8. Heartfelt Encounters

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The evening breeze whispered as Jisoo stepped into Wheein's inviting home. The living room glowed warmly, inviting them into the cozy sanctuary Wheein had created.

"Welcome, darling!" Wheein's voice carried excitement as she enveloped Jisoo in a tight hug.

"Oh, this place feels like a hug," Jisoo chuckled, settling into the plush sofa.

Nayeon beamed, "It's been too long! Ready for some friend therapy?". Jisoo's voice trembled slightly as she shared her dilemma. "I'm torn, guys. Jungkook's moving, and I'm not sure how I feel about it."

Wheein's eyes softened. "Long-distance isn't easy, Jisoo. It's okay to feel unsure."

Joshua, with a mischievous grin, interjected, "Ah, yes! The Jungkook dilemma strikes again. What's the plan, Jisoo?"

Jisoo sat right beside them, and sighed. "There's no plan,"

"I don't understand, Jisoo," Joshua teased. "If he's not your cup of tea, why stress about his move? More fish in the sea!"

Jisoo chuckled, "Joshua, it's not that simple! Can we not talk about this. I'm tired of recalling this situationship. Have you packed your things, Wheein?," she changed the topic.

"Yes, I'll be leaving Busan, tomorrow at 6am maybe I'll drop off the beach for awhile to see the sunrise," Wheein recalled a humorous anecdote, triggering a cascade of laughter. "Remember that time at the beach?"

Nayeon chimed in, "When Joshua almost got eaten by that seagull!"

Their laughter echoed, creating a jovial atmosphere.


As Joshua excused himself to help his mother with errands, the room fell into a brief pause. "Bye Joshie!" Wheein hugged him tightly, her fondness evident despite her teasing.

Nayeon chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully. "That guy, I swear," she quipped, glancing at Jisoo with a comforting smile. "But seriously, Jisoo, whatever you decide, we're here for you."

Jisoo nodded softly, appreciating her friends' unwavering support.

Wheein, ever the pragmatic one, leaned in. "Look, I'm not a fan of rekindling with exes, but you and Jungkook are different. It's like you never really went through a breakup. If your heart says there's something there, take your time and decide wisely."

Jisoo sighed, her thoughts racing with uncertainty and tangled emotions.

"I appreciate your honesty, guys," Jisoo said, her voice tinged with a mix of gratitude and apprehension. "I just wish I knew what the right choice was."

Nayeon reached out, squeezing Jisoo's hand gently. "Hey, it's okay not to have all the answers now. You'll figure it out in your own time."

Wheein added, "And remember, no matter what happens, we're right here beside you, cheering you on."

The trio shared a reassuring moment, each offering a comforting smile,
solidifying their unyielding support for Jisoo.As the conversation lingered, Nayeon, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, leaned in with a playful smirk.

"You know, Jisoo," Nayeon teased, "your oh-so-called situation-ship reminds me of 'Back To December' by Taylor Swift."

Jisoo chuckled, her eyebrows raising in amusement. "Really? How so?" she inquired, curious about Nayeon's comparison.

"Well," Nayeon quipped, "the whole 'wishing you'd come back' and 'missing your tanned skin, your sweet smile' vibe. It's giving off major Taylor Swift 'regretful ex' vibes."

Wheein joined in, giggling at Nayeon's observation, adding, "You're not wrong there, Nayeon!"

The lighthearted banter brought a moment of levity to the room, offering a break from the seriousness of their discussion.Amidst the friendly banter, a sudden ringtone shattered the ambiance, causing Jisoo's phone to vibrate on the coffee table.

Sound of the ringtone echoed through the room, breaking the chatter.

"Sorry, guys," Jisoo apologized, reaching for her phone. "I should take this."

As she glanced at the caller ID, a fleeting look of surprise flashed across her face, her brows furrowing slightly in confusion."Hello?" Jisoo answered tentatively, her voice a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

The room fell into a hushed silence as Jisoo listened intently to the voice on the other end, her expression shifting from puzzlement to a subtle blend of concern and surprise.


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