12. Rediscovery

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Jisoo and Jungkook embark on a day-long journey, visiting the places they cherished during their past relationship.They strolled down the familiar cobblestone pathway, the autumn breeze carrying a sense of nostalgia. They reached the quaint café tucked away in the corner.

Jisoo smiled,  "Remember this place? We spent hours here, sipping coffee and talking for what felt like minutes." He grinned and nodded his head, "Yeah, our little hideaway. Feels like it was just yesterday. We always sat right there, by the window."

As they stepped inside, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee greeted them, evoking memories of laughter and shared stories.They then walked through a nearby park where they used to take leisurely strolls.

"We used to come here after sunset. The view of the city lights was mesmerizing." She nodded, "I can't believe how much has changed, yet this place feels unchanged."Their steps led them to a serene lakeside spot they once frequented.

She pointed out, and said, "This was our spot, remember? We'd sit here and watch the sunset."

She pull him and scoot over to sit beside each other, he gazing at the horizon "It's just as beautiful as I remember. But sharing it with you now... it's different."

She settled beside him, feeling the warmth of the setting sun painting the sky in hues of orange and pink.He glanced at her, a soft smile gracing his lips. "I've seen countless sunsets, but none quite like this. It's as if this moment was waiting for us."

She took a deep breath, the significance of the moment sinking in. "It's been a whirlwind of emotions, hasn't it? Rediscovering these feelings, reminiscing about the past...". He nodded, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "It's been a rollercoaster. But being here with you now, it feels right."

Her gaze lingered on his profile. "Jungkook, about us... I've been reflecting, and maybe... perhaps we could give it another chance?"

His heart skipped a beat at her words. "I've been thinking the same thing, Jisoo. I can't imagine not having you in my life. But... it won't be easy with the distance."

"I know. But I believe in us. We've grown, learned, and now we're stronger. And if we want this to work, we'll find a way." Their eyes met, sharing unspoken promises of commitment and determination.

"We'll take it step by step, day by day. And when the time is right, we'll bridge the distance." he said.

"Together," she added, intertwining her fingers with his."I promise, Jisoo. I'll make sure to keep in touch every day. Video calls, messages, anything you need. I'll be there for you."

She nestled closer, feeling a mixture of comfort and sadness at his impending departure. "I'll hold you to that, mister. Don't forget me when you're off exploring the world."

He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into a reassuring embrace. "I could never forget you, Jisoo. You're my anchor, no matter where I go."

She smiled through the bittersweet emotions, cherishing the moments they had together. "Just promise to come back soon."

"I promise. And until then, let's make the most of the time we have. But promise me one thing—don't go changing your number and replacing me with some charming prince while I'm away." She chuckled, lightly nudging him. "You're irreplaceable, Jungkook. Don't worry. No princes stand a chance against you."

Grinning, he feigned offense. "You better not be exchanging your phone for a crystal ball to find your prince, you know."

"Well, I guess I'll just have to keep the line clear for when the 'Jungkook the World Traveler' calls," she teased, enjoying their playful banter.Cupping her cheeks gently, he looked into her eyes. "Jisoo, have you ever thought about us..., getting married?"

Her eyes widened slightly in surprise, and she blinked, processing his question. "Married?" She took a moment, feeling a mix of emotions. "I mean, it's something I've considered... But...". He noticed her hesitance and quickly reassured her. "Hey, I didn't mean right now or anything. I just... I see a future with you, Jisoo. A future where we're together."

Her heart warmed at his words, but she was cautious. "I do too, Jungkook. I just... I think we have so much ahead of us. And marriage is a big step."

Nodding in understanding, he brushed his thumb gently against her cheek. "You're right. Let's take things step by step. No rush." They smiled at each other, and let their hand intertwine.

"What do you think your friends would say about us? And... what stories will we tell our children?" He looked at her, a glimmer of humor in his eyes.

She giggled at the idea. "My friends? They'll probably say we took forever to figure things out!" She smiled at him. "And as for our future kids, maybe we'll tell them about the adventures of 'Jisoo and Jungkook: The Great Love Story.'"

Jungkook chuckled softly, he nodded. "Ah, I can already picture it: 'Once upon a time, in a world far, far away...'"

"In a world where two people met, went on adventures, and fell deeply in love," she finished, playfully joining in the whimsical storytelling.


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