6. Can't or Won't (Rooster - Bradley Bradshaw)

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(Published July 24, 2022)

   I wasn't usually one to have a short fling with someone.  Bradley Bradshaw was my one exception.  When he had been in Top Gun the first time, we had spent one wonderful week having a short romance.  I hadn't heard from him since, but I hadn't forgotten him... and I hadn't moved on. 
   Then, out of nowhere, his caller I.D. appeared on my phone.  He was back in Fightertown!  My heart jumped for joy at the fact that he remembered and still liked me.  During the short call, he invited me to watch the sunset on the beach with him, which I readily agreed to.  It looked like his return visit was off to a good start!
   The sun was low in the west when I pulled into the beach parking lot.  Bradley's bronco was already there, sitting empty.  Parking beside it, I stepped out into the cool ocean breeze and scanned the beach.  There were a couple people scattered across the sand, but only one sat alone with a cooler beside him.  Locking my car behind me, I tucked my keys in my pocket and began walking towards him. 
   It felt like years before I finally came to a stop beside the blanket he had laid out.  Looking up at me, he sprung to his feet and smiled widely.  To my surprise, he flung his arms out, hoping for a hug.  I smiled and quickly obliged. 
   "Lynne," He murmured.  "Long time no see."
   "I'm glad you're back," I replied, though I couldn't shake that thought pricking me from the back of my mind.  If he was back, it was for a mission.  Likely a dangerous one. 
   "Me, too."
   He held me close for another minute.  I soaked in the hug, enjoying his subtle scent and his warmth.  I'd forgotten how strong his arms were, making me feel safe inside their embrace.  It was a feeling I wished I could hold on to forever!
   Too soon, he pulled away.  "So, what have you been up to, beautiful?"
   "Nothing exciting," I sat down on the blanket, and he followed.  "Just working, eating, sleeping, breathing.  The necessities!"
   He chuckled.  "You always were a consistent one."
   "Like I always say, why jump around searching for adventure when you're happy where you are?" I shrugged, drawing a line in the sand with my toe. 
   "Are you happy, though?" He asked after a minute. 
   I hesitated.  "Most of the time."
   He nodded, but fell silent. 
   "What about you?" I nudged him with my shoulder. 
   "Oh, pilot shit," He grinned.  "Seeking adventure, stuff like that."
   "Is that why you're back?  For another 'adventure'?" I asked quietly, looking up into his dark eyes. 
   He nodded.  "A near impossible mission, from what I've heard!  Should be interesting."
   "I bet," I mumbled, turning my gaze to the sunset. 
   And that was why I couldn't fall in love with military guys.  They charged into dangerous situations, and some of them never came back.  To get involved with a pilot was just begging for a heartache.  I shouldn't have fallen for Bradley at all! 
   If only he wasn't so lovable...
   "Hey," He suddenly tapped my shoulder, bringing my attention back to him.  "Why do you shut down like that whenever I talk about missions?"
   "It's stupid," I tried to brush it off, hoping he'd let it drop. 
   He didn't. 
   "I doubt that.  You're not typically stupid.  You can tell me, Lynne, c'mon."
   I sighed, turning to face him on the blanket.  "The thought of you never coming back from a mission makes me wish I didn't like you so much.  It'd hurt too much, if you never came back.  But you're the first guy I've ever really liked... and yet, I don't think I can do this."
   He thought this over a moment.  "Can't or won't?"
   I opened my mouth to respond, but he held up a finger, signaling that he had more to say. 
   "Listen, I know being a pilot's girl isn't easy and often isn't even fun.  But what do we gain from not even trying?  A normal guy could get in a car crash on the way home.  An electrician could get electrocuted.  Every job has it's risks, as does every relationship.  Why can't we try?"
   I flopped on my back on the blanket, thinking hard for a minute.  He gave me some time, but then leaned over me to look in my eyes.  I gave him a cheesy grin, and his mustache twitched as he tried not to smile.  He leaned his face a little closer to mine, only about a foot away now. 
   "What are you thinking, baby girl?" He murmured. 
   I felt a blush tinge my cheeks at the nickname.  "That you're making it very hard for me to not love you."
   He grinned at that.  I thought I saw a slight blush on his own face, but it was hard to tell in the dim light. 
   "Good.  I'd hate for this love to be one sided."
   I pushed up on my elbows, bringing my lips to his for a brief kiss.  "I can't be yours, Brad."
   "Can't?" He murmured against my lips.  "Or won't?"
   "Just...  Let me pretend I can resist you and you'll win the argument tomorrow," I flopped back on the blanket, giggling slightly. 
   "I can do that," He chuckled, sitting back up so I could, too. 
   "We missed the sunset," I exclaimed, staring at the darkening colors that the sun had left behind. 
   "That's okay," He gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear before winking at me.  "I was watching something much prettier."
   "Oh, you're so cheesy!" I laughed. 

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