2 Wedding Preparations

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The wedding preparations were in full swing as the town bustled with activity, adorned with festive decorations and an air of anticipation. Jisoo found herself caught up in the whirlwind of planning alongside her friends, each task carrying its own blend of excitement and nostalgia.

As she ventured into the quaint avenues, finalizing last-minute arrangements, Jisoo bumped into familiar faces at every turn. It was a small town after all, and encountering Jungkook amidst the preparations was no longer a surprise, though it still stirred a flutter in her heart.

"Jisoo, fancy meeting you here!" Jungkook's voice broke through her reverie, his playful grin lighting up his features. Hwasa's future husband is his cousin, it wasn't a surprise if they met.

"Small town, remember?" Jisoo quipped, attempting nonchalance despite the rapid beating of her heart.

Jungkook leaned in teasingly, a sprig of mistletoe dangling above them. "Ah, look what we have here! Mistletoe - a perfect excuse for a holiday kiss, don't you think?"

Jisoo's cheeks flushed as she playfully nudged him away, a mixture of amusement and discomfort dancing in her eyes. "Nice try, Jungkook. But not falling for that!"

Their banter was interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Joshua, who, oblivious to the tension, interjected with his characteristic humor. "Ah, there you two are! You know, there's an ancient legend in this town that says mistletoe grants wishes if you kiss under it. But really, I think it's just a ploy by the locals to sell more mistletoe!"

Jisoo couldn't help but chuckle at Joshua's timing, grateful for the comic relief that diffused the tension between her and Jungkook. As they dissolved into laughter, the awkwardness of their encounter faded, allowing them to continue their tasks for the wedding without the weight of unspoken emotions.

As the wedding preparations continued, Jisoo found herself engaged in conversation with Jungkook's niece, a bright-eyed girl with a mischievous smile.

"Uncle Jungkook still talks about you, you know," the young girl remarked, her innocent words carrying a weight that caught Jisoo off guard.

"Oh, does he now?" Jisoo replied, masking her surprise with a gentle smile. Her heart fluttered at the unexpected revelation, emotions swirling within her.

Before she could respond further, Hwasa appeared, a bundle of excitement, interrupting their conversation. "Jisoo, sweetheart, I need your help with the flower arrangements. Could you lend a hand?"

Relieved for the distraction, Jisoo nodded, bidding farewell to Jungkook's niece, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. As she joined Hwasa, the conversation lingered in her thoughts, the innocent words echoing in her mind.

Later, as the evening approached and the town glowed with twinkling lights, Jisoo found herself amidst a flurry of activity, ensuring every detail was perfect for Hwasa's big day. Nayeon and Wheein worked alongside her, their laughter and camaraderie adding a sense of comfort amidst the bustling chaos.

"Isn't this exciting?" Nayeon exclaimed, arranging a bouquet of flowers. "I can't wait to see Hwasa walk down the aisle. She's going to be stunning!"

Wheein nodded in agreement, then glanced at Jisoo with a knowing smile. "You okay, Jisoo? You've been quieter than usual."

Jisoo attempted a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, just lost in thoughts. You know, the usual pre-wedding jitters."

Wheein and Nayeon exchanged a look, understanding Jisoo's unspoken turmoil but respecting her privacy. They continued their tasks, the atmosphere filled with a mix of anticipation and nostalgia for the impending celebration.

As the night fell, with the town illuminated by the glow of decorative lights, Jisoo couldn't shake off the young girl's words. The revelation lingered, igniting a glimmer of hope within her, amidst the bittersweet memories of her past with him.

As the wedding eve descended upon the town, Jisoo, Nayeon, and Wheein found themselves racing against time to ensure everything was picture-perfect for the grand celebration. Amidst the laughter and shared memories, a playful atmosphere enveloped them, momentarily easing Jisoo's inner turmoil.

Just as they finished arranging the final touches, a mischievous glint in Joshua's eyes heralded trouble. "Ladies, gentlemen, and all the good people of this fine town, behold!" he announced dramatically, holding a rather peculiar-looking object.

"What on earth is that, Josh?" Wheein asked, eyeing the strange contraption with curiosity.

"This," Joshua proclaimed, brandishing the item proudly, "is the legendary 'wedding good luck charm' according to the town folklore!"

Nayeon rolled her eyes. "Oh, not another local legend! What's so special about it?"

"Legend has it," Joshua began theatrically, "that whoever wears this on the eve of the wedding is bound to have the happiest marriage ever!"

Jisoo chuckled, shaking her head at the absurdity of it all. "And I suppose you're going to suggest one of us wear that?"

"Exactly!" Joshua exclaimed, pointing the charm towards Jisoo. "And you, my dear Jisoo, seem like the perfect candidate!"

Before Jisoo could protest, Joshua lunged forward, attempting to place the eccentric charm around her neck. In the midst of their playful struggle, a sudden commotion erupted at the entrance.

"Hold it right there!" a familiar voice boomed, causing everyone to freeze.

Jisoo turned to find Jungkook standing at the doorway, an amused grin on his face as he observed the chaotic scene. Caught off guard, Jisoo's heart skipped a beat, the charm forgotten in Joshua's grasp.

"Looks like I stumbled upon the town's greatest spectacle," Jungkook remarked, his eyes sparkling with amusement.


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