Chapter 1★

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It's going to be a biggest deal for you Mr. Kim

A 45+ years old man tell this to a 28 years old boy who is standing there backfacing everyone wearing a black suit and a glass of wine in his hand.. A bunch of bodyguard standing around him.. The 28 years old boy turn around after hearing the voice.. A creepy smirk visible in his lip after hearing his partner..

Mr Kim: Glad to know that Mr. jeon.. I hope you satisfied me well this time

He pushed his hand towards the man to handshake

Mr. Jeon: For sure

Gladly take the hand

Mr. Jeon: But it's a surprise.. and have a condition.. I'll be glad if you accept it

Mr. Kim: No one surprised me in my whole fucking life.. It's my first time to get surprised..Of course i'd accept it.. What's the matter Mr. Jeon?

Mr. Jeon: You've to go to my Mansion for this surprise..

Mr. Kim didn't said anything but signale all of his bodyguard.. He again look back at Mr. Jeon and give him a smirk.. Which means he's ready to go

Soon a Mercedes-Benz car and 8 'Lincoln Continental' car leave the Bar

A ferrari is going before everyone..

Soon after 35 minutes later.. All the car entered Jeon Mansion..

The mansion is not as big like Kim Mansion.. But as a Rich and well known CEO.. Mr. Jeon earn a lot..

Mr. Jeon guide Mr. Kim to his Mansion.. Some of Kim's Bodyguard is going in with them but most of them standing outside..

Mr. Jeon: Sit down Mr. Kim

He guide Mr. Kim to the couch also sitting with him.. Mr. Kim left a bitter chuckle knowing that Mr. Jeon is paying him 50M dollars.. Yes. Mr. Jeon's Company is not getting well nowadays.. So that he had to take money from Mr. Kim.. Today is the day to pau for his debt.. But Mr. Jeon offer him a surprise which is Mr. Kim accept out of curiosity.. But he's preapred his gun in his back.. He knows what he have to do if Mr. Jeon didn't pay today..

Me. Jeon handed him a glass of whiskey..

Mr. Jeon: It's gonna be a a surprise.. So make sure you're throat is not getting dry

Mr. Kim take a sip from the glass tasting the bitter-sweet whiskey

I make it sure.. Just spill the tea already.. I can't control myself anymore for the surprise

A chuckle left from Mr. Jeons lip.. He knows the weakness of Mr. Kim.. So he's gonna use it for returning the money back

Mr. Jeon handed him a tablet.. A picture of a 20 years old boy..

For a moment Mr. kim's heart is stopped working.. He forget to blink when he saw a half naked boy.. Laying in the couch.. Looking like a sinful angel but hot as hell.. His lil tiger is starting grow seeing the view.. But Mr. Jeon is clever enough to understand.. He taking back the tablet fron Mr. Kim's hand..

Mr. Jeon: If you don't mind.. I want to pay my debt by giving him permanently to you.. You know my company is not going well even after taking so much money from you.. And there's only way to pay my money.. If you're accept it.. You'll get him within a minute.. You can just use him as your slave as much long as you want.. Because i'm not gonna take him back from you.. Think about it Mr. Kim.. A 20 years old virgin boy.. How good it would be

Mr. Kim: You know what? You finally did a great job.. Though you never did any others.. But yes.. I'm gonna take him.. But Mr. Jeon.. I don't think buying a slave is cost 50 Million.. Your 30M is you paying already by giving him.. But the other 20M i want within a months..

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