lee Minho is a handsome, yet single man. He owns a spacious house, but lives there alone, well, with his cats to be exact. He's a caring and protective dad, though he visits the nearby veterinary clinic quite often.

Han Jisung is a doctor in that clinic. He's young and professional, had just finished his studies. He had fluffy hair and soft cheeks, his eyes were very friendly. Overall, he was pretty.

These two first met almost 6 months ago. It was when Dori broke his leg, jumping down from the wardrobe. Minho, of course, rushed to the hospital. He was panicking, desperately asking for something to be done. But the lady at the service desk was explaining to him that all the doctors are busy and the other staff is having their break. The man was raging. He was almost ready to start yelling at her for not doing her job and how no one here wants to help his animal.

That was the moment Jisung came out. He had just finished his surgery a few minutes ago, and was heading to the staff room to rest a bit. When he walked down the hall, he heard what he thought was the most sweet voice ever. Han felt the need to see who it was.

The doctor walks out, taking his gloves off. He takes a look at the man, who is standing next to the front desk. His eyes widened. This person was a work of art. He was truly beautiful. Jisung felt his heart ache at the sight, the one looked so disappointed, talking to the lady. He quickly made his way to the two.

-What is wrong, Soojin?
-This man-, - she was interrupted by Minho.
-Dori had broken his leg, may you please do something?

He looked at Han with pleading eyes, asking for help. The younger smiled a little and nodded his head.

-Of course, let me take a look. Let's go to the med exam room.
-Thank you so much!, - the other bowed.

The lady wasn't very pleased with such a move, she sighed loudly to show her annoyance.

The two men walked into a bright white room. Jisung washed his hands, put on gloves and sanitised everything.
Dori was already put on the bed. Minho was petting him gently, looking at him lovingly. That was a cute sight, the doctor smiled.

-Okay, Dori... let me see..

He carefully touched him, the cat being calm, to his surprise. He inspected him, concluding that the leg is, indeed, broken. Han looked up at the owner and said:

-It's not too bad, don't worry. You will have to sit outside for a little, while I do my work.
-Oh, alright...
-It will be okay.
-Thank you, - he whispered, before walking out.

It actually was quick, just like the doctor promised. He peeked out of the room, calling the man to come inside.

-Oh, Dori..., - he smiled at the cat, - You are so much trouble.
-How old is he?, - Jisung asked after chuckling.
-I, honestly, don't really know... I found him on an abandoned cats website. But I suppose he's around two or three years.
-It so nice, that you save stray animals... I really respect that.
-I just can't walk past them..
-I wish I also could help them.
-You do help them though. You're a doctor.
-You're right, - Han smiled.

The older carefully picked up his child.

-So, you'll have to come visit me in about a week. And then we'll see what's next.
-Okay. Any specific things I'll have to manage?
-Uhm... Just keep it clean and don't let him move too much.
-Alright. Thank you again so much. I really appreciate that, - he smiled warmly and bowed.

Jisung returned him a grin, but it wasn't visible because of his mask. They walked to the front desk.

-Soojin, please, count it out for us. We put a cast on the broken paw.
-That will be ***. Cash or card?

Minho counted out the money and a few extra banknotes. He put the money on the table, quickly walking out of the clinic.

-There's extra money in here..., - the lady said slowly, confused.
-What do you mean..?
-I guess he left a tip? 

That was how they first met. Next time he came in a week, and then came a few days after that, then in a month... He could be considered a regular client of this hospital at the point. Jisung had met all of the cats now and was happy to see the man every time he came.

Sometimes Minho would come even when it wasn't necessary, what made Han suspect, that maybe (just maybe) he wasn't coming back for the service? Though he still felt shy to talk to the older.

One day, the family came in for their annual check up. Minho greeted the doctor like always, already knowing his way to the cabinet. They talked about every day life, cats, animals, jobs..

-Hey, Soongie! How's your morning?
-Yeah? That's nice to hear.

Minho chuckled, he found that cute. He found the young doctor cute.

The check up ended in a while. The two were laughing at something, when the older started talking.

-Thanks, Dr.Han. Again.
-You're always welcome, Mr.Lee. Though you do come a little often, - he smiled, - I'm starting to doubt your responsibility.
-Ah.., - the man chuckled nervously, - I'm good to my cats, I promise.. It's just..
-Uh, never mind...

Han was left a bit confused, but didn't say anything. The tension was wild, it has never been that way, even on the first encounter. Minho walked out of the room, to pay for the session, thoughts racing through his head. He quickly counted out the money and went to his car. He put the cat carriers on the backseat, closed the door and was ready to drive away. But something stopped him.


And he was already walking back to the clinic. Minho rushed into the building, flew past the front desk, mumbling a quick "I forgot my bag".

The man stumbled inside the cabinet, his breath hitched. He looked at the younger, who turned around quickly, his eyes wide.

-Wha-, - he started.

Minho walked in and closed the door behind himself, walking closer to the boy. The other took off his mask and dried his hands with a tissue. He looked closely at his client.

-Yes..? Is something wrong?
-I... Will it be too rude if I...?

Jisung waited for the older to get his thoughts together and pose the question.

-May I ask you out for dinner today?

Han was taken aback. He blinked, looking at the other, not knowing what to say. He composed himself and finally answered.

-Sure. I'd love that, - he smiled friendly.
-Great, - Minho breathed out, smiling too, - When does your shift end? I'll pick you up.
-Oh.... Uhm, at 7 pm.
-Alright. See you.
-Bye bye.

The doctor waved at the man, who walked out. As soon as the one was gone, Jisung turned around and silently screamed. His cheeks flushed red within a second. The client, that he had found handsome for half a year, asked him out. All of a sudden.

He felt happiness and excitement build up in his body. His heart was ready to jump out.

Minho, on the other hand, felt proud of himself. He had been planning that for a long time now. He smiled, feeling his ears burn.

This is going to be perfect.

A/n: I can't decide, whether I want to continue this or stop here...

sweet stories🎀  minsung <3Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat