Chapter 38★

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Both of the shell guard bow down seeing Jungkook there with something in his hand. Face is filled with dark gloomy cloud and eye is look like fire from campfire.

"Sir! You're here. Is anything you needed?" One of the guard asked him.

"Why? Couldn’t i come to visit my family without any importance? Do you made rules of that?"

They gulped down and stutter to give answer. Never ever saw Jungkook with those types of cool but kinda arrogant like behaviour. It's crap the shit out of them.

"No Sir. Please don't mind me. Sorry. I'm really Sorry. I shouldn’t asked you this."

They both bowed again and again until Jungkook chuckled and told them to stop. Said he was just joking.

"Open the door for me. I just came to give them a little visit."

The door opened and he entered with a mask on. This shell is full of dust and spider nest. They never ever clean this room and it’s what make the victims pain increase.

It's his first physical visit here in a month. Yes! It's been a month that they're under Mr. Kim's control. And they will be until Taehyung kill them.

Saw them lifelessly leaning back to the metal chair when their body is tied with a ton of chain is gave him a different kind of satisfaction.

He grabs a bucket and throw the water on them. They woke up with a sudden friction of jump and snap open their eyes.

Mr. Jeon's jaw dropped after seeing how boldly Jungkook standing there. It's totally a new person. That old slim, tiny, little Jungkook is now grow up with a big muscular body and knife sharp jawline.

"Surprise my lovely guest."


"Don't. Don't take my name with that filthy mouth of yours Jeon."

Robin is way to tired to leave the head back rest. A month without any food and water is not a normal thing for someone. That's why he was just looking at Jungkook with his lean back position. Eyes craving for forgiveness and sadness filled.

Jungkook put on a hand gloves and take out a knife. A knife which is not sharp at all but extremely rusted.

Jeon's eyes suddenly widen when Jungkook took a slow step near towards him and grab his neck tightly. But leave immediately as he don't want to kill him yet.

He kneel down in front of his chair. Where his hand is tied with the metal hand rester of the chair.

"Hmm. Which finger i should cut first? This!!"

He pointed his pinky finger with the knife.

"Or this." Now it's the middle one.

"Nah. Both of this is useless. I think this one should go first. Why not? You have always threaten me raising this finger towards my face right. This one deserve the better."

He meant the index finger. And before even Mr. Jeon could say anything. He stab the rusted knife at the edge of the finger. Jeon screamed. Until he can't scream anymore. Because of not sharpened, the finger cut slowly and when the rust hit the raw meat it jolted his body with a striking pain.

"Opps. My surgery is success."

He said excitedly and walk away from there leaving him crying in pain. The pack he took inside with him was actually a chili powder. HE KNOWS HOW TO PLAY THO!!!!!!!

Taking a very little pinch of the powder and spread it over the place where is finger fully cut down which is now falling at the floor.

And suddenly pour down the whole pack and a last scream leave Jeon's mouth before he left his sense.

"What a poor creater. Can't handle the seasoning?"

He left the sight and go beside in front of Robin. Gripping on his hair harshly, he made his face straightly looking towards him.

"Spare me."

The only word robin said and Jungkook break into a sarcastic laugh. It's hit the wall and then come back to their ear again make it sounds like a real life horror movie.


He assumed him and hold down the gas lighter under his chin. At very low where the top of the fire could barely touch the skin but when it's hold on continuesly for 8 minutes. Robin's chin burn slowly.

All those psychotic work didn’t go unnoticed by Taehyung who observing the monitor with a cheeky smile adoring his face.

"I raised my love well. Should i be proud?"

He lighten up the cigarette and then leave his room. On his way to the torcher shell where Jungkook doing his work peacefully.

He look back and turn off the lighter seeing Taehyung there.

"You're here?"

"Yeah. Just to help you. Aren’t you happy to see me here sweetheart?"

"Of course i am."

He go near to him. Took his cigarette away from the mouth and let him release the smoke over his face and then smashed their lips together.

"I have something important to tell you baby." Pulled away the kiss and said.

"Let's go."

Giving a last glance to the both unconscious man. They leave.

"What's your important talk. You look so serious."

"The news of  Jeon's kidnapped is now spread to the whole korea and government is currently suspect me."

"Suspect you? How did they know?"

"Jeon's most competitive enemy was me and i also owe him a largest amount of debt. So government is actually getting hint about that. Not only me, some other persons to who has bad connection with Jeon. But i'm at the top of list."

"What should we do now?"

"Fulfil our work and live like innocent. That's it."

"Hmm. Got it. When?"

"That's tomorrow. You are going to a mission with me tonight. Our commandant has been kidnapped. We gotta go save him."

"Really. It's my first time. I'm excited."

He jump and clap his hand cutely. That's the only thing Taehyung couldn’t resist. Such a angelic creature he is. And that's why he pushed him back and hover at the top of him to melted into a passionate kiss that he was craving for.

Next and Last chapter coming soon. There's some disturbing words next chapter might be holding. You should skip them. And i'm gonna prepare myself for this and new upcoming story too!!! 🤍

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