71 3 13

7th July 1986

Kimberley, had always been a daddy's girl.

she needed her dad in situations like these. She needed to sit and cry and hug her father.

Nevertheless, she just had a teddy bear that came close to him.

She never got rid of the small brown teddy that her father had given her, even though it was missing one eye and part of an ear.

Since the party, Kimberely had hardly seen or heard from River. not that she actually desired to.

Kim's entire body exploded in rage at the mere thought of them, along with sadness

She mistakenly believed that he actually loved her; instead, it was only puppy love.

She was extremely clueless and naive to believe that she could fall in love at her age.

She understood she had to attend school. She was aware that she had to ignore him, yet he was her first love her first everything.

"School, Kim!"

She faintly heard her mother calling.

Kim struggled to get out of bed as she considered whether or not to open her curtains.

"Kim" her mother walked in the doorway.

"hm" Kim mumbled, still debating whether to open her curtains

Her mother gave her a quick wink and said, "Don't forget tonight the family from next door are coming over."

Her heart sank as a result.

Obviously, her mother was unaware of what had occurred and she had no intention of her finding out.

Therefore, the ignoring him strategy failed miserably.

Kim moaned and opened her curtains to discover a large number of paper aeroplanes landing on the floor of her bedroom.

As she gradually pulled one up to her, she stared down in disbelief.

The paper plane was carefully opened by Kim.

"Kimberley, you don't understand, I'm so fucking sorry that this happened to you; you deserve better than this, Please talk to me because you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I never want to lose you."

Kim looked at the piece of paper for a moment before crumpling it and tossing it on the ground.


"hey kim!" Kim spun around when she heard a voice behind her in the hallways and saw the boy from the party-

"Eric, from the party," he said, grinning and sticking out his hand.

"Oh hi Eric," kim said with a tiny smile.

"I was hoping we could talk over lunch maybe? We didn't really get to talk at the party, which was a bummer. but-"

When Kimberley saw River walking by with several boys, she lost her focus and drifted off, she couldn't hear the words coming out of Eric's mouth.

she focused again.

"it's a date," Kim smiled and stated, loud enough for river to hear, which caused Eric to grin widely.

"What do you have first period Eric?" she asked as she once more caught his sorrowful eyes and saw him standing there looking frustrated.

He spoke while grinning, "erm drama."

Shit, shit, shit, shit!

river was in her drama class as well, "Oh well, let's go" Kim grinned and grabbed Eric's arm.

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