14. Get You

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As he woke, he found her peacefully sleeping beside him. A smile crept across his face as he observed her radiant glow. "Mine," he whispered softly, leaning closer to tenderly caress her face.

He dotted her forehead, both cheeks, and finally her lips with kisses, each one drawing a contented smile from her in her slumber. "Sleep a little longer," he murmured as she nestled her face into his neck.

"Are you awake?" she nodded groggily.
"I'm going to take a bath and get ready; because I need to get back to my place since my flight's around 3 pm, and I need to pack," he explained.

She wrapped her hand around his waist. "You're leaving and we still have some time... Can we just stay like this for a moment?"

"Of course," he replied, and they held each other, reveling in the peaceful silence. "Promise you'll call me every day."

"I promise, but even if I can't call, I'll keep you updated," she reassured him.
"You won't be flirting with other guys while I'm away, will you?" he teased, earning a playful smack from her. "I should be the one warning you."

Their eyes met in a silent exchange, and they cherished each other's presence. "Have I mentioned how deeply I'm in love with you, Kim Jisoo?" he whispered, brushing her cheek. "And I love you most."

"Every beat of my heart echoes your name, Jungkook. You are my everything."

Jungkook playfully teased, "Is that a quote from any books that you're reading?"Jisoo chuckled softly, nudging him with a grin, "Oh, come on! Can't a girl express her feelings without it being a book quote?"As they shared a light moment, Jisoo continued, "Alright then, prepare for the unfiltered, raw emotions—Jeon Jungkook, you are my world, my everything."

She hugged him tightly, her voice tinged with regret, "I wish I was this expressive back in the past..."

"Hey, remember our agreement? No dwelling on the past. Let's focus on now. We won't progress if we keep talking and thinking about it," he gently advised."Sorry," she apologized, her tone full of sincerity."Don't apologize. I'm not upset. I care about us, and I don't want you to be burdened by guilt forever. It's not healthy for us," he reassured her.She silently admired him, "Since when did the Jungkook I knew become this wise?"

Jungkook smiled warmly, "Life experiences, I guess. Plus, loving you brings out the philosopher in me."He changed the topic, "When are you leaving for Seoul?"

"I'm still on break until my graduation day, and I'm waiting to hear about the job. I might stay here for a while since my dad is around. I want to get to know him better," she replied.

He smiled and gently kissed her forehead, still unable to believe they were apart again. "Everything will be alright. Never lose your faith," he assured her.

"I know," she nodded.

"Are you planning to continue your studies? I remember one of your bucket list goals was to study until a PhD," he asked."Yes, definitely. I've just finished my bachelor's degree, so I'll take it slow but surely," she explained.

He kissed her forehead once more before rising from the bed, "Alright, I need to head home and start getting my things together. Will I see you at the airport?" he inquired, buttoning his shirt.“Yes, I'll be there,” she replied with a smile, reaching out for a farewell kiss. “I'll see you soon, handsome. Take care,”


Jisoo assisted Jungkook with checking in his luggage. As he was about to head into the departure area, he turned to her, managing a weak smile. “You know I hate goodbyes,” he confessed.

She offered a reassuring smile, “It's not goodbye, just a 'see you later'.”

"Every moment with you is etched in my heart, Jisoo. I'll count the minutes until I see you again," Jungkook expressed, his voice filled with genuine emotion.Her cheeks flushed slightly at his heartfelt words. “Don't lay it on too thick,” she teased, trying to lighten the emotional mood.

He gently kissed her on the lips. “I'll call you once I land,” he promised, his eyes conveying his reluctance to leave.

Nodding, she encouraged him to go, waving as he walked away with a smile. But as he disappeared from view, a pang of emptiness gripped her heart. “I already miss him,” she admitted quietly to herself, feeling the void left by his departure.

As Jisoo made her way out of the airport, a distant voice called her name. She turned, scanning the crowd until she spotted Jungkook hurriedly approaching her."Is everything okay? Did you forget something?" she asked, a mix of confusion and concern in her voice.

He was out of breath but managed to explain, "Yes... I forgot to give you a hug," he said, arms opening wide, a playful grin on his face.

Her laughter filled the air, finding his spontaneity endearing. She playfully rolled her eyes but embraced him nonetheless. "Your boarding time is in 6 minutes," she reminded him gently."I know, but I couldn't leave without this," he said, planting a quick kiss on her cheek before rushing back towards the departure gate.

Jisoo watched him run off, a mix of emotions swirling within her, as she held onto the moment of his unexpected dash back for one last hug.


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