38 1 4

18th July 1986

Ah, drama. Kim hated taking drama class, especially when River was present.

While kim was obviously hurt, she hadn't yet decided how she felt about River. Reading that letter had somewhat confused her.

Kim didn't know who she was partnered with yet because after the fight the teachers separated the group into two pairs instead.

If Kim and River were matched together, maybe she would at least give him a chance to speak. - The key word here is "maybe."

When Kim entered her theatre class, she observed that River was the only other person in the room pacing back and forth.

"Plans have changed, Ms Moore," the teacher said, giving kim a little smile before continuing. "You will be partners with River."

Kim only nodded in agreement as the other students started to enter the room.

Kim felt a little awkward. Should she avoid him until he comes over or should she say-

"Hiya, Kim!"

Eric approached her while grinning widely. Kim grinned as she observed him droop his bag pack down his arm.

Kim replied with a half-smile, "hey Eric."

"What's up?" He questioned as he placed his belongings on the ground.

"Nothing, just tired," Kim mumbled as she noticed River glancing at her.

when he noticed kim looking back he quickly looked away.

"any idea who we are pairing with?" eric brought back kim's attention, "i'm not sure." kim replied.

"Kim, you'll be with Mr. Phoenix." The teacher nodded slightly before speaking with Eric, River's head sprang up like an enthusiastic child when he heard the teacher mention that he was partnered with Kim.

Kim slowly walked over to river, He looked down in an attempt to hide his joy, but he failed miserably.

Kim mumbled to him, "don't get your hopes up," as she walked by him to obtain what they needed.

Well, that blows. Eric chuckled.

Kim smiles warmly and says, "Hopefully it won't take long to finish the play." Kim replied, laughing.

Kim felt awful for River because, more often than she would like to admit, he tugged at her heartstrings as she walked back and noticed he was standing awkwardly and looking exhausted.

Kim softly uttered "here" as she handed the board and marker to him.

He continued to awkwardly stand while picking up the items, and when he said, "Hey Kim," Kim looked up at him.

She uttered "what" in a hurry.

"Can we speak after school? If you don't want to, I totally get it. But, I was ho-" He was interrupted

She mutely responded to him, dismissing his pathetic nature with, "fine, just stop talking."


kim walls over to river noticing he looks nervous, leaning on his car looking the other way,

once river catches kim's eyes he starts talking.

"Kim, I know I messed up and I'm sorry. I never should have betrayed you like that."

Kim crosses her arms and glares at him

River takes a deep breath and begins to explain, "look kim i was drunk i don't even remember it and I made a stupid decision. I never meant to hurt you. I hope you can forgive me."

Kim looks at him skeptically, "I don't know if I can trust you again. You really fucking hurt me river." Kim looks down at her hands feeling tears in her eyes

River nods, "I know. I just wanted to explain myself and let you know that I am so fucking sorry. I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you."

Kim takes a moment to think, "I need some time to think about this though."

River nods,

"I understand. Please just know that I am here for you whenever you are ready."

Kim nods and the two of them part ways,

kim secretly hoping to find a way to repair their relationship

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