Chapter 74: Road to Mistral Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Every so often." 

Pyrrha: How long does it take you? 

"3-5 days depending on weather." 

Pyrrha: Why do you do it by foot? Couldn't you just buy a train or a bullhead there? 

"If I had the money for it." 

Pyrrha: Oh... 

"Besides, it's peaceful." 
I answered, turning towards the cliffside. 

"You'll never get a view like this on a bullhead." 
I said, admiring the view. Seeing the bright green trees surrounding the area as birds chirped throughout the sky. 

Pyrrha: It's beautiful. 

Amber: Hey! Lets stop for an hour. 
She said, climbing off of her horse as she looked at them. 

Y/N: For what? 
He asked as he looked at her. 

Amber: For food. 
She replied before walking away from him as Pyrrha climbed off. 

Pyrrha's POV 

"I'll go with her." 
I told him, looking at him with a small smile before following Amber into a small store. 

Amber: Here. 
She said, giving me a bag. 

Amber: Grab anything for you and your boyfriend. 
She said as I felt my cheeks go red. 

Amber: Are you going to grab it? 
She asked, looking at me as she shook the bag. 

I said, taking it out of her hand before walking past a window to not see Y/N. 

"Where's Y/N?" 

Third Person POV

???: You're here to collect for mistress? 
A raspy voice called out as Y/N nodded silently, standing in front of a small figure in black robes. Their skin pale and wrinkly as their hands shook, holding a pile of lien in hand. 

Y/N: The mistress appreciates your prayers.
He said as the figure bowed before him. 

???: It's an honor to be in the pres-SHANK 
They said before feeling a cold blade lodged through their chest. Their eyes widening as blood flowed to the floor. Their eyes staring into Y/N's as he stared them in the eyes. 

Y/N: The mistress appreciate your services. But they will no longer be needed. 

To Pyrrha 

Amber: Is that all for you and him? 
She asked, looking at Pyrrha as she slowly nodded. 

Amber: What is it? 
She asked as Pyrrha shook her head with a red blush. 

Amber: Fine. 
She said before handing in 5 lien. 

Cashier: Thank you miss. 
They said as Pyrrha followed Amber out of the store. 

Pyrrha: What now? 

Amber: We rent a room for the night. I'm tired of being on the road for the last two days.

Pyrrha: A room and a bath would be nice. 
She said, holding onto the bag tightly. 

Amber: Yeah. Those two things would be nice. 
She said with a small smile. 

Y/N: Looks like you two are done. 
He said as the two nodded. 

Y/N: You two want to stay here for the night? 
He asked as the two nodded. 

Y/N: Come, I know where we can rent rooms.
He said before leading to a building as some eyed them. 

Pyrrha: How do you know about this place? 
She asked as she looked at him. 

Y/N: I stopped by here every so often. 
He answered as he looked at her with a small smile.

Y/N: Here. I'll be right back. 
He said before walking into a large building as the two girls stayed outside. 

Pyrrha: Have you ever been to this place? 
She asked as she looked at Amber. 

Amber: No. I've never been through here. 
She answered as she crossed her arms, waiting for Y/N. 

Pyrrha: What do you think of this place? 

Amber: It's peaceful. Not too loud and not too many people. 
She said as Pyrrha nodded. 

???: Look at you beautiful. 
A masculine voice called out as the two looked to see a man in a short sleeve black vest, long sleeve brown shirt with black pants. His amber eyes staring at them as Pyrrha backed away. 

???: What's a beauty like you doing all the way out here? 
He asked, his hand reaching for Pyrrha before feeling a crushing grip around his wrist. 

???: AH! 
He screamed in agony as he fell to his knees while the two looked at Y/N. His demonic hand gripping onto the man's wrist. His E/C eyes glaring at him as the man looked at him with anger and fear. 

Y/N: Far from your pack bandit? 
He asked with disdain as the man groaned. 

Bandit: D-D-Damn yo-
He groaned before feeling a cold sharp blade against his throat as Pyrrha gasped. 

Bandit: D-D-Don't. 
He muttered with fear as he felt nothing but Y/N's glare as Red Queen was pressed against his throat. Suddenly Y/N flung the bandit to the side as he glared at him.

Y/N: Spare me the presence. 
He growled as the bandit quickly scurried away. 

Pyrrha: Y/N? 
She asked, reaching out for him as he looked at her. 

Y/N: Let's go. 
He said before walking into the building once more as the two followed him inside. 

???: Enjoy your stay sir. 
A voice called out as the two girls followed Y/N into a hall. 

Pyrrha: How many rooms did you get? 

Y/N: Two. 

Pyrrha: Oh...
She said as Amber eyed her before coming to a stop. 

Y/N: Here. 
He said before opening a door, revealing a room with two beds. 

Y/N: You two will be staying here. 
He said as Amber walked into the room. 

Pyrrha: What about you? 

Y/N: I'll be staying next door. 
He said before tapping another door. 

Pyrrha: Okay... Good night Y/N. 
She said with a small smile before walking into her room. 

Y/N: Night Pyrrha. 

Here is chapter 74 of Who The Monsters Are! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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