Chapter 36★

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Ten and another Henchman entered the torcher shell and saw Mr. Jeon and his Son still blindfolded and unconscious. He unfolded them and throw water on their face. They jump at the friction and come back to the sense. After realizing they're abandoned. They tried to stand up but saw their hands and leg tied with the chair and a pair of shackles tied with their neck.

"You think our boss brought you here to sleep peacefully? Bastard."

They laugh loudly and Mr. Jeon & his son look front to meet them.

"Why did you kidnapped us? What crime we have done?" Mr. Jeon scream his heart out.

"Lower your voice Motherfucker. Don't force me to slice apart your head from your body in front of your son."

He said and stretch his body. The other henchman laugh at him and chuckled.

"Don't be so harsh buddy. They need to die slowly."

"I almost forgot man. Thanks for remind me." Ten scoff and buckle the gloves in his hand.

" Wow. Archery?" Ten's eyes glistening at the things has put on the table.

"Why are you acting like you found your old love? The henchmen asked Ten.

It's a roleplay infront of Mr. Jeon who didn't have clue about it. Perhaps, he thinks whatever happen here is actually happening right now.

"Yes it is. Indeed." Ten softly rub on the Bow and smile.

"Should i play with it? I saw them after a long time."

"Why not?" Henchman says. Forcing a smile in his face.

Mr. Jeon gulp down his saliva as he saw Ten prepare the Bow and direct a Arrow in it. Straightly pointing at him.

"Ahhhhhhhh" A heart shaked scream left his mouth when the arrow pierced his left leg. His gut says it rip his inner throat at how loud the scream was.

"Opps." Ten says and pout playfully.

His partner left a mockery laugh and clap his hand.

"What a lack of practice Ten. You should practice more."

"Should i?" Ten says and point another arrow. This time at Mr. Jeon's Son. 'Jeon Robin.'

Robin's body actioned to leave the chair he was tied when the wooden arrow pierced on his shoulder. Another throat rip scream and a victorious smile from two psychopaths in front them.

"Hey. What a shame. You're still not good. Don't show your unprofessionalism in front of our guest." The henchmen's word poured a bowl of fake unhealthy comfort on Ten's heart.

"You're trying to test my patience huhh?

He tried to look angry as he grab another arrow which was made by steel and point at Robin but Mr. Jeon scream at him and start crying.

"Spare my son's life. Do anything with me. I did a lot of crime in my life time and i deserve these. But he's innocent. What's his fault why are you hurting him?"

Ten chuckle and put down the bow.

"Sparing his life because you're the criminal? Then what was Kim Jungkook's fault to be abused like this?"

Ten's eyes darkened and he gritted his teeth. Fist tighten while about to lose his patience.

'Jungkook! Kim Jungkook?" Mr. Jeon whispers.

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