12. Robin Egg Blue (Hangman - Jake Seresin)

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(Published August 13, 2022) 

   "You know," Hangman began as he dodged a punch I threw at his face.  "I asked the other sparring guy-" He swung an arm at my side, and I leapt backwards to avoid it.  "He said-" I whipped my foot around to force his knee to bend, but he recovered quickly, grabbing my wrist.  "That you aren't required to not have friendships-" I twisted free, ducked under his arms so I could attack from behind.  He spun around just as I lunged.  Even redirecting my attack, he caught my arms and smirked as I hesitated.  "Friendships with your clients.  So you really have no excuse not to go to out with me."
   I rolled my eyes with a half smile.  "Actually, I do."
   Breaking his grip with my body weight, I jumped back a few feet.  My open fists still raised, I nodded once to tell him it was his turn to attack.  He bounced on the balls of his feet before charging my way.  I let him get real close before grabbing his shoulder and rolling across his back.  He chuckled as I did, turning and wiping his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand.
   "And what would that be?"
   "I don't want to."
   His smirk grew.  "We both know that's not true."
   I knew he wouldn't let it drop.  Fortunately, I was saved by my smart watch alarm signaling that his sparring time was up.  Silencing the alarm, I wearily walked over to the bench by the door and grabbed my water bottle.  Hangman followed, picking up his shirt as well as his own water. 
   "Catch you tomorrow," He called after me as I headed towards the ladies locker room. 
   I spun around and took two steps backwards so I could wave at him.  Then, I escaped to the quiet of the locker rooms, which were almost deserted at this time of day.  Sighing, I rested my arm against my locker and leaned my forehead against it. 
   He was good.  Very good.  Sparring with him was a work out I wasn't used to.  Yet, he still was careful to never seriously hurt me.  If I got a bad bruise, it was usually my own fault.  I always enjoyed our work out time together. 
   But the arrogance!  Even with all the pilots I knew, I had never met a man so incredibly sure of himself.  I wasn't sure if I was okay with it or not.  I certainly didn't want to get involved with him. 
   It was sure fun to be around him, though!


   "Chinese buffet, then."
   He blocked my punches easily before taking a swing at my cheek.  I easily ducked to avoid it. 
   "I know a great one with the décor.  Waterfalls, live fish, fancy chairs, the works."
   I grinned, flicking a lock of hair out of my eyes.  He smirked back, his eyes daring me to accept.  I kept quiet, though, and charged him. 
   Somehow, my plan went out the window and what was supposed to be a hit and escape ended up with me flush against his bare, sweaty chest.  Surprised, I looked up at his face with wide eyes.  His strong arms held me securely to him as he smiled down at me.  His perfect teeth showed this time, framed by decently attractive lips.  My brain hatched a new idea as we hesitated there a moment, both of us breathing heavily. 
   "I'll take your hesitation to push me away as a yes to dinner," He teased softly.
   Grinning mischievously, I shifted onto the balls of my feet to press my lips to his.  It was just a brief touch before I was pushing away, freeing myself from his hold.  As I moved back to my starting spot, I kept my gaze on the stunned, yet grinning man before me. 
   "So that is a yes," He clarified.  It sounded like a statement rather than a question. 
   "Nope," I huffed a breath, rocking back and forth in my sort of squatting position to keep my muscles moving.  "I've got plans tonight."
   He darted towards me, and I danced around his attack.
   "Yep.  Movie date."
   "With who?"
   I threw a kick at his side, which he narrowly escaped.
   I snorted, figuring he wouldn't get the joke.  "No one."
   The smirk faded from his face as he focused a little more on sparring.  The rest of the hour went well, both of us dancing around punches and dodging kicks.  Some of the stunts we pulled weren't typical for sparring, but we had fun with them.  It kind of was like a dance!  We had an idea of how the moves were supposed to go, we just put our own touches to them or mixed them up a bit. 
   The only thing that concerned me was how Hangman didn't say hardly anything else.  He said his usual 'see you tomorrow', but that was all.  I knew he wasn't hurt or offended, so that made me wonder what he was thinking.  I hoped I hadn't given him any ideas.  My movie date with Hagrid was real, and I didn't want him to show up thinking I was just making up an excuse to not go out with him!


   "Aw, hell no," I grumbled as my doorbell rang. 
   I had just changed into my comfy clothes, locked the doors, and settled onto the couch to watch 'The Sorcerer's Stone'.  My movie date had officially started, and was almost instantly interrupted!  I thought about not answering, having a hunch on who it was.  Who else would show up at my door at nine at night?
   Except...  He was the only guy who would show up at my door.  No one else had much interest in me.  Grinning slightly, I hoisted myself from my cushy spot and made my way to the door.  Unlocking it and pulling it open slightly, my suspicions became reality. 
   "I come baring gifts," Hangman greeted with a smirk.  A plastic bag hung from one wrist while his other hand held out a bouquet of three light blue roses with Baby's Breath tucked between them.  I opened the door wider, accepting the flowers with a candid smile.
   "How did you know my favorite color?" I blurted out, glancing up at his eyes. 
   "When you like someone, you noticed odd things." He gestured to my favorite sweatpants that were the same Robin Egg blue.  "You've got shirts and shoes that color, your backpack has streaks of it, and your water bottle is a similar shade."
   "Oh," I gave him a grateful smile.  "Thank you."
   "You're welcome.  Just so you know, roses that color are hard as shit to find."
   "I bet," I laughed.  "You coming in?"
   His smirk grew.  "Wondered when you'd ask."
   "Don't get any ideas, Hangman.  You're leaving by eleven at the latest!" I assured him as he stepped into the hallway. 
   "I can make that work." He winked before heading towards my kitchen. 
   Shaking my head while trying to hide the smile fighting to be on my lips, I followed him.  He had set the bag on the table an proceeded to unload it.  First came a plastic container of what looked like colored caramel corn!  The popcorn was colored red, blue, yellow, and green.  After that, two bottles of hard cider which were followed by a box of nerds and a box of junior mints.  I leaned against the doorway, watching him with a curious gaze.  He slowly looked up at me, a confident smile plastered on his lips.  
   "I didn't know what kind of snacks you liked, so I got a couple options." 
   "I'm still trying to decide just how creepy of a stalker you are, knowing my favorite color, where I live, and my favorite hard cider." I headed over to the sink, filled a tall cup with water and settled the flowers into the liquid. 
   "Your front desk lady at the gym, Maddie, I think her name is, helped me out." 
   I turned to raise an eyebrow at him.  "Did you charm my coworker into divulging my secrets with your good looks?" 
   "I tried not to this time.  I simply asked how I could impress you, and she told me what she could.  Though when she added her own likes into the conversation, I knew I had to tread carefully." He chuckled, holding up his hands in a surrender position.  
   "Great, a jealous coworker is just what I need!" I shook my head with a grin before walking over to the table and picking up a bottle.  
   "Speaking of jealous, where's this Hagrid that I should be worried about?" He smirked, crossing his arms across his chest.  
   "Hagrid is a movie character," I told him with a laugh.  
   "So you passed up a movie night including drinks, snacks, and cuddles with me for a lonely one with Hagrid as your excuse?" 
   "Didn't figure you'd want to watch a movie.  You always seem far more focused on less appropriate things." 
   His smirk softened as he took a step closer to me, leaving less than six inches between us.  My stomach danced at his close proximity, making me very aware at how much I did like him.  I looked up into his eyes as confidently as he gazed down into mine.  He squinted a little, his eyes drinking in mine for some reason.  I kept my gaze on his, not wanting him to win whatever he was trying to do.  
   "As much as I think we'd be great together," He began quietly.  "The last thing the two of us need is to rush into anything.  Fools rush in." 
   His hand moved up to my jawline, and he lightly traced a few fingers across my skin.  It was a touch I hadn't expected from him, but found myself loving every second of it.  
   "That better not be a line, Hangman," I stated with a smile.  
   "Not this time," He let his fingers move up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.  "I hate adjusting to new sparring partners.  I don't want to make you hate me and have to go through it yet again." 
   I threw back my head and laughed.  "Oh, I see how it is!" 
   "Good.  Now, how about that movie date?" 

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