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"You're staying where?"

"Tanny hill."

"So you're living with Sarah Cameron?"

My heart drums, why would Ward adopt John B? What was that about? He would adopt John B but didn't even want to keep me? What the hell-


I look up, JJ bumping shoulders with me, "we're about to head out, you good?"

I suck in a breath, "of course, let's go."

I go to stand from my seat, JJ pushing me back down as he takes a seat beside me, "seriously Cat? What's wrong? You've been acting weird since-"

"Remember how I told you before I was adopted I lived in a castle?"

He nods, "yeah, a castle on the beach."

I purse my lips, bouncing my leg, "JJ, I think that castle might have been Tanny Hill."

His eyes widen, "what- how does that even make sense? How'd you figure-"

"It's the Cameron's! They've been hinting at it this whole time! Sarah used to try so hard to be my friend and to get me over to her house. Her and her brother always call me Lia. The way Ward looks at me. I don't know I just-"

JJ silences me, placing a hand on my bouncing leg, "Cat. It's okay. As soon as we finish whatever the hell John B has us doing today, you and I will go back to your house or Tanny Hill and we'll figure it out. Me and you, okay?"

I smile, "yeah, plus it would be pretty dope to find out I've been secretly rich this entire time."

JJ ruffles my hair, "that's the spirit."

* * *

"This is it."

I slide out of the car, looking up at the old crane house that apparently holds the answers we've been searching for this past week.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Worst case scenario."

"Why'd it have to be here?"

Can you tell we're not too thrilled to be here?

"I heard Ms. Crain buried her husband's head on the property," JJ shares, of course being super helpful when we're all already spooked.

I sigh, "let's just get this over with."

It takes about point 5 seconds of us wandering around before someone opens their mouth to spread gossip. Sometimes I swear I can't tell the difference between my friends and a group of 13 year old girls.

"You guys know whose house this is right?"

"Oh yeah, I do."

John B rolls his eyes, "look, honestly I don't believe the stories about this place-"

"Shhh!" JJ shushes him, catching up to Kiara, "which stories did you hear?"

"The one where she killed her husband with an ax and that she's been holed up here ever since," for some reason Kie entertains this, "on certain nights when the moon is full, you can see her in the window!" She raises her hands in a spooky manner, breaking into a grin.

"No it's not funny Kie cause it's all true-"

"Boo!" I push past JJ, causing him to jump as I catch up with Kie.

"It isn't funny! I knew Hollis!"

This gains some attention as we all stop walking.

I narrow my eyes, "you knew Hollis Crain?"

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