18. To The Bone

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Jungkook was immersed in his work at the construction site, overseeing the final phases of the engineering project. The hustle and bustle of the busy site were commonplace, the clang of machinery and voices of workers filling the air.

Amidst the tasks, an unforeseen incident unfolded. A heavy piece of equipment malfunctioned, sending it crashing down unexpectedly. Jungkook, unfortunately standing nearby, couldn't evade its path in time.

The sudden impact threw him off his feet, the metallic crash echoing across the site. His colleagues rushed to the scene, alarmed by the accident. The gravity of the situation became evident as they found Jungkook injured and lying on the ground, groaning in pain.

"Call for medical assistance immediately!" one of his colleagues shouted, frantically gesturing to others to bring help.

Jungkook, struggling to stay conscious, felt excruciating pain coursing through his body. He clenched his teeth, fighting against the agony, but the ordeal proved too overwhelming. His vision blurred, and darkness crept in, eventually overtaking his consciousness.

The scene buzzed with urgency as paramedics arrived, swiftly attending to Jungkook's injuries. With great care, they stabilized him before rushing him to the nearest hospital.

The scene was one of urgency and tension, the realization sinking in that his injuries were significant enough to necessitate immediate medical care. With every passing second, the gravity of the situation became more apparent, marking a turning point in his journey and abruptly steering him back home for treatment and recovery.


The sun dipped low in the horizon, casting a warm glow over the bustling cityscape. Jisoo was in the midst of a casual evening, her mind occupied with thoughts of home and plans for the night. Her phone suddenly buzzed, the screen flashing with an urgency that caught her attention.

"Jisoo, it's Joshua," came the hurried voice. "There's been an accident at Jungkook's workplace. It's serious."Her heart skipped a beat, a jolt of panic coursing through her veins. She struggled to process the words, her mind racing in disbelief.

Questions flooded her thoughts, seeking answers that seemed elusive."What happened?" Her voice was a mixture of fear and urgency.

"Jungkook's been in an accident at his workplace in Norway. He's stable, but he's being transferred to Seoul Hospital for further treatment. You need to be there.

Jisoo's world seemed to tilt on its axis. Her fingers trembled as she tried to dial Jungkook's number, each ring echoing the relentless thudding of her heart. No answer. Anxiety surged within her, urging her to move, to act.

She dashed for her keys, her mind clouded with worry, her heartbeat an unsteady rhythm in her chest. She had to get to the hospital, to Jungkook, to ensure he was okay.

Upon arriving at the hospital, Jisoo navigated the maze of hallways, her steps quickened by the gravity of the situation. Anxious faces, the aroma of antiseptics, and the sound of hurried footsteps filled the sterile corridors. As she approached Jungkook's room, her nerves heightened

Pushing open the door, she found Jungkook resting on the hospital bed, his eyes closed, a hint of exhaustion etched on his face. Tubes and wires surrounded him, their beeps and hums providing a dissonant melody.

Despite the tense atmosphere, Jisoo couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth as she watched Jungkook's peaceful expression. She pulled up a chair next to him, gently took his hand in hers, and whispered words of comfort, promising to stay by his side throughout his recovery.

Moments passed, and Jungkook stirred, his eyes fluttering open to meet hers. A soft smile appeared on his lips at the sight of her. His hand weakly squeezed hers, a silent reassurance that he was fighting through.

Their eyes locked, conveying volumes of unspoken emotions. In that quiet, vulnerable moment, amidst the sterile hospital room, they found solace in each other's presence. It was a brief respite from the worry and fear, a small but profound reminder of their unwavering connection.

"I've always wanted to surprise you, but this isn't exactly what I had in mind!" he grinned.

"Me neither, but what matters is you're here now. Let's focus on getting you better." She gently caressed his cheek and planted a tender kiss on his forehead. "Are you feeling up to eating something?" she asked softly.He shook his head slightly. "Could you get me something to drink then?"

"Sure, I'll get you a glass of plain water," she replied, promptly fetching the water for him.

As she handed him the water, a glistening film of tears veiled her eyes. She turned away swiftly, a subtle tremor in her voice as she said, "I'll be right back." Her steps faltered slightly as she made her way to the door. In the corridor outside, she leaned against the wall, stifling silent sobs. She couldn't bear witnessing him in that vulnerable state, the sight and the situation breaking her heart.

After a few minutes, Jisoo composed herself and returned to Jungkook's room, finding him still lying on the hospital bed, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. She approached him quietly, setting the water on the side table.

"Here's for you," she said softly, her voice barely audible as she perched on the edge of the bed.Jungkook turned his head slightly to look at her. His eyes held a mix of gratitude and concern, "I'm sorry you had to see me like this."

"You have nothing to apologize for," she assured him, a hint of emotion lacing her words. "I just want you to get better."

Their eyes met, and a tender silence enveloped them, punctuated only by the soft hum of the hospital room. Jungkook's hand found hers, gently squeezing it in a reassuring gesture. They stayed that way for a while, drawing strength from their silent connection, both finding solace in the other's presence amidst the uncertainty of the situation.

"Don't worry," Jungkook said, trying to offer a reassuring smile. "I'll get better soon. I promise."Jisoo gently squeezed his hand in response, her eyes reflecting concern and affection. "I believe in you. You've overcome challenges before, and you'll do it again."

He nodded slowly, trying to maintain a brave face despite the discomfort. "I know I'll be back on my feet in no time. Especially with you by my side," he added, grateful for her unwavering support.


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