twenty two.

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   "Oh my god!"

   John B slowly lowers me to the ground as our friends rush over to us. JJ kneels beside, running a hand over my tear stained cheek, "hey what's wrong? What happened?"

   Pope grabs John B's hand, "whose blood is this?"

   "Are you guys okay, what happened?"

   At the sound of sirens we all duck down. I lean into JJ's shoulder squeezing my eyes closed.

   I just need to see my dad.

* * *

   "John B what're we doing at a police station?"

   "Somebody's gotta tell them what happened."

   Pope breaks into a coughing fit and I squeeze my eyes closed. I have a pounding headache, definitely a concussion.

   I rest my head on JJ's shoulder as he talks to John B, "I'm gonna be real with you right now. You might end up in the lion's den but you don't go there on purpose. It's fundamental, it's just like my old man always told me. You should never, ever, trust cops, no matter the circumstance."

   "Your old man's an abusive liar."

   "I agree with JJ, fuck the police."

   "You going to the dark side now?"

   "When's the last time the police ever helped us?"

   "Peterkin looked out for me! Tried to, at least. They need to know."

   John B climbs out of the car and slams the door, shaking the vehicle. I rub my eyes, JJ looking down at me.

   "Stay awake, after this we can go to your place and you can take a warm bath and see your dad. How does that sound?"

   I smile, my eyes drifting closed.

   "Cat, I'm serious," JJ shakes me, "stay awake."

   "Kie! Start the car! Start the car!"

   John B runs back out to the car and everyone begins yelling. JJ clasps his hands over my ears to muffle their voices. Before I know it we're speeding down the road, everyone freaking out about something.

   I feel tears start down my cheeks again.

   I don't know why anymore.

* * *

   I wake with a Jolt, flying forward into the seat in front of me. I open my eyes, my friends panicking around me as people crowd the car.

   JJ shakes his head, "not a great time to wake up sleeping beauty. Pope drive!"

   We steer off the road, through the grass, Pope hitting a mailbox. Their voices are muted as the car stops, John B kicking open his door and climbing out.

   We take off again and I pull myself to a sitting position.

   "What's going on?"

   "John B's wanted for murder, they have posters of him everywhere. Rewards 25k."

   My eyes widen as I look back towards where we let him out, "is he gonna be okay?"

   "Pope you clocked that mailbox dude!"

   Pope grins, a blunt in one hand, his other on the wheel, "what can I say man?"

   Kiara glares at him, "Pope pull over."

   The car swerves before coming to a stop, Kie pushing open her door, "it's not funny he shouldn't be driving."

   JJ grins, "mama's mad."

   Pope and Kiara switch seats and she starts the car again.

   "Where are we going?"

   "The last place they're gonna look."

* * *

   "Last place they'll look because of how stupid it is."

   I hop the fence to Tanny hill, stumbling as I land on the other side. Pope practically throws himself over behind me, JJ laughing his ass off.

   Kie nods to herself, "okay, I have a plan."

   Pope grins, "Okay, I have plans, we can do plans. Let's do the plan thing. Let's get it. Let's plan it out."

   My eyes widen at him, he is really gone.

   Kie turns to him, "can you handle a plan right now?"

   He scoffs, "of course I can handle a plan right now. I'm plan guy. I'm mister plan-o-matic. Hey, I'm always thinking of a master plan!" He bursts into song and Kie grabs him, pulling him away."

   I watch as they go before looking up at the house. I look at the window next to Sarah's. My window.

   Sarah and Wheezy had showed it to me proudly and it was exactly in the state of when I left. Toys, barbies, and kids books.

   All things that were put there by a man I used to be dying to know.

   Now I wish I'd never met him.

   Kiara and Pope walk back over, the two of them oddly quiet. Kiara nods at me, "come on."

   She walks off and I look back at Pope. Something definitely just happened.

   "Pope are you-"

   He nods, "let's go."

   We walk together after Kiara around to Sarah's window. Pope splits off going a different direction as we climb up the balcony to Sarah's window. Kiara quickly taps her knuckles on the glass, Sarah running over.

   She grins at us, trying to force the window open only to realize it's latched shut. She looks over to me and her face falls. I can only imagine what I look like, dried blood in my hair, sweat and dirt all over my face.

   Kiara pulls out John B's reward paper and shows it to Sarah, the girl's eyes widening.

   "Are you in on it?"

   "Did you think I was?"

   We both shake our heads.

   Sarah turns to me, smiling softly, "are you okay?"

   I purse my lips, shaking my head.

   Before she can respond we hear heavy footsteps.

   "Sarah! Sarah!"

   Her eyes widen, "go!"

   We quickly duck down from the window as Ward bursts through the door. I crawl behind Kiara as we climb down from the balcony, taking off towards the car.

   When we get there Pope and JJ are sitting inside, the car already on. We climb in and speed down the street, JJ briefly turning back to me, "you see her?"

   I smile, "she's Sarah, she's with us."

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