2. Give Me A Reason (Rooster - Bradley Bradshaw)

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(Published July 15, 2022)

   "Barricade is in the house!"
   Coyote's announcement got pretty much everyone's attention.  Fortunately, only the pilots that were gathered by the pool tables turned to watch my approach.  Resisting the urge to shake my head and grin at my old friend's greeting, I came to a stop a few feet from the group of my coworkers. 
   "Long time no see." Hangman sent me a friendly smirk, that turned into a teasing one with his next words.  "And still looking as good as ever."
   "Still got my brains, too.  Keep your pick up lines to yourself, Hangman," I joked back. 
   "Ooo," A couple guys who I wasn't acquainted with snickered.
   Hangman just winked at me.  "I missed you, too."
   As casually as I could, I scanned the rest of the pilots around us.  I recognized Bob, Coyote, and Hangman.  There was a woman and the other two guys that I didn't know.  I didn't see the one I was looking for, though.  So, I took a seat to watch the game, rather than join in the competitiveness. 
   "I'm Pheonix.  This is Fanboy and Payback.  You're Barricade?" The woman asked, striking up polite conversation. 
   "That's me," I confirmed, my head nodding almost knocking the aviators off of the top of my head.  I quickly righted them, making a note to speak confirmation rather than nod.
   "Why do they call you that?" Payback wanted to know.
   "Because she plants herself like a wall, and getting past her is actually pretty tough," Coyote spoke up.
   "She's not much into scout missions; she's more of a protect-what-she's-assigned-to-no-matter-what pilot," Hangman agreed.
   "Nothing wrong with that," Payback stated.  "That's why you weren't in the training with us, then."
   Hangman snorted, and I quickly cleared up the misunderstanding. 
   "I'm not part of Top Gun.  Just a pilot."
   "But if you're not Top Gun, why are you here?" Phoenix asked. 
   "Plane transfers.  I'll be flying some F-18s out in a couple of days."  I needed a way to turn the conversation to focus on someone else.  "Speaking of your mission, I heard Hangman scored another kill."
   "What can I say, my aim is impecable." Hangman bragged, hitting the cue into a striped ball and pocketing it.  As it did, he smirked up at me in his cocky way. 
   "Congrats, Hangman.  Hate to say it, but you're good." I gave in, giving him the compliment he deserved.
   "I always hated saying that, too.  Until he saved my neck."
   The familiar voice sent my heart thumping wildly.  Before I could turn, Rooster joined the group and greeted his friends.  To my disappointment, he didn't even glance my way.  Not that it surprised me; Rooster was never good about jumping into things, and I knew he hadn't expected to see me here.  Still, a greeting smile wouldn't hurt. 
   After greeting hugs and fist bumps, the tall pilot finally looked over at me.  I gave him a candid smile, earning a small one from him in return.  I could see in his dark eyes that he was trying to decide what to do. 
   He looked good, despite wearing one of those dorky Hawaiian button ups he always wore when off duty.  It was unbuttoned over a white shirt, which showed off his tanned skin.  His own aviators were hung on the collar of the white shirt, completing his casual appearance. 
   Damn, the boy was good looking!
   While I had been checking out the pilot who stole my heart, the pool game had continued.  Hangman was winning, of course, but Pheonix wasn't far behind.  I had lost track of the conversation, but it seemed to be just playful banter between friends.  Figuring it was a good time to make a quiet exit, I stood and made my way towards the door to the porch. 
   The fresh air blew across my skin as I stepped out on the porch.  Rubbing my damp palms on the thighs of my jeans, I tried to calm my excited pulse. 
   It was just Rooster.  We had only gone on one official date, hung out a few times, and emailed occasionally.  We weren't a notable couple, or even close enough to be considered a thing yet.  Still...  I had a crush.
   The door behind me opened, letting the loud sounds of the bar into the peaceful air as someone exited the building.  As the sounds were muffled by the door closing again, I felt a hopeful shiver dance down my spine. Maybe he had taken the hint! 
   "Hey Lara."
   With a smile, I turned my head slightly to acknowledge his presence.  "Hey Rooster."
   "It's been a while." He walked up next to me, his eyes slowly moving across the landscape before meeting my gaze.
   "Yep.  I missed you," I stated softly.
   "I-I missed you, too." He seemed nervous, like he had something bugging him.  We stood in silence for a few minutes, me waiting for him to say something more, and him...  I wasn't sure why he kept quiet.
   "I'd really like to hug you.  Please," I requested with a cheesy smile. 
   He chuckled.  "That's the Barricade I know, never afraid to ask anything."
   "The worst someone normal can say is no," I shrugged. 
   "I'll question the normal part of that later." He shook his head.  "C'mere."
   As he opened his arms for me, I moved forward and melted into his embrace.  He held me close to him, and I returned the hug just as tightly, silently assuring him that I did miss him.  There weren't a ton of us female pilots, and I didn't want him to worry that someone else might be after me.
   After a minute, he sighed, relaxing into the hug.  I smiled slightly at this.  He didn't need to be nervous around me!  It was just little old me, a boring pilot who had no ability to show off with fancy maneuvers.  I rarely made anyone nervous. 
   That was when he murmured something in my ear that explained it all.
   "I love you, Lara."
   Pulling back slowly, I lifted my gaze to his face.  Nervousness showed in his expression, and I could see his mind was spinning a mile a minute, probably telling him that he messed up and should never had said that because I might hate him.  Or at least, that was what happened in all the books and movies. 
   My surprised brain wasn't ready to form words yet, so I broke into a huge smile and grabbed him in a giddy, tight hug. 
   "Not the reaction I was expecting." He laughed uneasily.
   I pulled back from the hug to face him again, this time with words on my tongue.  "Sorry, have to keep you on your toes!"
   "That you do." He laughed again, taking a second to brush my hair back from my face.  His voice dropped to a whisper.  "Tell me...  Tell me how you feel."
   "I've had a crush on you since you beat me at that basketball game.  I've missed you more than I've ever missed anyone.  If that isn't love, it's got to be the start of it." I told him, clasping my hands behind his neck. 
   Grinning from ear to ear, he leaned his forehead against mine.  "I was waiting for you to give me a reason to kiss you.  I think that's one hell of a good reason right there."
   "Yes, please," I laughed. 
   And with that, his lips found mine.  Gently, his mouth glided across my own, sending my mind spinning.  I kissed back, standing up on the balls of my feet to meet him a little more equally height wise.  He kissed me for what felt like a good long minute before slowing his eager lips.  To finish it off, he softly peck my lips several times before finally pulling away.
   "Wow," I breathed.
   "I've been wanting to do that for a while," He admitted. 
   "Feel free to do it again anytime!"
   We both laughed at that. 
   "We'll keep in touch a lot more," He told me.  "Emails, texts, calls, whatever we can manage."
   "Agreed." I nodded, knocking my aviators down onto my nose accidently.  He chuckled, nudging the glasses into place with his finger.  Carefully, I pulled his glasses off his collar and placed them on his nose.  It was getting dark, though, and trying to see through the tinted glass was easier said than done. 
   "There, now we match,"  I joked.
   "Not even close," He objected.  "You're far prettier."
   "Oh dear, here come the cheesy lines!"
   "You don't like cheesy lines?"
   "Oh no, I do.  Don't stop!  I was just picking on you."
   "Good.  My pretty girl.  A picture perfect pilot who drives me crazy with emotions.  My beautiful Barricade baby."
   "Never mind, I take it back.  No more!"
   The two of us fell into laughter again, perfectly content just to be with each other. 

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