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23rd June 1986

River was across the room in math third period, his posture was relaxed as he rested on the chair, a pen in his large hands.

As he listened to whatever the teacher was saying, his fingers lightly tapped on the desk and his head tilted.

Kimberley's heart raced as she watched him.

just being in the same room with him gave her a slight panic attack.

She wasn't afraid of him, of course, but she couldn't figure out why she felt like she did.

She'd experienced crushes in the past, but this was different, something different.

"Kimberley," she heard a voice say, and she turned to face the speaker, noticing the teacher catching her attention.

"Yes," she mumbled, lowering her head slightly.

When the bell rang, the teacher began to speak, but she was not paying attention, so it was all mumbles.

Kimberley inhaled deeply and began collecting her belongings until she failed to notice river approaching her, which caused her heart to race.

"Hey," he said as he came to a halt in front of her, smiling.

Her nostrils were filled with his cologne, which she inhaled deeply.

"Hey," she replied, attempting to maintain her composure.

"Our english assignment is due tomorrow, fourth period, I was thinking we might go out for our lunch break and look over it?" he asked.

Kimberley rose up and tossed her bag onto her back confidently replying.

"Uh, sure, where do you want to go?"

They began to move in the direction of the exit.

"How about getting a sandwich and sitting in the park?"

"Sure," she said with a smile.

They walked towards a battered old pickup truck in the school parking lot.

He walked over to the car and unlocked the door, allowing Kimberley to get in.

"Here, my lady," river spoke bowing slightly.

Kimberley giggled as she climbed inside the car, River closing the door behind her and hopping into the driver's seat.

"you're a gentleman in every sense of the word." Kimberley continued the joke while conversing.

"How did you know?" he chuckled as he exited the parking lot.

"I have no idea." She giggled and turned her head away from River's face, laying it against the cold car window, feeling her head cool down.


River, and Kimberley had grabbed lunch and made there way towards the grassy area beside the water.

Kimberly noticed the body of water glimmering from the bright summer day as they lay their bags down.

She wanted to strike up a conversation but couldn't think of anything to say, and she didn't want to bring up the previous day.

Well, She did, but not at this time.

"So," River said as he chewed his lunch and grabbed our paperwork from his bag.

"I finished the last piece from Romeo and Juliet from the other day, but we should probably go over it together," river said.

Kimberley's eyes scanned over the work as he pasted it to her.

They talked about work for a while until River got up and walked over to the lake.

"river?" Kimberley called, confused.

He didn't respond.

She got to her feet and walked up to him.

"You know, water usually brings back memories of my childhood." He continued to glance at the lake while speaking gently.

"good memories?" Looking up to him, she spoke up.

"Not at all," he grumbled.

"Let's fix that," she said, hurling water at him quickly.

He exhaled deeply and froze for a moment.

He said, "kim!" before doing the same to her.

She burst out laughing and threw him into the lake.

He instantly rose to his feet and dragged Kim into the water.

"river!" Kim screamed, and they both laughed.

They both gasped for air as they fell back into the water.

She closed her eyes and felt river pull her back to the surface.

"my clothes are soaked" Kim whined.

"And mine aren't?" He laughed as he attempted to walk out of the lake.

"Not enough," she exclaimed as she dragged him back into the water.

They both appeared insane; I mean, two teens playing in a lake while fully clothed?? insane.

Kim giggled, "There's no way we can go back to school like this."

"We can go to mine," River said.

"Sure," she said as she followed him back to his car, grabbing her belongings first.

"Do you want me to change out of my soaked clothes?" Kim inquired as she approached the car.

"I don't want my car to get wet, but you don't have anything to change into, so when we go to mine, I'll find something for you," River said as he opened the car door.

"Thank you," she replied as she climbed into the vehicle.

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