3 Whispers of Love

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On the morning of the wedding, amidst the hustle and bustle, Jisoo, Nayeon, Wheein, and Joshua gathered, offering each other words of encouragement and support. The air buzzed with anticipation as they made final preparations, ensuring Hwasa's day would be nothing short of perfect.

As the ceremony drew near, Jisoo found herself wandering amidst the guests, feeling a mix of excitement and unease. Amidst the crowd, she unexpectedly encountered Jungkook's grandmother, a kind, wise presence amidst the wedding fervor.

"Jisoo, my dear child," Jungkook's grandmother greeted her warmly, sensing the turmoil within Jisoo's eyes.

Jisoo's heart raced, feeling the weight of past decisions. "I'm sorry, I should've-"

The elderly woman gently interrupted, her voice filled with understanding. "There's no need for apologies, my dear. Life takes its course, and we learn from its twists and turns."

They engaged in a heartfelt discussion, Jungkook's grandmother sharing wisdom accumulated over the years. "Sometimes, a break is necessary for both to grow. It's never too late if there's still love. Do you still love him?"

Jisoo hesitated, her emotions raw and vulnerable. "I... I don't know. But I care deeply for him."

The elderly woman's eyes held a knowing glint. "Love has its own way of revealing itself, dear. Time will tell."

Later, as the wedding ceremony progressed, emotions reached a crescendo within Jisoo. Overwhelmed by conflicting feelings and memories, she sought solace in a quiet corner, only to find herself embraced by Jungkook's grandmother.

"It's okay to feel, my child," the wise woman comforted as tears streamed down Jisoo's cheeks. "You did what you thought was right. But don't let regrets overshadow the love you both shared."

As Jungkook stumbled upon the emotional moment between Jisoo and his grandmother, he discreetly attempted to steer the conversation in a different direction, pretending he hadn't noticed Jisoo's tears.

"Grandma, I didn't mean to interrupt," Jungkook began, trying to divert the attention away from the emotional exchange. "How about we find some more relatives to catch up with? I'm sure you have plenty of stories to share."

His grandmother, perceptive as ever, gracefully covered for Jisoo, diverting the conversation. "Oh, of course, dear! I was just telling Jisoo here about my wedding day and how it feels to see family members take their next steps in life."

Jungkook left them to mingle with other relatives, but not without a lingering glance towards Jisoo, his grandmother's whispered words echoing in his mind.

Meanwhile, from a distance, Jisoo observed Jungkook engaging with relatives. Her heart raced, guilt gnawing at her for the past decisions that led to their separation. However, her contemplation was abruptly interrupted when Wheein and Joshua caught her red-handed.

"Girl, don't even try to hide it," teased Wheein with a mischievous grin. "You've got that look on your face like you're falling for your ex!"

Joshua joined in, his playful demeanor adding to the teasing. "I'm placing bets that they're secretly plotting to get back together!"

Jisoo attempted to deny it, feeling the weight of guilt and undeservingness. "No, no, it's not like that. I mean... we're just-"

Wheein interrupted, nudging her gently. "Hey, it's okay. We've seen the way he looks at you too. You both have that 'unfinished business' vibe going on."

Jisoo sighed, unable to deny the truth in their words. She knew she was still harboring feelings for Jungkook, yet the guilt of ending things lingered heavily within her.

As the wedding celebration continued into the night, the energy of the festivities soared. Jisoo, Nayeon, Wheein, and Joshua joined the lively crowd, soaking in the joyous atmosphere. Suddenly, amidst the rhythm of the music, Jungkook approached Jisoo, a determined look in his eyes.

"Jisoo, would you like to dance?" Jungkook asked, extending his hand towards her.

Jisoo's heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening in surprise. All around them, their friends, especially Nayeon, wore expressions of shock and bewilderment, clearly caught off guard by Jungkook's unexpected invitation. Nayeon's eyes darted between Jisoo and Jungkook, silently mouthing words of astonishment.

With a mix of hesitation and curiosity, Jisoo glanced at her friends, realizing they were as clueless as she was. She hesitated, unsure whether to accept the dance, the weight of unspoken emotions and unresolved history lingering between her and Jungkook.

The crowded dance floor fell silent, all eyes fixed on Jisoo and Jungkook, waiting for her response. Her heart raced, torn between the past and the uncertainty of the present. The moment stretched, creating an electrifying tension that seemed to envelop the entire room.


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