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"400 million! I can't believe it!"

I walk beside Sarah and John B, grinning from ear to ear, "god I can't believe it. We can pay off my restitution!"

"I know-"


We stop, Ward coming outside with a smile, "what are you three plotting?"

John B smiles, "uh- the usual stuff."

I grin, "world domination."

Ward looks at me softly, "that's my girl."

I feel my chest fill with warmth. Everything is working out. I have two amazing families, money, and my friends. What more could I ask for?

"It's gonna have to wait a day though. Cause I'm taking this kid fishing tomorrow morning," Ward smiles at John B, "first light. Just you and me."

Sarah shakes her head, "no he can't tomorrow."

"Why not?"

"Cause we have plans."

"What plans are those? Sit by the pool all day?"


"Look, that boat needs a first mate and you need to start earning your keep around here, all right?"

I frown, why did the air feel so...thick?

Sarah frowns, "dad."

"What?" Ward grins, "sweetie he's new to the family alright I just wanna take him fishing. Is that okay?"

John B gives a small nod.

"Alright, it's gonna be good."

* * *

Mission melt the gold? A success.

I climb out the twinkie, stretching my limbs as JJ climbs out behind me holding the gold. He turns it over in his hand, "hell of a job melting this down dr. frankenstein."

Kiara scoffs, "like you could've done better."

"I could've done much better actually because I took a welding class."

I roll my eyes, "when?"

John B interrupts, "hey, hey shh. Chill out, okay?"

JJ rolls his eyes, "easy for you to say, you're not the one that has to pawn this piece of shit off. How'd I get this job anyway?"

I shrug, starting towards the shop, "you're the best liar."

I follow JJ into the store, taking place beside Sarah as we pretend to browse. I hear JJ spout lie after lie and try and keep myself from laughing. The lady goes to the back for a minute and I turn to JJ.

"Alzhemiers? Really?"

He shrugs, the woman coming back out. She clears her throat, "so I uh- talked to my boss, and this is what I can do."

JJ scoffs, "fifty thousand? You think I walked in here not knowing the spot price? I know for a fact this is worth 140 at least."

"Well sweetie this is a pawnshop. This ain't Zurich, do I look Swiss to you?"

"90 or I walk."

"Seventy, half price and uh- I don't ask questions about where you got this."

JJ grins, "I want that in large denominations please."

I almost grin, but of course there's a catch.

"Well here's the snag I don't have that much denominated, not here anyway. I can write you a cashiers check."

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