Chapter Fifteen

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They were sitting in Y/n's office doing work together. Akutagawa had made some excuse about hers having better natural light than his and the LED lights giving him a headache when he had shown up at his door a few hours before.

Y/n had just let him in, not questioning his excuse. He had come to her office to work like this before and it always went the same. Akutagawa would make up a reason he was there, Y/n would let it slide. Then, Y/n would sit silently at her desk doing work, and he would take over the floor in front of it. They would exist in the same space together until one of them made a remark about being hungry, and they would round up Gin to go get dinner. Work, food, and one another: the only constants in the two young mafioso's lives.

Akutagawa settled himself in his usual position and began to get his work done. He opened his computer, checking on the verifications of the ship and the authorization to use the armored trucks he had requested. He hadn't been lying when he had told Dazai he was going to take everything from him, when he had said he couldn't wait to watch the man crumble. This was only the first step.

There came a sudden thud and Akutagawa looked up just in time to see Y/n taking a seat on the ground across from him, having dropped a pile of papers on the floor. She spread them out before her methodically, making sure everything had its place and everything was in its place.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his brow furrowed.

She shrugged, looking up at him as took off her fingerless gloves, throwing them to the side. It was one of the little habits she had that Akutagawa was proud to be privy to: Y/n hated writing when she was wearing her gloves. She claimed it threw off the balance of the pen but, Akutagawa had a sneaking suspicion she just didn't like the way it felt. 

"Joining you? What does it look like I'm doing."

He paused. Y/n, without looking, grabbed a file folder off the ground.

"You never have before, why now?"

"Hadn't thought to before." she responded immediately, echoing his words from so many years before.

Knowing Y/n and the way her mind worked, it was nothing if not intentional. She opened the file in her hand, signaling the discussion was complete and Akutagawa had turned to his work, smiling softly. The faint murmur of Tchaikovsky emanating from Y/n's phone and the rustling of papers filled the room. 

That was another thing he was proud of being close enough to her to know, she couldn't focus if there wasn't music playing. It had taken a while of them doing paperwork like this for her to reveal this fact to him. She had almost seemed embarrassed about it the first time she had turned it on, immediately justifying the action.

Before long, Akutagawa got a call. He quickly picked it up, Y/n shooting him a somewhat irritated glance as he greeted the person on the other end of the line, one of his subordinates.

"Are there any updates?" he asked, his voice cutting harshly through the quiet.

"The tracker on Izumi Kyouka is moving from the Agency." the man on the other end replied, "Our reports suggest the tiger is with her."

"Good. Thank you for letting me know. Get ready, I will contact you shortly." was all Akutagawa said in return before he hung up.

"Izumi Kyouka." Y/n hummed, her pen held to her chin as he grabbed his computer from the floor next to him and opened it up, pulling up the tracker's location, "Why does that name sound familiar?"

"You were listening." Akutagawa replied in mild amusement, his eyes fixed on the screen.

She appeared to be taking an odd trajectory, bouncing from place to place. He wouldn't be surprised if the tiger was with her, showing her around the city or something of the sort.

"Hard not to. She's one of Koyo's lot, right? The little girl who joined us just a few months ago?"


"She is quite an impressive one. Killed thirty five people just since she's joined us but Koyo doesn't seem to be set on her joining the special group... she has an ability, doesn't she?"

"Demon Snow, it's like Koyo's Golden Demon only it is controlled through her phone, by others."

"Impressive. A bit sad though too, isn't it? To have such a lack of control over something that is ostensibly an extension of her own body... She must be a rather valuable asset, what are you using her for?"

"Bait. To get the were-tiger."

"I see." she turned back to the papers in front of her, "Be careful with that one, she is new."

"I know."

"She might think there is a way out. There isn't. Not really."

"I know."

"Or worse yet, she might find one."

"I know."

Y/n was quiet for a moment. Akutagawa really expected her to end the conversation there, used to her frequently berating him over the simplest details. It was upsetting and irritating at times but, he had long since learned it was just part of who she was. That is why Akutagawa was surprised when she spoke again, her voice soft and some what hesitant.

"I didn't meant to imply you didn't. I was thinking out loud."

"Two apologies in one week." he replied, smiling slightly, almost imperceptibly, as he watched Kyouka's progress on the screen, "Should I be grateful or scared?"

"Ha ha, very funny." Y/n sarcastically replied.

Akutagawa shut his computer with a sigh, gathering his belongings and getting to his feet. Y/n looked up at him as he did, her head tilted slightly to the side.

"You're going?"

Maybe it was his own hope thinking for him or maybe it was really there. Either way, Akutagawa couldn't help but feel she was wanting his answer to be no.

"They're on the move." he nodded, "I have to go pick the tiger up and get him to the ship."

"Bringing him straight to the client this time. Need any help?"

There it was again -- that odd, unfamiliar edge of expectation. He shook his head no.

"Oh, well. Don't die or... whatever." she turned back to her work.

Akutagawa's eyes softened at the sight as she pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"Don't worry. I wont."

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