11. Hug Inspired (Bob - Robert Floyd)

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(Published August 3, 2022)

   The apartment door opened with it's usual squeak, pulling my attention from the TV show I was watching.  Pausing in the middle of the Tick and Arthur saving people from a falling bus, I sprung to my feet and darted into the hallway.  Bob  was pulling off his shoes wearily and his usually neat appearance was a touch disheveled.  He lifted his gaze to me and offered a small smile. 
   "Hi," He greeted, his voice even revealing that it had been a long day. 
   "Hey!  Rough day?" I asked. 
   He nodded, finally freeing his other foot from the shoe.  As he straightened, I walked forward and wrapped my arms around him.  I knew it was probably weird, but growing up with three brothers had taught me to know when a guy needed a hug.  After a long minute, Bob slowly hugged me back.  It was gentle at first, but then he let the stress go and tightened his arms around me.  I smiled, letting relief wash through me that he wasn't weirded out by a hug from his roommate. 
   After another minute, I pulled back and stepped a respectable distance away.  "There's some left over casserole in the microwave for you, unless you'd rather just crash."
   "No, um...  Thanks," He nodded once. 
   He moved into the kitchen and I retreated to the living room.  Unsure if he'd want to talk about his day or not, I powered off the TV.  The bus rescue could wait until tomorrow.  Instead, I picked up the nearest book and tried to focus on the words.  I heard him shuffling about the kitchen and warming his supper up.  If I hadn't invaded his space with the hug, I would've gone in to offer a hand like I usually did.  I was still afraid I had overstepped, though.
   Bob suddenly walked into the living room and sat down on the couch beside me!  Usually, both of us were really good about eating at the table, since the living room had carpet.  But here he was, sitting beside me while setting his plate on the coffee table.  I tried not to look too surprised as I lowered my book to glance at him. 
   "Paige, I, um...  I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you saving food for me, especially on bad days.  Well, and every day, but, um, today, too." He began nervously, his hands twisting in his lap. 
   "It's no big," I assured him, giving him a small smile. 
   "B-but it is," He took a deep breath...  And let it out, seeming to lose the words he was going to say. 
   I frowned slightly.  "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
   He shuddered.  "No."
   "Is Black Jack okay?"
   "Yeah, we didn't get hit or anything."
   "That's good." I hesitated before continuing.  "There's a late night concert coming to the park this weekend.  I'm trying to talk Sidney and Ana into going.  Maybe some of your friends and you would like to come, too?"
   "Yeah," He murmured. 
   Then, to my surprise, tears sparkled in his eyes behind his gold rimmed glasses.  I sat up in surprise, my eyes widening.  He blinked quickly, trying to hide the tears, but that just made them spill out and drip down his cheeks.  He instantly wiped them away, ducking his head for a minute as he sucked in a deep breath. 
   "Bob, are you...  Okay?" I asked quietly, knowing he wasn't. 
   He took another breath before lifting his head to look at me.  The tears were gone from his blue eyes, but there was a look in them I didn't recognize.  His eyes roamed my features, seeming to be searching for something.  I wasn't sure what he was hoping to see, though. 
   "I want to hold you so bad.  Not just now, but I have for a while.  Wanted you as my girl, I mean.  You take care of me, Paige, and you don't even have to.  It hurts, thinking I'm going to have to leave you shortly because they're going to send me on a mission.  And with the attack on us today," He shuddered.  "I know it's been a bad day and that's why I'm telling you all of this.  But it is true, Paige.  I swear it is."
   I sat there in a stunned silence, staring at him.  I didn't know how to respond!  He brought his gaze back up to my face with a hint of hope on his features.  I tried to shake the surprise from my brain.  As I tried to gather my thoughts, though, I could only think one thing: 'holy shit!'
   "So," I licked my lips nervously.  "You're saying that hug earlier didn't scare you off?"
   He cracked a smile at that.  "No.  The opposite, really.  I was planning on hiding in the kitchen and then going to bed so you wouldn't have to deal with my drama.  But then you- you made me want to be near you."
   "I'm glad." I scooted closer to him on the couch and placed a quick kiss on his cheek.  "Otherwise I never would've known your feelings!"
   He blushed.  "Sorry."
   "Don't apologize!" I objected, swatting his arm playfully.  "You've got nothing to be sorry for."
   "I know."
   Slowly and uncertainly, he moved his hand towards mine.  I knew what he really wanted, though.  So, I positioned myself so I was sitting beside him, pulled his arms around me, and leaned my head against his shoulder.  He was still for a moment, then tightened his arms around me in a hug.  I felt him bury his face in my hair, and I smiled happily. 
   I hadn't expected this, but it was wonderful!
   "I like you, too," I admitted quietly. 
   "I figured by the hug," He chuckled.
   "Confident about that, weren't we?" I teased. 
   "Well, I just kind of hoped, for the most part," He stammered, his nervousness returning.
   "I'm just joking," I turned my face to look at him.  "I'm glad I hugged you so you'd know you could tell me."
   He sighed contentedly.  "Me, too."

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