sixty four.

291 2 0

   I lay on my back, my friends fussing over me as I look over to Big John, a weary look on his face, one that I'm sure mirrors mine.

   I mute the sounds of my friends' shouts and try to focus on him. My vision is still blurry from blood loss but I'm able to make out the wrinkles by his eyes.

   We rock with the movement of the water and I feel someone's hands run through my hair. I don't really mind who it is but it's relaxing. 

   "Cat," Big Join whispers.

   I hum, "yes?"

   "I... I don't know about me," he stutters, "but you, you're young and strong. I know you'll make it through this."

   I blink and my eyes lull slightly.

   "Take care of my bird, okay?"

   A tear slips from my eyes, "I will, I promise."

   "JJ too okay? Don't let him end up like his pops."

   "I won't Big John," tears start to gush out of my eyes and I don't quite know why.

   John B interrupts our conversation, "Dad? What's going on?"

   "It's okay bird," he smiles, "I'll see you at home."

   I hear John B begin to cry and my heart aches for him.

   Suddenly a sharp pain shoots up my side and I strain, gritting my teeth. I panic, my eyes flitting around, "JJ? Sarah?"

   JJ enters my vision, worry painted over his face, "what? What is it?"

   I squeeze my eyes shut, my breath beginning to slow. The pain fades away and I feel my eyes start to roll back. The overwhelming sensation of sleep calls to me.

   What's happening?

   Am I dying?

   "Cat! Guys, we need to hurry!"

   What about dad? I told him I'd come home safe and sound.

   And Big John? I just promised him I'd take care of John B.

   I need to see Wheezie again to break the news about Ward.

   And JJ...

   We're finally together.

   Finally acting on that "flirty friendship" everyone used to pester us about.

   What about me? I'm only 17.

   I can't go, not yet.

* * *

   "Cat? Oh my god, you're finally awake."

   I hum in response, I can't see whoever is talking to me. I rub my eyes, blinking a few times to let them adjust to the light. I scan the room I'm in, it's overwhelmingly white.

   My eyes flit to the people beside me, John B and Pope.

   Pope smiles, "you've been in and out for a few days, how're you feeling?"

   I put a hand to my head, "okay...I guess. Where am I?"

   "The OBX hospital," John B answers, "we're back home."

   "Really?" I smile, "we made it back with everyone?"

   Both boys' faces fall.

   I suddenly remember.

   "I... I don't know about me, but you, you're young and strong. I know you'll make it through this. Take care of my bird, okay?"

   My eyes widen, "I'm so sorry John B."

   He smiles, "it's okay."

   I purse my lips, "how longs it been?"

   "Only two days," John B sets his hand on mine, "we've all been kinda crashing with your dad."

   I grin, "do we still have the gold?"

   "Nope," Pope smiles and my heart drops, "it's all been exchanged for cold hard cash. Congratulations on your cut, you're now a few hundred thousand richer."

   We did it.

   The room door opens and Sarah and JJ enter, Cleo and Kiara not far behind them. The two blondes are instantly beside my bed, showering me with questions about my health.

   I smile softly, "hi guys."

   Sarah has tears in her eyes, "you didn't have to do that for me-"

   "Sarah, it's okay."

   She grabs my hand, nodding.

   JJ on the other hand is focused on my face, trying to detect any sign of injury. I raise a brow at him, "don't recognize me or something?"

   He pecks my forehead, "you're not funny."

   The room door opens again and this time my dad enters.

   After losing Ward and Big John, seeing him is like a breath of fresh air. The biggest smile in a while stretches across my face, "dad."

   He tucks his hands into his pockets, "welcome home kid."

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