41. Tinsel Rooster (Rooster - Bradley Bradshaw)

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(Published December 13, 2023)

   "C'mon, Emery, if you can't even tell your best friend, then you're most definitely on the naughty list.  What do you want for Christmas?"
   "Honestly, I just want to decorate the Rooster like we used to."
   He laughed.  "Be serious, Em."
   "I am!  The tinsel draping competition is always a blast, and you make a great victim."
   "Okay, fine, how about something material?"
   "I've got enough clothing and blankets, but that's thoughtful of you!"
   "Oh, you are so asking for a nuggie."

   I grinned as I remembered the phone conversation Bradley and I had had the week before.  He wasn't going to make it home for Christmas this year.  He hadn't come back for Thanksgiving or the Fourth of July either, and it was starting to hurt.  I knew it wasn't really his fault.  Being without the kid who had grown up next door my whole life was hard, though.  I missed him.
   It was another normal Christmas Eve at our house.  Mom joked around with Carole as the three of us took care of the dishes.  The guys (my dad and brothers) were stuffed with turkey and pie, so they had waddled off to the living room to watch TV.  Once the kitchen was cleaned, Mom and Carole headed off to Mom's craft room for some quiet time where they could work on projects and chat.  It was good to have Carole over, especially since she didn't have much family around and we didn't have any family in the state.  It made holidays a little brighter, having her over to celebrate with us.  
   On past Christmas Eves, I had managed to convince at least one of my brothers to play a board game with me in the kitchen, but they were all excited about some new show tonight.  So, that left me to myself.  Not that I minded much.  I just felt especially lonely tonight, which had been happening more often lately.  Did I mention that I really missed Brad? 
   Sighing, I headed off to my room.  I closed the door so I wouldn't bother anyone else before turning on my CD player.  My custom holiday CD struck up a jivy song, and I sighed again, this time with a smile.  Waltzing dramatically over to my bookshelf, I tugged a photo album off of the bottom shelf.  With a bounce, I flopped on my bed and gently opened the cover. 
   I was happily immersed in memories from senior year and drowning in the tune of an instrumental 'Carol of the Bells' when it happened.  Two hands grabbed my shoulders lightly, and a male voice gave a very non-threatening "boo."  Threatening or not, I jumped with a loud squeak.  Spinning around, I found a familiar mustached man grinning at me. 
   "You're such a brat," I cried. 
   Leaping off of the bed, I began tickling him in the places I knew would get the desired reaction.  He tried to escape, but his intense laughter always foiled that for him.  Tickle fights were one playful fight I could win against him!
   "Uncle, uncle, " He finally managed to gasp out. 
   I obliged, stepping back to give him the best glare I could manage with a dumb smile trying to break through.  He just wiped his eyes free of tears and then grinned down at me. 
   "Surprise," He stated innocently. 
   I leapt at him again, this time for a hug.  He hugged back just as tightly as I hugged him.  It gave me a smidge of hope that he had missed me, too. 
   "I missed you," I grumbled into his shoulder. 
   He chuckled.  "I couldn't tell."
   "Sarcasm?  You can't use sarcasm!  You missed the Fourth of July picnic AND the Thanksgiving turkey chase!  No sarcasm for you, Navy boy." I teased, pulling away to look at him. 
   "I was bummed about the picnic, but not so much the turkey chase.  I've been the turkey one too many times."
   "But you made such a good turkey until your legs got long."
   "And yours stayed short.  Makes it hard to chase me, huh?"
   "Oh, hush!" I blushed and flung my arms around him again, unable to help myself.  "I'm so glad you're  here."
   "Me, too."
   He let out a content sigh and buried his face in my neck.  I stilled, not quite sure how to interpret this.  It was nice, but it was something my dreams had tortured me with that I had tried to block out.  I knew it was highly unlikely that I'd be able to end up with my best friend/crush, so I had shoved it deep inside me so it'd never show.  Now, his tight hug and warm breath against my shoulder made me wonder what his feels were.  Plus, how was I supposed to react to this?  Was there a normal reaction for it?  
   He pulled away, leaving his hands on my waist.  His dark brown eyes stared down into mine with a strange emotion I didn't recognize.  After a moment, I had to drop my gaze.  My heart was pounding, and I couldn't let it give me away.  I had to stick to our friend zone because I couldn't lose him.  It would hurt too much. 
   "What are we?" He blurted out. 
   I glanced back up into his eyes, surprised at the question.  "We're humans.  A pilot and a college student, more specifically."
   He shook his head, closing his eyes now.  "What are we to each other, Emery?"
   My heart sank, the pounding slowing as it fell.  I quickly became serious.
   "Why do you ask?"
   "Because I need to know."
   "I don't understand.  I'm your best friend, Brad, you know this."
   His eyes slowly opened again.  "Is that all we are to you?"
   I felt my betraying eyes sting to signal that tears were on their way, so I pulled out of his embrace.  Turning to face the window, I crossed my arms and tried to get a grip on my emotions.  I was not going to cry over this.  What gave me away?  How did he know?  What had I messed up?  The questions spun in my mind. 
   I heard him take a step toward me.  I felt his presence behind me.  The tears finally backed off, leaving just enough extra liquid for one pesky drop to escape my eye.  I quickly swiped it away.  Then, taking a deep breath, I prepared myself to respond.  He beat me to it. 
   "Emery, do you feel like we could be more?"
   I didn't have to think twice about my answer.  
   "All the time."
   He sucked in a quick breath. 
   "More than just boyfriend and girlfriend?"
   His hands found my waist again, and his chin rested on my shoulder. 
   "So I won't chase you away if I tell you that I'm so freaking in love with you that I dream of you constantly and keep a picture of you in my plane when I'm going into combat?"
   I giggled like a teenager, which was incredibly unlike me. 
   "I think that's sweet," I assured him. 
   He gently turned me around, and grinned.  "Does that mean I can finally kiss you?"
   "How long have you been waiting to?" I asked out of pure curiosity. 
   "Honestly?  Probably about the time I got out of the cootie phase."
   "Which was when?  'Cause I'm pretty sure on last week's phone call, you were complaining about your bunk mate's cooties!"
   "Ya gotta turn everything into a joke, don't you?"
   "Isn't that why we became besties?"
   "Probably.  Can I kiss you now, please?"
   "I dunno, you might have cooties."
   He grumbled something under his breath and I smiled cheesily at him.  Then, without another word, he leaned in and touched my lips with his own.  I basically melted in his arms, basking in the daydream come true.  He had to tighten his grip on me to keep me upright, chuckling as he did.  I didn't even try to make a quip or the like.  I was far too content kissing the boy next door who stole my heart. 
   After a minute, he pulled back and gazed down into my eyes.  
   "So, how long have you been waiting for that?" 
   I shrugged.  "I don't know, honestly.  I fell for you somewhere between Junior year and last Christmas.  Not quite sure when, though." 
   "That's a long time to hide your feelings." 
   "I was afraid of overstepping.  I didn't want to chase you any further away than you already were." 
   His face fell a little at that.  It was the truth, though.  The Navy was a long ways from home, and a long way from me.  
   "Well, I'll be around a lot more now.  Missing holidays with your family and my mom has been tough." 
   "I bet.  But we can make up for this holiday now that you're here!  There's still plenty of time to decorate the Rooster," I teased.  
   He rolled his eyes.  "Yes, because I want to be draped in tinsel from head to toe so badly." 
   "You do, you know you do!  It's tradition." 
   "I am disappointed that I missed the food, though.  Our moms are a machine when it comes to making holiday feasts together."
   "There's lots of leftovers.  You go say hi to the guys and your mom, and I'll warm you up a plate."
   He pecked my lips once more.  "You're the best."
   "So you keep saying!"

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