13. *Cute Drunk (Hangman - Jake Seresin)

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(Published August 03, 2022) 

   "You've got to slow down, Taylor," My best friend Abby warned me as I finished off another beer. 
   "I'm good," I insisted, signaling the bar tender for a refill.
   "No, you're hurt and trying to get drunk."
   "But besides that, good." I placed my hand on her shoulder, almost missing it on my first try.  "I don't want to ruin your night, so.  So don't worry m'bout me, okay?"
   Abby sighed.  "I'll keep an eye on you.  I'm going to go sit at a table, though, okay?  Holler if you need anything."
   "Mhm." I sent her a smile and she returned it, shaking her head fondly.  Then, she headed off to find better company. 
   Moaning pathetically, I sipped the new beer in front of me.  Just because I was heartbroken and desperate to have a drunk night didn't mean I had to ruin hers.  I really appreciated her being my designated driver, but I didn't want her to be stuck with miserable me. 
   Miserable ex-fiancé me. 
   I dropped my head on the bar drop and groaned.  I knew it had been stupid of me to accept a proposal from a doctor.  Me, a little nobody waitress who was too pretty for her own good and caught his attention one lonely night.  Me, who had doted on him for two years, thinking we could make it.  Me, who moved from base to base just to be with him.  Pathetic, miserable me. 
   As I lifted my head, my chocolate colored curls tumbled down around my face.  I brushed them back with my palms, blowing out a weird sound from my lips.  Drunk and hurt made me act strange!  Not that it was uncommon in a bar, which was why I wanted to come. 
   "Normally I'd begin with a clever greeting, but it looks like the last thing you want right now is a line thrown your way.  Broke up or cheated on?" A surprisingly smooth voice inquired. 
   Turning my head, I found what was probably the best looking guy I had ever seen leaning against the bar next to me.  I sat up a little straighter to get a better look and dropped my hands into my lap.  He smirked at me, raising an eyebrow, and I managed a half smile back before scrunching my nose at remembering my ex.
   "Broken engagement.  Probably cheating, too, but no one tells me anything." I waved my hand in the air like I couldn't care less.  "Why, you, too?"
   "No," He chuckled. 
   "Of course not.  Hot guys are smart enough not to make empty promises.  One night and done, ladies!  No promises of love, marriage, no practiced lines.  You lay it right out on the table." I reached over and patted his forearm, which was surprisingly muscled.  I almost lost my train of thought as my eyes took in the sight of his well built arms.  Fortunately, my mouth finished what I was saying.  "Thank you.  We need more honest men in this world."
   When my eyes made it back to his face, he was grinning in great amusement.  I took back my hands and turned to take another sip of my beer.  Out of the corner of my eye, I observed that he was still standing there.  My one question was: why?  I was clearly a drunken mess!  Why did he find it so intriguing?
   "What's your name, sweetheart?" He asked.
   Tipping my head to look at him through my curls, I frowned.  "Taylor the pathetic.  Yours?"
   "Jake Seresin, also known as Hangman."
   "Because you hang around here all the time?" I asked jokingly, my brain starting to fail me from the beer.
   "Could be something like that, I guess." His smirk made my stomach flip. 
   "You single?"
   "How do you feel about drunken idiots?"
   "You're not an idiot or pathetic.  And I think you're gorgeous and funny despite your current state of mind."
   I glanced down at my attire.  I had forgotten I had worn one of my party dresses with lace sleeves and a large open V back.  Even though my red flip flops didn't quite match, I still probably looked alright.  I looked back up at him and shrugged. 
   "Sometimes feeling pretty helps," I declared, smiling. 
   "Very true," He stood up and fished out his wallet.  "Want to get out of here?"
   "I need to tell Abby." I turned to search for her through the crowd, but almost tipped over as I did. 
   "She's right here, nodding and giving us a thumbs up." He pointed, and I gave her a thumbs up in return.  "Lets go."
   He slid an arm around my waist and carefully lead me from the bar.  I tried to walk as normally as I could, but I ended up putting most of my weight on his shoulder.  He was strong, though, and probably could've carried me easily.  Part of me thought about suggesting that very thing as I stumbled yet again over something.  Possibly air.  Considering the likeliness of that at the moment made me giggle. 
   "Do you often get this drunk?" He asked, leaning me against his car as he unlocked it. 
   "Nope," I replied, popping the P.  "Just when some jackass breaks my heart." 
   "Good," He chuckled, helping me into the passenger seat.  He smirked as he leaned on the car frame over me.  "Because for a drunk girl, you're damn cute." 
   I covered my blushing face with my hands as he headed to the driver's side.  When he sank into the seat, I peeked at him.  His smirk was still present.  As I let my eyes run over his face, I realized he didn't look at all like my ex.  He was more like a fairy tale prince, with his chiseled features and his slicked back hair.  I had never been into blond guys, but even I had to admit he was handsome. 
   Sooner than I expected, he pulled up into a driveway.  The lights to the house were dark, but I knew it was a rental of some sort.  Just enough of a home for a pilot who wouldn't be there too long anyway. 
   "Is this yours?" I asked as he opened my car door for me. 
   "Temporarily," He nodded. 
   "Wouldn't you rather take me home... to my home, I mean?" 
   "Sweetheart, I doubt you're going to give me clear directions at the moment." He chuckled again. 
   I reached up to wrap an arm around his neck, hoping to stay upright better this trip.  He was still really good about helping my dizzy state, his smirk widening every time I ended up leaning on him more.  Once we were in his house, he flicked on the hall light and led me into the darkened living room off to the left of the hallway.  There, he paused. 
   "Do you want the light on?" 
   "Not if I'm going to sleep here." Swaying a little on my feet, I turned to wrap my arms around his neck.  Just to steady myself, I silently rationalized. 
   "You really think I'm going to make you sleep on the couch?" 
   "Maybe that's where I want to sleep." 
   As we spoke, his face has gradually leaned closer to mine.  With his warm breath on my lips, I was suddenly glad I was already holding onto him.  My already weakened knees felt like they wanted to give out!  To keep that from happening, I tightened my grip on him, which brought me flush up against his muscled chest.  His lips were only a couple centimeters from mine now. 
   "Kiss me," He requested, his voice suddenly husky. 
   I didn't need to be asked twice!  I closed the distance right away, letting my lips move slowly over his.  His lips twitched, fighting a smirk as he kissed back.  Before I knew it, the kiss became more urgent and heated.  His hands roamed my back expertly, his fingers dipping under the lacy fabric of my dress.  I shivered as his fingertips danced over my ribs while his thumbs followed my spine.  I pressed my body closer to him, letting myself think of nothing but kissing his perfect lips right here and right now. 
   He suddenly pulled away.  "We're not having sex.  I don't want you to regret it in the morning when you're sober."
   "Okay," I gasped. 
   He looked me dead in the eye for a moment.  Probably looking for a sign that would tell him that I would be okay with that, I realized.  He didn't have to worry, though.  My heart wasn't set on it, so I wasn't disappointed in the least.  Apparently satisfied with what he saw, his let his lips connect with mine again. 
   I found his statement strange, since I had gotten definite playboy vibes from him.  On top of that, he was very passionate in his kiss and he was already hard.  Still, what he said made sense, and I wasn't about to argue.  Just being held, being kissed, feeling physically loved was enough for me. 


   Bright light streamed through a window that lacked blinds or curtains, waking me up from a heavy sleep.  I blinked slowly, my blurry vision slowly returning to it's normal clearness.  It took me a moment to remember where I was.  Bits and pieces of the night before filtered into my mind as I laid there on the comfy mattress.  As the memories returned, a smile graced my lips.  
   It had been a spontaneous night with a handsome man!  
   Since I was alone in the bed, I figured he had already left for work.  Part of me hoped he'd left a voicemail or something to let me know if he was done with me or not.  The other part of me wanted to leave him a note to thank him for putting up with me!  Cute drunk or not, drunken people were rarely fun to have around.  
   I sat up and instantly regretted it as my hangover made it's appearance.  Groaning, I paused for a minute to let the queasiness pass.  Then, slowly, I moved to sit on the edge of the bed.  Looking at my surroundings, I found a glass of water and a note on the side table.  Too quickly, my hand shot out to grab the note.  Flipping it open, I read his scribbled words slowly.  
   'Taylor, I know last night probably wasn't what you expected or hoped for.  I didn't want to take advantage of you like that.  You were too cute and far too interesting for me to have a one night stand with while you were drunk.  I hope that you might stay sober and stay over tonight?  Supper and entertainment is on me, and both will be good.  Yours, Hangman.'

   I giggled, pressing a hand to my lips. 
   "Why not?" I whispered to myself.  "What do I have to lose?" 

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