twenty one.

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"We go in there, guns ablazing, make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible and vamanos, get the hell outta there."

"Send that shit right down the intercostal-"

"Wait for the weather-"

"Exit to Cuba."

JJ grins, "Cuba? Nah man Xcalak, Jewel of the Yucatan. Lobsters so thick, mangoes, and no word for money."

I grin, "let's do this shit."

We pull up to the back of the airstirp gate a few minutes later, everyone piling out the car. We line the fence, Kiara glancing around, "what's the plan? Broad strokes."

"I don't think we got that far."

Pope looks through the binoculars, "they're loading up the gold."

John B takes them from him, "there's Ward."

I squint watching as another person climbs out of the black car, "John B who is that? Who is that?"

"It's Sarah."

"She's with him?"

I shake my head, "no, I need to go over there."

I start over the fence, John B grabbing me, "what're you doing?!"

"I'm his daughter too, he's not gonna hurt me if I play dumb. Maybe I can buy us some time," I yank away from him, dropping down to the other side of the fence.

I take off in a sprint over to Sarah, grabbing her attention as she asks a man about whatever is in the crates.

"Sarah," I grab her.

She spins to me, letting out a breath of relief, "Lia," she pulls me into a hug.

I pull away, "are you okay? I heard what happened and I'll explain everything-"

"Lia? What're you doing here?" Ward rests a hand on my arm and I resist the urge to take a step away from him.

"I heard what John B did, are you okay?"

He smiles, "that's very sweet, me and Sarah were just off to our house in the Bahamas. I think we could use a getaway of sorts."

I narrow my eyes, "really? Shouldn't you stay here? To make sure he gets behind bars, you know?"

Sarah looks at me in shock and I ignore her.

Ward shakes his head, "my lawyers can handle that but we really do need to be going. Sarah honey, please get in the plane."

Sarah shakes her head, "no, no I'm staying here!" she steps behind me, Ward stepping forward as I shift in front of her.

"Ward wait! We have time until the plane takes off with all this heavy cargo you know and the palm chopping-"

"How did you know about that?"

My heart stops.


I laugh, "sorry I didn't mean-"

Ward nods, "you're gonna have to come with us. It would be a nice bonding trip for the three of us." He grabs me and I try to fight him as he drags me over to the plane.

"Stop!" Panic rises in my chest and I feel tears flood my eyes.

Sarah follows after us, "Dad! Dad, stop! What're you doing?! You're hurting her!"

He shoves me into the plane, grabbing Sarah and pushing her on as well. I sit in the seat behind Sarah's as Ward starts up the plane.

Sarah turns to me, tears running down her face, "what's happening? What's going on?"

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