fifty seven.

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   I look down at the map Neville drew for us, "this seems pretty straight forward."

   JJ nods, "yup just super straight forward, straight forward halfway across the world."

   "Where are we going anyway?" I look up as we get closer to land, the tourist district coming into view, looks like some sort of party.

   "Hitting up Kie's, gotta get the girls, then go find Cleo and Pope," John B explains.

   We pull into the dock by The Wreck and I watch as the kooks drink and celebrate. I spot Kie and Sarah standing together, they're whispering to each other about something.

   JJ lays down, "think I'm gonna sit this one out, the Carrera's aren't too big fans of me."

   I shake my head, "alright, John B let's go."

   He helps me up onto the dock and we walk into the party together. I watch as Mike makes his way to the stage, clinking his glass for the crowd's attention. He starts his sappy speech about his family and the past few months, corny but cute.

   "Psst! Sarah!" John B waves the girl over to us.

   Sarah runs over to us, wrapping John B in a hug, "long time no see."

   She lets him go, turning to pull me into a hug. I wrap my arms around her, letting my head rest on her shoulder for a moment.

   "I really needed you," she whispers.

   I smile, pulling away, "I'm here now."

   We lead her away from the crowd as she shoots us questions about why we're here and what's going on. John B stops turning to grab Sarah's hands.

   "Sarah I'm so sorry, about everything, about lying and the way I talked to you," he sucks in a breath, "I messed up."

   I feel like I'm watching my kids get married.

   These two are the blueprint.

   "Okay we gotta go-"

   "Wait!" Sarah stops, "there's something I have to tell you first. You see it's a mistake and it's not something I would ever do again."

   My brows furrow, what is she talking about?


   "I hooked up with Topper."

   What the hell?

   So much for the blueprint.

   John B looks like his heart just broke.

   Sarah shakes her head, "it was a mistake. I wanna be with you and I don't wanna hide anything."

   I watch as the two stand in silence. They start whispering and I can't hear anything until the final, "we're done."

   And John B walks off.

  Sarah looks to me, "Cat..."

   "I..." I take a step back, "Sarah what?"

   Tears roll down her cheeks, "Cat-"

   It all hits me. Did Topper get with Sarah just because he couldn't get with me? If I hadn't rejected him would Sarah and John B still be together?

   "There's more," Sarah frowns, "dad- he's- he's back on the island."

   My eyebrows shoot up, "what?"


   "I can't," I turn, walking off towards the boat.

   When I get there I find JJ with a blunt in his mouth, his hat over his eyes. I toss his hat aside, taking the blunt from him.

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