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19th December 1986

This year, my mom's annual Christmas party was being held; of course, River's family was there as well as most of our friends and family.

Despite Kim's doubts, everyone always managed to make it despite the deep snow.

However, things were different this year. More than merely her mother's friends, she had someone to look forward to seeing, River.

Kim, who had grown up watching her mom frantically tidying and decorating the house in an attempt to impress the guests, had always found it absurd that people could get obsessed with a single day.

How it had to be so perfect,When it was really one day-

"Kimberly!" Kim was startled out of her daze by her mother's moan.

"Hm?" Kim looked at her mom in response.

"Help me put these foods out." Her mom said spoke before going back into the kitchen grabbing small tin plates of party food.

Kim's mother began "Rivers coming around" as a result. She shot a quick smile at Kim and returned to the table to set the food down.

Kim hadn't told her mother that she and River were dating because she wasn't ready.

however it appeared like she approved of it.

In response, Kim simply grinned.

"What, you don't have anything good to say about him?" Kim's mother gave her a childlike lash-bashing motion towards Kim.

"Not at all." Grinning, Kim proceeded to get additional tin plates from the kitchen.

Kim's mom trailed closely after her.

"I'm not foolish, Kimberley."

"Come on Am I not cool enough to know these things?" Kim's mother gave her a quick smile and then tried striking a "cool" posture.

Kim giggled, "Oh mom," at her mother's absurd pose.

"How come? Am I not a cool mom?" Kim laughed and shook her head in response to her mom's question.

"Oh Yes, mom, the coolest"

Not too long after mom's friends showed up. Even though the most of them were already drunk, they continued despite the snow.

Encircling Kimberly were middle-aged adults dancing to loud Christmas music.

"Kim" With a huge smile on her face, Rain strode up to her and held out her arms. Her younger sister, Summer, also smiled and gave her a quick leg hug.

Heart reached over and planted a quick peck on her cheek, saying, "How you been my love."

"Everything has been alright, how about you?" Although not really listening to the response, Kim turned her attention to the blonde boy behind her who was having a conversation with his father.

observing his breathtaking, delicate features, the way his round glasses rested on his nose, and the way his lips were parted just slightly as he listened to his father talk.

"Heart" Kim's mother had begun communicating with heart, allowing Kim to relocate and become closer to river.

River kind of moaned at whatever his father had said, saying, "Come on, dad."

His father's forceful voice said, "Go," turning the once-soft-faced river into a stern face.

As his father began interacting with everyone inside the house, as he began to leave.

Kim swiftly caught up to him after deciding to follow river.

"Riv?" He turned to face Kim when she called.

"Oh, hey you," he said, a tiny smirk on his face.

"What happen in there" Kim asked, referring to the episode involving his dad.

"It's nothing serious, just my dad being a dick." His eyes darted to the floor as he talked hastily before raising them again. Although Kim found it strange, she ignored it.

"Are you cold?" He spoke quickly. observing Kim's hand moving up and down her left forearm.

She hastily retracted her statement, "Kinda," when she saw River removing his jacket. "But I'm fine, don't worry."

River covered her with his jacket and said, "No, don't be stupid, here." Kim felt the warmth of the jacket right away.

He asked, "How are you feeling?" as he pushed her hair away.

Kim smiled at river and said, "Alright, I guess, better than being stuck with a load of drunken forty year olds." The river laughed back at her.

River lowered his head back down and muttered, "You should be getting back."

"Are you not coming back?"  Kim said quietly. 

"Yes, later. I just need to finish my homework." He gave her a smile.

"You would leave me to do your homework?" Kim questioned as she observed the shift in Rivers' response.

"Well, not exactly," he stumbled to put it into words.

"Okay, river." Turning away from him, Kim moved swiftly in the direction of the ground, picking up a handful of snow, and hurling it rapidly towards the unobservant river.

"Kimmy" River screamed in pain as he gripped his eye.

"Shit river, you okay?" Kim attempted to take hold of his hand and move it out of his eye.

"River, let me see," she blurted before he tackled her into the deep snow.

Holding Kim down on the floor, he laughed and said, "Ha got you."

"That's not funny, river," Kim slapped his arm and cast a glance at the snowdrops that were falling above them both.

River was the first to break the stillness as they both fell silent and looked into one other's eyes.

"I love you Kimberley, I simply adore you. His gaze shifted between Kim's two eyes as he said, "I fall more in love with you every day."

Kim drew little circles on River's cheek with her icy hands and drew his face closer for a tender kiss.

No one could make her feel the way she did about this man; he was the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

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