24. She's From Mars (Rooster - Bradley Bradshaw)

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(Published June 6, 2023)

   I stalked across the deck of the ship with purposeful steps.  I had to get out of this flight suit and into the showers before I blew up at someone.  Keeping my head down, I moved past my coworkers and the planes.  Fortunately, I made it to the door without being stopped by anyone.  Unfortunately,  Rooster was walking down the hallway towards me on the other side of that door.
   "What the hell?" He demanded.
   With a quick glare at him, I lowered my gaze and tried to brush past.  He simply began walking backwards so I didn't escape.
   "Hey, I know you're new here, but you can't ignore us.  Explain what happened out there."
   I kept walking, shaking my head.  My frustration bubbled up inside of me and threatened to spill over.  If Rooster didn't let me walk away, he was going to get the full wave of anger that beat at my willpower.
   Suddenly, he grabbed my shoulder and slammed my back into the nearest wall.  Gasping, my gaze shot up to his inquiring brown eyes.   I started to breath heavier and his eyebrows inched upwards, like he was afraid he had just released the Hulk.  I chucked my helmet to the floor and grabbed the collar of his suit.
   "What the hell happened?" I hissed, gritting my teeth.  "I was under a foolish leader's command, that's what happened.  We could've taken those planes out and saved hundreds of lives.  We had time, we had the shot, but the fool let them drop those bombs and get away."
 With that, I released his shirt and gave him a shove backwards so there was space between us.     "So I turned around and flew back.   If we aren't going to protect people, if we aren't going to do our job, then I'm out.  Report me if you want.   I don't care."
   We both stood there, quiet for a moment as we looked each other in the eye.   I wasn't going to let him give me shit.  After being transferred three times, I wasn't afraid of a fourth.  Heck, maybe they'd even take me out of the cockpit!
   "We follow orders," He began slowly.  
   "I'd rather be dishonorably discharged than follow that fool." I said through gritted teeth.  
   Snatching up my helmet, I turned and began speed walking towards the showers.  Rooster called out my call sign from behind me, but I ignored him.  I needed to get cleaned up before my commanding officer wanted to see me.  I could hardly think straight at the moment, and I knew a shower would calm me down enough to attempt to reason with him.  
   I made it to the showers without running into anyone else, to my surprise.  The warm water eased my tense muscles and washed away the sweat that had been clinging to me.  I sighed, both in relief and in exhaustion.  I wasn't physically tired, though.  I was world weary.  Weary of the Navy, weary of arrogance, weary of poor decisions, and weary of disappointing commanding officers.  They kept trying to keep me in the Navy, since they had a certain number of women that they had to accept, but I had a feeling I was almost out of chances.  And while I hated to fail so badly to be discharged, it also felt like a welcome escape.  I didn't belong here.  
   As soon as I was clean and presentable, I marched to Admiral Petroski's office.  Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door and waited for a response.  His usual booming "come in" was easily heard into the hall.  Straightening my shoulders, I pushed open the door and entered the dimly lit room.  
   "Lieutenant Eimes, I was expecting to see you today." Admiral Petroski looked up at me with piercing blue eyes that hid any emotions he was feeling.  
   "Sir, I knew you'd want to see me." I stated, looking straight ahead like I was trained to do.  
   He grunted and leaned back in his chair.  "You're not stupid." 
   I didn't know what to say in response, so I held my tongue.  
   "But," He quieted his usually boisterous voice.  "You have a bad habit of disobeying orders." 
   "Yes sir." I acknowledged.  
   "I'm supposed to report you." He mused, twirling a pen in his fingers.  "Discipline you, all the ugly things we do for disobedience." 
   He paused.  I kept my gaze level, not reacting and hoping my eyes didn't say anything.  
   "Fortunately for you, I have other ideas for discipline." He stood up right in my line of vision and looked me in the eye.  "You're not getting transferred or discharged.  But you're not going to fly for a while, do you understand?" 
   "Yes sir." I replied.  
   "Good.  You'll be on maintenance for a spell.  I'll have a list for you in the morning.  For now, get back to your other jobs and try to stay out of trouble.  Dismissed." His booming voice returned and I knew he wasn't too angry with me.  
   "Yes sir." And with a salute, I turned and left his office.  
   Once I was out in the hall and the door had closed behind me, I took a deep breath.  I was grounded and not discharged.  Part of me was elated.  It'd be a good change, not having to follow a fellow pilot's orders and having a steady job to keep me busy.  I didn't even mind that the others would make fun of me for getting in trouble!  Maybe things would be okay, after all.  
   I made my way up to the deck with a small grin.  The sun was shining and the planes glinted under the rays.  Taking another deep breath, I walked over to the plane I had flown this morning.  Running my hand over the wing, I smiled a little wider.  I was a lucky woman.  I deliberately disobeyed, yet the admiral hadn't taken flying away from me forever.  
   Turning my head, I found Rooster approaching.  "Yes?" 
   "You're staying?" 
   "For now." I left it at that since I didn't have the best track record at staying on ships.  
   His eyebrows dipped into a frown behind his aviators.  "But you're suspended from flying." 
   "Yes," I patted the wing of the plane before stepping away and crossing my arms.  "I think this counts as strike one and two, though." 
   "Well, lets try to avoid getting a strike three." The corner of his mouth twitched as he tried not to grin.  "You're a good pilot." 
   "I'm trigger happy and disobedient." I argued.  
   "We all have our cons." 
   I nodded, unsure of what to say next.  Fortunately, he spoke for me.  
   "So what does he have you doing?" 
   "Maintenance.  Probably cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen and such." My grin returned with my words.  
   His frown returned.  "And you're happy about this?" 
   "Could be worse." I shrugged.  
   He shook his head.  "You're an odd one." 
   "If you say so.  I'd better get to work." 
   "Stay out of trouble." 
   "No promises." 
   With a smile at him, I turned back towards the ship and started off.  Behind me, I heard another pilot approach Rooster.  
   "What's she so happy about?" 
   "I really don't know," Rooster replied.  "Sometimes I think she might actually be from Mars." 

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