forty two.

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   "Pope, you're driving pretty fast."

   "Wooo!" Pope accelerates.

   "Uh Pope," JJ leans forward, "last to judge and all but I think you should slow down a little."

   Pope turns, "that would definitely delay our arrival to the cross."

   I reach for my seatbelt, "Pope eyes on the road."

   "Why did we let him drive?"

   "Because I said I'd rip your ears off."

   "Because he said he'd rip our ears off."


   "I was joking by the way."

   "How're you feeling buddy?"

   "Fantastic! I don't know what JJ's cousin gave me but I am moving!"

   "We couldn't tell," Kie rolls her eyes.

   "Okay um you're going really fast right now."

   Pope completely turns around, leaving one hand on the wheel, "really fast!"

   "Pope!" Every screams for him to turn back around as the car swerves in and out of the lane.

   "I don't know if you've noticed but there's these giant oak trees all along the side of the road right now, they're like six inches off the road."

   Pope goes over into the next lane to pass the car in front of him, completely ignoring the oncoming traffic.

   "Pope you don't need to pass!"

   "This is a two lane!"

   "Get back over!"

   He swerves back to our side of the street, "what an asshole, right?"

   "We're not gonna get to the cross if we're dead Pope!"

   "We're not gonna die," Pope turns around, "it's our divine right to get that cross."

   "Pope look at the road!"

   "Oh shit!"

   I squeeze my eyes shut as I slide across the seat into JJ, the car hitting a tree and throwing us off the road. We screech to a stop as the windows bust, the airbags exploding.

   I brush the glass from my hair, looking up to where JJ's crouched over me. He looks down at me, "you alright?"

   I smile, "never better."

   "That is the last time you drive Pope."

   JJ pushes open his door, slowly climbing out of the vehicle before helping me out trying to guide me to avoid the glass.

   I hear Kie curse as she examines the damage done to her father's car.

   JJ sighs, "Kie, one word. Totaled."

   I slap him, "seriously?"

   "My parents are gonna kill me," she gorans, "for real this time."

   "Yeah well weren't they gonna do that anyway?"

   "Helpful, thank you."

   "We're gonna have to walk the rest of the way."

   "Dude seriously?"

   "I'm going to get my cross."

   John B grabs Pope, "Pope-"

   "Get off of me."

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