Chapter 4★

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Koo: Mr. Kim i'm sorry.. This was my first time.. I really couldn't take the pain so i fainted.. Please forgive me i will not repeat it again

Koo said slightly shivering completely knowing that Mr. Kim's anger

Mr. Kim: I even didn't start yet but you're telling me to forget you?? You're really a slut huhh? You know that i'm gonna fuck you again tonight?

Koo: I'm not your slut Mr. Kim.. My brother told me that not to misbehave with you..or else you'll kill me.. And i know you will do whatever you want with me that's why i want you to forgive me.. Just please don't kill me

Koo started sobbing.. He is really innocent for this world.. Before he get fucked by Mr. Kim.. He just know that people did sex when they love each other.. And he thought that Mr. Kim love him that's why he want to do that.. But Mr. Kim proved everything wrong.. He's too afraid to tell anything.. He didn't want to face it again.. He just know one thing that Mr. Kim will kill him if Koo did anything bad.. So all he trying to be a good boy.. But little he didn't know that he already made a mistake while saying "i'm not your slut Mr.Kim"..

And that made Mr. Kim really angry... How dare Koo talk back him even saying that he's not his slut?????

Mr. Kim grabbed Koo's hair tightly made Koo look into his bloody eyes.. Koo flinched for this sudden action..and it made a sound that hearing like he just moan.. Mr. Kim look at his lip.. It's look so pinkish with a mole under his lip..

He smashed his lip too koo's and kissing him deeply.. Koo is having a hard time to adjust what just happened.. He never did kiss before.. Mr. Kim is his first kiss.. Last night when Mr. Kim kiss him.. That was much hungrier and painful one.. But now it's not like the past one.. But still he didn't understand how to kiss him back.. He just stay still..

Mr. Kim bacame more angry not getting kissed back.. He harshly bite his lower lip.. Koo trying to scream due to pain.. And Mr. Kim got his chance and slide his tongue inside his mouth taste the wet and hot carven..

After a few good minutes he pull out when he taste something salty+sweety.. Koo's lower lip cut when Mr. Kim bite on it.. Mr. Kim put his thumb on Koo's lower lip and press the bitten place more.. Koo scream due to pain

Mr. Kim: Never ever said that you're not my slut.. YOU ARE MY SLUT GOT IT.. i buy you permanently..i will use you.. And when i don't need you anymore.. I will throw you away like the trash you are.. So behave yourself you dirty whore

Mr. Kim stand up and get out from the room... While Koo sitting on the same place..

Koo: Why everyone hate me so much.. What did i do wrong.. I just want a normal life Mr. Kim.. Why you're hurting me.. I'm really that bad.. You look like a nice person but you made my life more hard.. I thought only my family can do this but.... Tskk you hurt me yesterday and now.... I'm sick.. For you.... But you not care for me.... You're so bad... I hate you

I miss you chimmmy.. When will you come back to save me~~~~~~

Happy Festa everyone 💜

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