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   I listen, nodding along steadily as John B explains what he's found out about the royal merchant and the gold. Pope of course voices his skepticism, John B standing to present his evidence.

   Once he's done, I'm grinning from ear to ear.

   "So what's the plan?"

   "So Sarah Cameron's gonna bring the map tonight-"

   My neck snaps toward Kie so fast I think I might have whiplash. John B has failed to thus far mention Sarah Cameron's involvement. This might send Kiara over the edge.

   "Wait- Sarah? Why Sarah?"

   "Uh," John B stutters, "Sarah she got me into the archives in chapel hill yesterday which is how I got the letter-"

   "You were in Chapel hill with Sarah Cameron?"

   "He was macking on her," JJ interrupts.

   Holy shit Kie is going to lose her mind.

   "I wasn't macking-"

   "Totally macking-"

   "I was using her for access!"

   Kiara sits up straight, her brows drawn in confusion and what might be a little anger, "did you tell her about the treasure?"

   "I was trying to sneak into the archives-"

   "Is that a yes?!"

   "I- I left out-"

   "Yo what?" She almost blows a fuse, "you let a kook in on our secret? What about Pogue life? What about the t-shirt company bro?"

   "I was using her for information!" John B argues.

   "Why don't I believe you?"

   "I'm trying to make us filthy rich here. Okay, so that we can pay off a boat or- or uh- send Pope to autopsy school to study dead bodies," he waves his hands around, "look you guys know me! Do I look for the type of person to fall for Sarah Cameron?"

   Yes, absolutely yes.

   "You don't know her! You can't trust her!"

   Pope nods, "her brother did hit me in the back with a golf club."

   "Rafe and Sarah are two different human beings."

   "Sh-She's like a spitting cobra!" Kiara rambles, "first she blinds you and then-"

   "This is a bad analogy"

   "Listen to me! Whatever we get she's gonna try to take!"

   God this is getting us nowhere.

* * *

   "So I think I'm gonna handle this one alone, guys."

   Everyone looks at John B as if he has two heads. We've never done anything alone ever. That's almost like our whole thing. We're basically all attached at the hip.

   "I just don't understand why we're involving her at all," Kiara says.

   "Kie we're not involving her."

   Kiara makes a face.

   "It- it's just like a business meeting. Once we get what we need we cut her loose, plus we need a map, alright?"

   "Promise me nothings happening between you two?"

   I roll my eyes, stealing the blunt from JJ. I can't understand why Kiara cares so much. She never would actually tell us what happened between her and Sarah.

   All we know is that they were best friends and she completely ditches us for a few months then they broke up and she came running back.

   "I promise."

   "That was really believable."

   I nod, "super believable."

   John B ignores us, pushing open his door and climbing out the car.

   Kie sits back with a huff, her bad mood flooding the car. Me and JJ make eyes at each other as he snatches the blunt back. We sit in silence, the thunder breaking it every few seconds.

   I hear a thud, "did you guys hear that?"

   "Someone help!"

   My eyes widen, "holy shit."

   I throw open the door to the van, stumbling over myself as I sprint towards the calls for help. I find Sarah on the ground over John B, the boy not moving.

   "Sarah what happened?"

   "I don't know what to do! Topper shoved him!"

   I kneel on the other side of John B's body, watching as Sarah cries over him, pressing her lips to his.

   John B what the hell have you gotten yourself into.

* * *


   Sarah nods and I hand her the paper cup, taking a seat beside her on the small sofa. It's been a few hours since John B was brought in and everyone else has gone home.

   We sit in silence, Sarah glancing over at me every once and a while.

   "Lia? Can I ask you something?"

   I nod.

   "Do you remember anything from before you were adopted?"

   I narrow my eyes at her, it's sort of a strange question. I mean it's not secret information that I'm adopted, anyone who sees me and my dad together could figure it out.

   But why did that concern Sarah Cameron?

   I shrug, "I remember a bit, my dad, my siblings. Not much."

   She nods, "do you miss them?"

   "The only one I can really remember is my sister, so I guess I miss her."

   This makes her face light up, "Really?"


   Her face falls and she quickly takes it back, "I mean, I'm sure she misses you too."

   I nod at her mistake, thinking back. My sister and I were the same age. My brother was four years older. And our baby sister had dark curly hair unlike the rest of us.

   Holy shit.

   I stand, "I have to go home."

   "W-What's wrong?"

   "Nothing it's just uh- my dad texted. See you later." I rush to the elevator.

   The doors slide closed on me and I grip the hand rail. There's no possible way I could be related to Sarah and Rafe Cameron. The same Rafe who is constantly beating up on my friends.

   It's not possible.

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