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18th June 1986

The sun shone brightly into Kimberly's sleepy eyes when she awoke.

"Kim! "Get up!" her mother exclaimed.

"Yeah." She tiredly yelled back, dragging herself out of bed.

Kimberly flung open her curtains, and opened her window,

Noticing river was frantically running around his room, preparing to go.

she watched him trip over his shoes, she giggled to herself and hurriedly covered her mouth and turned away, and started getting ready.

Kimberly turned back after getting dressed, looking for her bag, and noticed a small paper plane, which she unwrapped.

"What's so funny?"

She ruffled her brows and raised her eyes, catching River grinning at her.

She burst out laughing, recalling his tumble.

She hurriedly snatched up her notebook and began scribbling her response.

"How was the trip?"

She threw back the folded paper plane.

He chuckled and shook his head as he hurriedly snatched the paper aeroplane.

She heard Arlyn call rivers name just as he was about to respond, he gave Kimberly a short glance before shoving the paper in his pocket and walking away,

Kimberly mimicking his actions.


Kimberly was falling asleep in math class, and the only thing that kept her up was Nancy by Poking the side of her stomach with her boney finger.

"Miss Moore," Mr Lee said,making Kimberly jump up straight and try to concentrate.

"What is the solution for s 64 = –53?" He inquired.

Kimberly was a little panicked.

"S equals 11," Someone coughed softly, and she heard it.

"S equals 11 sir," she mimicked with confidence.

"Correct." Mr Lee continued, turning back to the board; she heard him continue but wasn't paying attention because she was too preoccupied with figuring out who had assisted her, noticing a brown-haired boy beaming at her.

"Thank you," she said quietly. Returning back to her slumber.


"Come on, it's break," Nancy said as she shook Kimberly awake.

Before being stopped, Kimberly slung her back over her shoulder and began following Nancy.

"Hey Kim, study for English tonight," he questioned, with a big grin on his face.

"Sure, what time?"She asked As they began walking to the break room.

"Perhaps 4?" River replied, Scratching the back of his neck, Kim gave him a little grin.

"Of course," she said

Behind them, a bunch of guys cried out, "River."

"Yeah, I'll be there." He turned to them before returning his attention to Kim.

"Remember 4 p.m. tonight." He grinned and began walking away, but he came to a halt in front of her.

"Oh, and I really hurt my knee this morning from falling," he laughed as he pulled out the piece of paper and gently shook it before continuing his stroll.

Kimberly giggled at this, she felt a warm sensation in her chest, something she'd never experienced before.

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