Chapter 13★

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Koo: How did you successfully kidnapped me?

Koo took the spoonful cereals in his mouth and asked Mr. Kim.

Koo: I mean it's jimin hyung's car and only he have his car key. And all i remember, i feel in sleep right after i sat on the car.

Mr. Kim smirked.

Mr. Kim: I put Gas Chloroform in his AC. That's why you both fainted slowly. As it's gas not liquid. And i put so little amount of it. So it doesn't harm none of you. Nor you faint directly. You just felt so sleepy that's it.

Koo: What? We both feel in sleep?

Koo said shockingly.

Mr. Kim: Yeah. Why are you surprised?

Koo: Then how is jimin hyung? If he fell in sleep while driving? What if he caused any accident?

Mr. Kim: Calm down. Nothing happened. He just park his car on the side way and divert onto it.

Koo: Oh.

Koo looked away. He lost his appetite remembering his Jimin hyung. How badly he want to meet him. How is he? Weren't he try to find him everywhere? And Ms. Taemy! He missed her alot. She was such a nice and cheerful lady.

Mr. Kim: What's your relationship with Mr. Park?

Koo looked up from his cereals bowl.

Koo: What?

Mr. Kim: I said what's your relationship with him? You both look so close with each other.

Koo: Oh. He's my hyung.

Mr. Kim: What kind of?

Koo: What do you mean by what kind of?

Mr. Kim: Was he your any kind of cousin?

Koo: No. We just meet each other coincidentally and became close like siblings.

Mr. Kim scoffed.

Mr. Kim: Close like siblings? How is it even possible that two person once meet and became this much close.

Koo: Think whatever you want but out relation is really like this.

Mr. Kim unhold his spoon. He put his both palm together and straight looked into Koo's eyes.

Mr. Kim: How many times have you slept with him? Was he better than me in bed?

Koo became shocked yet disbelief.

Koo: What are you saying. I've never slept with him.

Mr. Kim: How can i believe?

Koo: You found me virgin right?

Mr. Kim remember their first night. Yeahh. He was virgin. But out of jealousy, he can't believe that there's nothing going between those two. Moreover,


Koo stood up to go to the bedroom. He feeling so disgusted to hear that. Him. Slept with Jimin. How could he. He even can't think about it.

Mr. Kim: Where are you going?

Koo: I'm full.

Mr. Kim: I don't see much. Sit down and finish your food.

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