51 1 3

29th june 1986

12:09 am

Kimberly woke up from her sleep when she heard a loud noise below, Kimberly's nerves sprang up as it appeared as though a herd of elephants was jumping around.

Laughter and singing could be heard in the distance as Kimberley swiftly turned to face River and saw his frowning face expression.

"What's wrong" quietly murmured River.

"What's wrong?" kimberley asked the sleepy blonde with a very bewildered expression.

"It sounds like there's a carnival downstairs,"

Kimberley rapidly reduced the volume of her voice after rising it.

River awoke swiftly from his slumber.

"There back, crap shit shit,"

"I assumed they'd be back later damn," he said stumbling over his words.

When River and Kimberley heard foot feet near the door, he swiftly dragged Kim toward the closet.

Before closing the door, River placed his finger over his lips, and hurriedly returning to his bed.

A few heavy thumps were heard before his mother yelled "river!" as she raced through the door.

She repeated "river" once again, sounding incredibly joyful, while grinning widely at her blonde haired boy.

River uttered the words "what mom" to her while observing her stand and smile at him.

"Mom, that's really- ah, mom!" Before he could say anything else, she jumped on top of him and tightly hugged him,

"Oh my blue-eyed boy, how have you been?" River was able to detect the overpowering aroma of alcohol on her breath as she spoke.

This time, sounding more awake than before, he said, "oh mom, I'm fine- mom, I can't breathe."

"My beautiful blue eyed boy," his mother said, leaning to one side as his sister's face, rain, appeared in the door frame. "Okay Mom, I think he understands," she said as she moved closer her intoxicated mother while holding back a chuckle.

Rain led her mother out of the room with care, but just as they reached the door frame, there mother asked, "Oh, and River?"

'Yeah, mom,' His gaze shifted to her.

"i'm not stupid River, tell kimberley I said hey." She flashed River a wink before rain bursting into a laughing fit while still dragging her mother to her bedroom.

The colour reddened on rivers' face, as he was left speechless.

Kimberley covered her mouth with her hand as she reacted with surprise and laughter.

He chuckled and put a pillow over his face, saying, "Shut up."

"Can I come out?" She posed the question before coming face to face with river, grinned widely.

"my handsome blue eyed boy," Kimberley imitated Rivers' mother, "stop!" River chuckled before guiding her to his bed.

"I thought your folks had left. " Kim muttered, nestling her head against his chest.

"Yeah, but when they go to a party, they often spend the majority of the night there,"

"I need go back quickly before my mom comes home." Kim spoke

Kimberley exhaled while standing up before being pulled back down by river.

He hastily uttered "no" while tightly embracing Kim.

"You're exactly like your mother, River," Kim giggled.

"I'll walk you back," he said, exhaling.


"Kimberley, don't try to change my mind." He swiftly got to his feet and put on his clothing.

He took hold of my hand, reminding me of the last time he did, and slowly led me out the door and down the stairs.

Just as we arrived at my door, I turned to him and gave him a kiss before saying, "Goodnight." He grinned while watching me unlock the door.

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