Chapter 15: Unexpected

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After I sleep and feel refresh as I can feel my power within me is full I walk out to the hut and see a big bonfire and a wapping smell of a burnt flesh, the adult women carries the body parts and throwing them to the fire.

"Wait don't burn those bodies." I said as I gone towards the women that handle the burning of the bodies.

"What you gonna do with them?" One of the adult woman ask me in a cold tone. I dont really like how she said that but I can't help, some of the corpses are their own child despite them severing their familiarity because the child are mostly merchandize at this point.

"I wanted to strengthen my arsenal, I wanted to make more undead for my protection." I get straight to the point, I dont want to console myself with them as if I'm giving them some favor, I want to severe my connection with them as much as I could, they may hate me or not I don't really care as I live only for myself and myself alone.

"You really gonna say that in our face? It feels like you've been throwing some mud on our face, please can you leave us alone as we mourn for our family? Even we are slaves to those bandits but we still have feelings." She said scornfully at me. "We appreciate you helping us to get out of this forest so we can return to the society and we will keep a secret to your identity so can we at least send our families to afterlife?" I have nothing to rebuke, I step out too much. I want to apologize but I don't want my pride to be shattered so I only step out and face my back with them but...

"Can you revive my sister?" I look back to the voice and saw the girl who I spoke out my anger. "Please I will do whatever you say, I will be your servant if you want, I dont really care if she become an undead I just want to see my sister alive again." With tears falling towards her face she get down on her knee and lower her head to the ground begging me.

"I understand what you feel, but if you want to serve me thats not how you plead your loyalty on me do you?" I said to her and she look at me like with a puzzle in her face. "Haa... First state your name then pledge to me your loyalty, you can do that do you?" I said to her.

"I'm sorry, My name is Kim and I giving you my loyalty." Its not what I really wanted to hear but I understand this girl is living in this village without a proper teaching. So to say this girl, she is just that brat that used to bully me. I feel a smile plastered in my face.

"Okay, I accept your loyalty now bring me to your sister." I said ordering her and she stand up and bow at me.

"Master, your face." Mila look at me with suspicion in her face.

"Isn't it beautiful?" I respond with a joke and wink at her.

I extend my arms on the corpse that in front of me as the smoke emerge from my palm and suck on the corpse body. The figure of the corpse is well preserve with only small wound, I think she died of asphyxiation.

"Are you sure about this Kim?" One of the adult ask Kim.

"Yes, it's unfair that I'm only alive and she is not, I just wanted her to see the world." With a firm resolve she look like a mature adult. What just happen? In the past she just this brat girl who making fun of other is her happiness now she have this mature outlook.

When the black smoke finally subsided and enters the body, the small child suddenly stand up then look around then she fix her eyes at me with a wide grin in her face.

"Master!" She yell then stand up and ran at me, no this brat tackles me that make my butt fell in the ground. Everyone got surprise by the sudden situation and I also got surprise.

"Killy? What is going on?" Kim ask her with a disbelief in her face.

"No, what I'm surprise is undead supposed to not speak, but this girl... She talk." I scratch my head on what is really happening then an answer came from an expected person.

"Actually there are race of undead that can talk, they are situated in the catacombs near the border of Popedom Baluna, most of people consider them as a race rather than monster." Explained by Mila.

"How do you know?" I ask Mila while I pushing this brat out of me but her hug is strong.

"Ah, there is a book that I have when I was a child explaining the races of this world, I already lost them though." I see thats too bad.

Now the brat Killy is standing in front of me as I cross my arms looking at her, her sister Kim is lowering her face apologizing at me.

"Now Killy, do you remember on what happen here?" I ask Killy who is playfully playing a ball as a distraction.

"What do you mean?" She said tilting her head cutely.

"Do you know who you are and your family?" I ask her again.

"Uhmm... I'm Killy and you are my master, I don't know what family is, I only know master." She said then Kim have a shock face with disbelief.

"Killy, what is wrong? You don't remember me?" Ask by Kim who is panicking shaking Killy.

"Hmm... Who are you? I only know master." She said with honesty in her eyes.

"No way." Kim with dejected face she look at me and don't know what to do, she just plead loyalty to me knowing my attitude she cannot just condemn for making her sister act this way.

"Calm down Kim, even I don't know what happen but there is only one I can think of." I said and look at her straight in the face. "Maybe because of the trauma she suffer, when she die she shut down her brain because of suffering and forget anything, now that I revive her I have control to whom I revive the reason why she know me. Well that just what my speculation and I dont know any other one." I said explaining towards her.

"I- I see," with doubt she tried to accept the reality but I wanted to make sure she understood what her position now.

"Kim, do you doubt me?" I walk in front of her and grab the collar of her dress and look her straight it eyes. "You pledge your loyalty to me that means you are already mine, so if you have something to say to me, say it without hiding anything, I will not disown you or abandon you because you have something that you disagree on me, I need your loyalty and honesty."

"I'm sorry, ma-master, I just cannot process the situation right now and I'm just sad that my sister doesn't remember me." She said with a tears in her eyes.

"I understand what you are feeling right now and I also be sad if my family or close to me will forgot about me but we cannot do anything about this situation. The only thing we can do is create more memory right? Just think of this as a start of our new life? Will you walk beside me trekking this new path that are ahead of us?" I look at Kim straight to her eyes and smile to show her that I'm not angry at her then I see a tinge of red in her face and she stand properly at me bowing at me lifting up her skirt and said.

"Pl-please allow me to walk by your side ma-master I will follow you for the rest of my life." I got surprise by her words but I'm glad she understand what it meant to be my servant.

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